I have to end what I started


The most terrible thing had happened.

While I was gone, the rogues we killed this time of the year last time came back for revenge. Not only did they come with stronger forces, they also showed no mercy.

They took our livestock, robbed the houses and even tried to kill. Although the adults could handle themselves and fought back the kids couldn’t.

Zen, Beth and Lily were dead. Beth’s mother also had no life left in her eyes as she cradled her kid in her embrace. Most likely trying to protect him.

Their bodies were left out in the open near the shed ripped open to show cruel dominance.

I gulped as I felt my head buzz and tears fill my eyes. I couldn’t believe it. They were gone? The truth was right in front of my eyes but it wasn’t sinking in.

Oh God…

I felt my soul shiver.

How did this happen? A feeling of deep distress coarsed my entire being and I felt so pathetic. I stared at them with trembling hands. How… How can this happen?