"Director Yang, can you believe it? The perfume Zhao Chaoxiang promoted got sold out. I repeat sold out!", Meiying is soaring through cloud nine, reporting to her Director Meixiu.
"I know, it's insane. An hour after his video promotion was uploaded, the product sold out."
"Are we going to invite him for dinner Director Yang?"
"Why?", Meiying got confused.
"You always do this Director Yang whenever a promotion got trending or sold out. Are you not interested with Zhao Chaoxiang? All of the women inside the building is crazy for him."
"Why would we do that? I never asked his help."
"Does that mean he represented himself? Director Yang, do you realize how fortunate you are?"
"Me? Fortunate? I don't get it."
"He represented himself to your company. For him to do that without asking for any compensation, this company must be very close to his heart. Do you happen to know him in person?"