Meixiu deeply breathed before she decided to twist the doorknob of Chaoxiang's apartment's main door. She is nervous, Chaoxiang told her they should talk and settle their issue, the one she opened up when he visited her office. Something came up and Chaoxiang wasn't able to go home for the last three nights so she was saved from explaining herself. However this time, she knows she's doomed.

"I was so nervous that it's you who's not going to go home this time."


She was so stupefied upon seeing Chaoxiang in front of her the moment she closed the door. To her surprise, she almost dropped the box of cookies Ruomei gave her. Chaoxiang almost laughed with her reaction but he controlled himself for he wants to intimidate the woman she married almost two months ago.

"So glad you're here, I want to ask you something.".

"Is it about Suyin again? I told you already. You don't have to be jealous."

"It's about your older brother."