The unusual feeling of someone caring


Days? I was asleep for days!

I had no idea!

This was bad.

“I have to go back.” I told Esra while we stood outside her tree palace.

“Why?” I couldn’t understand, “You almost died there.” She was trying to stop me from going back.


“Yeah but that’s where I live. I know living in a weak pack is nothing to be proud of but my family is there and I’m supposed to be the next leader. I can’t just disappear.” I don’t really care much about my family but important people live there.

“You would have been dead anyway if you didn’t reach the forest so just stay.” I get her point but still, the chance to live was already granted to me and that means I haven’t been released from my responsibilities.

“I can’t.” I shook my head, “You don’t understand. If I disappear the whole pack is in danger.”

“Why?” I couldn’t understand why she would stop me. Was she worried about me? That’s not possible. We just met.