YANA: Yup, that's my name

I’m Julianna Sevilla, and no matter how much I want to change part of it, no matter how much I want to hate it, I just can’t. As a product of mysterious circumstances, I consider my name as an important clue, so I guess I have no choice but to keep it for now.

There’s this striking memory I have from when I was three. Jasper was still a baby so it was just Mom and me on that day at the mall. I’d been constantly asking her to take me to the amusement park but I was too young to try the rides so we always ended up eating in my favorite fast food joint instead.

I always chose the table near the playpen so I could watch the other kids go up and down the slide. I was really small at that time and Mom was afraid I’d get squished by the bigger kids so she wouldn’t let me. “Let’s wait ‘til you get taller, sweetie,” she would always say to me.