MEMORY: Good and Evil (Part 2)

‘The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.’

It is a quote attributed to Edmund Burke, which Mrs. Gordon had made us jot down in our English notebook. Since then, it had been on my mind lately, wondering if it was a silent protest from her, (I heard she got into a heated argument with a certain Evil we all knew, and was threatened to be removed from her post because of it), or if it was to encourage us to do something, perhaps?

But is there really something we can do, aside from playing safe all the time?

“You don’t have to concern yourself with anything else except to finish your studies. You should be a good role model to your sister. What if you get in trouble?” I heard Mom tell my sister on the phone. I think Sis was considering joining one of those rallies in the university. I never imagined her as a political activist, more so, as someone who was willing to get involved over matters who weren’t her own.