Party party yeah

*Next day*

It was Jisoo's party day. Yoona was getting ready. She wore a beautiful black long frock with a pendent on her neck, also with silver not so high heels. Her hairs were untied and she also did a lil bit of makeup. She was looking stunning with that frock.

*At Jisoo's party*

Jisoo:Jungkook,whom are you searching for?

Jk: Me? No, I was just searching for drinks.

Jisoo: Is that so? Jungkook you're holding a glass of drink already.

Jk looked at his hand and there was already a glass of drink he was embarrassed now. Jisoo giggled.

Jisoo: Don't worry the one who you are searching for is coming soon.

Jk: What are you saying i am no-

Suddenly his eyes went to the main door and he saw a gorgeous lady coming inside which is yoona. He was lost in that moment it seems like only he and yoona were present there at that moment. Jisoo looked where he was staring intensely.

Jisoo: Omg!! You finally came. And who gave you the permission to look this BEAUTIFUL.

Yoona: You're embarrassing me by saying that bcz you're more beautiful than me.

Jisoo: shut up you're looking like a goddess.

Yoona: Noooo its an insult for actual goddess.

They both laughed. Yoona found someone staring at her so she looked straight and found Jungkook staring at her. She blushed bcz of how he was intensely only looking at her. Jisoo thought to tease her more.

Jisoo: I guess someone is blushing.

Yoona: What? noooo..

Jisoo: yaaaah stop lying, see how jungkook is staring at you like he will eat you at anytime.

Yoona: Wth are you talking unnie.

Jisoo hits her arm lightly teasing her.

Jisoo: I guess i shouldn't disturb you two. You go talk to him and i will greet the guests.

Jungkook heart was now beating fast seeing her coming to his way.

Yoona: good evening Mr.Jk.

Jk: uh... good evening.

Yoona: You're looking good.

Jk: oh.. thanks.. you too looking gorgeous.

Yoona: pardon?

Jk whispered the last sentence so she looked at him confused.

Jk: N-nothing...

Suddenly jisoo did an announcement.

Jisoo: Good evening everyone, thanks for coming to my party hope you are enjoying it.

Everyone cheered and clapped agreeing to her.

Jisoo: So now, to make the party more enjoyable Lets dance like as if its your last. Yayyyyyyyy. Dj drop the beat

Everyone started dancing and enjoying when dj played the music. Jisoo grabbed yoona on the dance floor.

Yoona: Mr.Jk, Why don't you join us?

Jk: i don't like dancing.

Jisoo: forget about him bcz he doesn't know how to dance hehe.

Jk: What??? If I started dancing all eyes Will be on me.

Jisoo: That will surely happen bcz you don't know how to dance hehe.

Yoona: Unnie! its ok Mr.Jk if you don't wanna dance. Enjoy the drinks. Lets go unnie.