
*Next day*

There was a important meeting with Mr.Lee's

company. The meeting ended well. Everyone left the meeting now there's only yoona and jungkook left in the meeting room.

Jk: Uh.. Miss yoona.

Yoona: Yes Mr.Jk ?

Jk: As you know its a very important project so i don't want any mistake to happen. There are many things to discuss, so, it'll be better if you come to my house for some important discussion.

Yoona: I don't mind Mr.Jk but-

Jk: That was my command.

Yoona: (he's still an ice cube) So i don't think i have any options left.

Jk: Nope.

Yoona sighed and told her mom that she'll be late today. They went to his house and Yoona's jaw dropped.

Yoona: Woww!! Mr.Jk your house i mean.. your mansion is very beautiful.

Jk: *chuckles* Keep your reaction safe, you have to go inside too

Yoona: I guess my jaw will hurt today.

They both laughed and went inside and sat down on the couch.

Yoona: OMG!!! It's so beautiful.

Jk: like you..

Yoona: Did you said something?

Jk: Nothing.. I'll go and change you should prepare the papers.

Yoona nodded and he went to his room to change. She started collecting the files in order.

Yoona: He took so long, I'm thirsty... I should find the kitchen by myself.

She was wondering around and found the kitchen.

Yoona: Urghh... I'm too smol to reach the glass. Who keeps glasses on that high selves.

She was trying to reach the glass but she is too short to reach there. Suddenly a pair of arms came behind her and put down the glass. Yoona got startled and turned around and found Jungkook, there faces were an inch away. Jungkook gulped hard seeing their distance, he quickly parted away.

Jk: You can't even reach a glass, poor you.

Yoona: Yaaah!! don't joke about my height.

Jk: Anyway, *he poured juice on the glass* Drink it and come.

Yoona: ok.. thanks.

jungkook was discussing about something but Yoona kept staring at his face like a lost kid.

Jk: And that's it. Did you get that?

Yoona: huhh?? oh ye.. yeah...

Jk: You must be hungry, right?

Yoona: Yeah you keep talking and talking.

Jk: Ok let me cook you something.

*After sometime*

Jk: Here.

Yoona: Wow! Ramen?!! Lets eat without wasting anytime I'm already very hungry.

They both started eating and were talking about lil things.

Yoona: Mr.Jk, You live here all alone?

Jk: Yeah..

Yoona: W...what about your family?

Jk: There's no one.

Yoona: Oh..sorry..

Jk: No what are you thinking.. i mean they are alive..they live far away.

Yoona: *choked on her ramen* Oops sorry sorry... i thought.. anyways do you have siblings?

Jk: Nah I'm the only child that's why they handed me the business. My parents were always abroad so i didn't got to spend time with my parents like others...They are even telling me to Marry as I'm already settled here.

Yoona: oh!! i guess that's why you are ice.... i mean cold type of person... Thanks for sharing your story at least.

Jk: hmm... And what about your story?

Yoona: 3 years ago my father passed away.. so i had to take the responsibility of my family and as you know there's only me and my mom and my pet Juliet.. she's like a sibling to me.

Jk: I see... so you have many responsibilities.

Yoona: Yeah.. as I'm the only child like you.

Time passed they kept talking about many things and they even got drunk. They were now clinging on each other sitting on the floor behaving like kids and were talking nonsense.

Yoona: Mr.Jk can i told you something?

Jk: Yeshhhh

Yoona: Your name should be Mr.Ice cube Hahahaahaaaa so funnyyyy...

Jk: Shut upppppppp, I'll not talk to you if you joke about me....

Yoona: Sowwieee... But now I'll not call you Ice cube after i.. i listened to your story..

Jk: Awwwwww cho cute baby.

*Next morning*

Yoona woke up with a heavy headache and found herself in a unfamiliar room.

Yoona: urgh... my head will explode.

Jk: Oh you woke up?

Yoona: Mr.Jk? wait!! what am i doing in your room??? So so sorry Mr.Jk I'll go right now.

Jk: Wait wait relax I'm not kicking you out of my house. Here drink this *handed her lemonade* we both were drunk last night and sorry...

Yoona: Oh shit!!! my Mom is surely worrying about me... oh nooo...

Jk: Don't worry i saw many missed calls on your phone so i called her back and told her you're safe here with me.

Yoona: T...then.. What did she said??

Jk: i didn't heard she murmured something... but i don't think she was worried anymore after i told her you're in my house.

Yoona: Ofcourse she is happy...

Jk: What?

Yoona No no nothing...

Jk: Okay.. You can took a day off today you should rest at home. Come down after drinking it. I'll drop you at home.

Yoona: Oh okay.. thank you and sorry for bothering...

Jk: No.. i should be sorry.. it's ok..

Yoona took a day off that day and spend time with her mom and Juliet.