The comfort I find in her

The next day when I was strolling around the pack many people came running to me and bombarding me with questions.

“Adam, thank God you’re fine.” Well, I’m not really but okay.

“We thought you were dead.” Yeah me too...

“What would happen to us if you’re not here?” I wonder if that’s what kept me alive.

“Right? You have to be here!” Right… For you all...

“Of course he’ll be here. It’s his responsibility.” Yes… It’s my responsibility.

“Right Adam? You’re here for us, right?”

They looked at me with desperate eyes, full of fear and full of force. It was like they wanted to chain me down to them.

“Why aren’t you answering?”

“Are you planning to leave us?”

“He was gone for days! Maybe he’s thinking about running away!” They began to assume among themselves

“No wait.” I spoke.

“You’re turning out to be like your father!”

“No!!” I raised my hands, “I-” I gulped, “I’ll always be here.”