first meeting with her mom

*Time skip after 2 weeks*

Jungkook has changed a bit but not with everyone. He doesn't calls yoona at anytime nowadays. He also doesn't behave rude with her.

Jisoo has a party at her apartment bcz she got promotion. She invited all of the company employees.

Jisoo: Yoona, I don't know about others but you definitely have to come at my party tomorrow. No excuses.

Yoona: Okay unnie I'll surely come.

It was evening and yoona was collecting her belongings. And Jk came, clearing his throat to gain her attention.

Yoona: oh Mr.Jk I'll get going now *bowed a lil*

Jk: How will you go?

Yoona: Huh? ahh I'll just walk to home.

Jk: It's dangerous for a girl to walk at this time.. Come I'll drop you home.

Yoona: Mr.Jk, I always go home alone at this time don't worry nothing can happen. Thanks for your concern.

Jk: concern? It's- it's just humanity. Come fast or I'll change my mind.

Yoona: Aishh... Ok ok.

They both took a seat on car and Jk started driving. The ride was silent no one said anything. Yoona thought to break the silence but hesitated thinking jungkook will find her annoying while Jungkook was waiting for yoona to speak first. And they reached her house with full silence. Yoona went out of the car.

Yoona: Mr.Jk It's your first time visiting my home you should come inside at least.

Jk: No no I have important business.

Yoona: What business? put your work aside and come inside for a minute at least.

Jk: Bu-

Yoona: Pleaseeee *pleading eyes*

Jk: Ahhh okayy but only for sometime.

Jk and yoona both came inside her home. Feeling someone's appearance Juliet came barking excitedly and went near Jk.

Jk: Y-You have a D-dog? why didn't you told me earlier?

Yoona: Uhh.. Are you perhaps afraid of dogs?

Jk(yes i am but if i said yes she will probably think of me as a scaredy cat no no): Noo I'm not afraid of dogs, who said that!

Yoona: Okay then wait I'll call mom.

Jk: what no need to disturb her I'll go now.

Yoona: What!!

Jk was about to stand but Juliet came near him for sniffing. Jk was now very scared but played it cool. While yoona called her mom and she came.

Y/mom: Oh it's my first time seeing you in real. You're too handsome son.

Jk: Uhhahaha thank you mam..

Y/mom: Aww... Are you married?

Yoona: Mom!!!!

Jk:*Juliet attempts to jump on him* Nooooo..

i mean I'm not married yet..

Y/ mom: What!! how can a handsome man like you is still single? it's not fair.

Her mom kept asking something making Yoona regretting her decision to force jungkook to come. While Jungkook showing he isn't scared of Juliet.

Jk: Uhh.. i should go now.

Yoona: YEAH *both looks at her* yeah...okay...see you Mr.Jk.

Y/mom: Why so suddenly.. you just came.

Yoona: Mom! He has work we should not disturb him.

Jk: Yeahh.. Bye.

Yoona: Good night! drive home safe.

Jungkook hurriedly went inside the car and drove back to home. Yoona sighed in relief.

mom: Don't you think you two look good together.

Yoona: MOM!! he's my boss.

Mom: So what? Who said boss can't fall in love with secretary.

Yoona: Arghhh.. forget it I'm hungry gimme food!

Mom: Ok ok you hungry panda.