Acting turns into reality??

Next day...

Yoona was working in her room but suddenly Jungkook called her urgently.

Yoona: Mr.Jk, Is everything ok?

Jk: No anything is not okay!

Yoona: Okay.. calm down.. what happened?

Jk: My parents are coming here.

Yoona: So you should be happy you'll meet them after so long..

Jk: That is not the problem.

Yoona: Then??

Jk: Listen... My parents wants me to get married with the most successful business man's daughter and the problem is i don't want to ruin my life marrying her.

Yoona: ...oh....then what can i do in your family matter???

Jk: I want you to act like my fiance.

Yoona: Oh.. WHAAAAATTT??? How- i mean i- i can't d-do that...nooo...

Jk: Please please miss Yoona only you can help me please... I'll do whatever you want.. anything.

Yoona: Anything??

Jk: Anything.

Yoona: But I'm not good at acting though..

Jk: That's not a problem you.. i mean "we" have to act like lovey dovey couples Infront of them that's it.

Yoona: Like c-clingy..??

Jk: Yes...

Yoona: Mr.Jk i don't think i c-can do this..

Jk: ... Ok no problem

Yoona: huh??

Jk: i mean nothing more will happen though.. I'll just die without being loved.. Everyone will use me as a business product..

Yoona: What?? Nooo i can't let that happen..

Jk: So??

Yoona: Aishh.. O-okay.. I'll d-do it..

Jk: REALLY??? OMG thank you sooooo much..

Jungkook happily hugged her while Yoona is shook bcz its was the first time he hugged someone.

Yoona: But... did you told your parents that you l-love me i mean... you know??

Jk: Uhm. yeah i already told them That I'll not marry that girl and i love someone else.. i mean y-you..

Yoona: oh..yeah...

Jk: I think we should make a nickname for each other like couples do!

Yoona: uhh.. yes you're right.. What about kookie??

Jk: k-kookie??

Yoona: Yeah.. did you not like it?

Jk: Nooo it's cute.. actually it's my first time hearing someone calling me with a nickname..

Yoona: Oh...Now your turn!

Jk: My?.. uh.. what about l-love??

Yoona: Great.. so it's all set.

Jk: Yes.. my parents will arrive today and i think they are gonna meet you tomorrow..

Yoona: ok.. I'll be ready..

Jk: Ok. Thanks once again I'll surely repay you back for this big favour.

Yoona: You have to!

Next day at Jungkook's house..

Mr and Mrs.Jeon already arrived yesterday night and they said they want to meet yoona today. So jungkook already told her to be ready in a casual outfit and he'll pick her.

Yoona was all ready and nervous about her acting.. Jungkook came inside her house.

Jk: Miss Yoona, Are you ready??

Her mother came and got happy seeing Jungkook once again.

Y/Mom: OMG!! the CEO once again came to our house.

Jk: Oh mam, Good Afternoon.

Y/mom: Good Afternoon son, Come take a seat here.

Jk: No no I'm here to pick up your daughter.

Y/Mom: REALLY?? so you two are getting more closer..

Jk: Sorry??

Y/Mom: uh.. no nothing.. wait, I'll call her..

Yoona already came downstairs and saw Jungkook is already here.

Y/Mom: Oh you came, he's waiting for you.. go quickly..

Yoona: Aren't you curious where am i going??

Y/mom: Wherever you're going just be sure you two are safe..

Jk: Sure mam..

Yoona: Bye mom *kissed and hugged her mom*

Y/mom: Bye dear.

Jungkook was getting emotional seeing he never got to hug his mom like that. Yoona noticed something and nodded to her mom.

Her mom came and hugged him, he was shook for a moment but Yoona nodded at him. He Also hugged back her mom.

Y/mom: You're like my son, you should come here often.

Yoona: Yeah..

Jk: uh.. sure..

Yoona: Ok ok bye mom we're getting late.

Y/mom: ok ok..

Jungkook bowed at her mom and they both went to his home. They were about to go inside.

Yoona: Mr.Jk.. I'm quite nervous..

Jk: Don't worry I'm with you..*he held her hand* and it's Kookie, love.

Yoona: *blushed* you're already into character.. let's go..Kookie.

They both went inside and his parents were already waiting for them sitting on couch. Jungkook and yoona sat down on the other side. The situation was so serious. There was a pin drop silence for a moment.

Mrs.Jeon: So.. when did you started dating?

Yoona: 1 month ago

Jk: 1 year ago.

they said together and all of them looked confused at each other. Jungkook lightly hits Yoona's arm telling her to explain.

Yoona: Uh.... it's been 1 year of our relationship and 1 month ago was our anniversary...

Yoona handled the situation very well and jungkook sighed in relief.

Mr.Jeon: So you'll not gonna marry Mr.choi's daughter?

Jk: Ofcourse I'll not marry her never.. I only love Yoona and will only marry her. *he puts his arm on Yoona's shoulder*

Yoona: Yeah.. we love each other very much and want to spend the entire life together.

Mrs.Jeon: Is that so?

Jk: Yes.

Yoona and jungkook gulped seeing their reaction but suddenly Mr and Mrs.Jeon starts laughing making them confused.

Mrs.Jeon: See, i told you my son definitely love someone.

Mr.Jeon: Yeah you're right.. your plan worked.

Yoona and Jk: PLAN??

Mrs.Jeon: yesss.. actually i was desperately waiting to meet your life partner and as you're already settled we wanted you to get married bcz you're just working and working not thinking about yourself and we also can't come here live with you so we wanted your wife to take care of you and wanted to see you happy with your own family. So your dad and i decided to tell you that we fixed your marriage so that way if you have a lover we'll find out or otherwise you don't share anything with us and see our plan worked and we got to see our soon to be daughter in law.

Jk: You mean t-this was a lie??

Mr.Jeon: yeah we didn't fixed your marriage with Mr.Choi's daughter.

Yoona: So our acting got wasted??

Mr and Mrs.Jeon: Huh???

Jk: Nothing nothing she just likes to joke around..

Mrs.Jeon: oh... anyways I'm so happy to meet you Yoona.

Yoona: Yeah... m-me t-too..

Mr.Jeon: So Jungkook, as everything is settled and you two are also ready.. Let's plan the wedding already.

Mrs.Jeon: Yeah.. i can't wait to see you as my daughter in law.

The whole plot twist got Yoona and jungkook widen their eyes..

Jk: Y-yeah.. we l-love each other but-

Mrs.Jeon: oh come on.. just a minute ago you said you "i only love her and will Only Marry her" so everything is ready so what's the point of but?

Yoona: b-but... i think we're still young to m-marry??

Mr.Jeon: No i don't think so.. Jungkook i don't think we can come here again soon so as we are already here, You should marry already.

Mrs.Jeon: come on son, we don't know when Will be the next time we come here again and we can't lose the chance to see your wedding you're the only property for us.

Yoona didn't know what to say in this situation and now everyone's eyes were on Jungkook waiting for his reply.

Jk:... o-okay w-we are r-ready...

Mr and Mrs.Jeon got up and hugged each other and jungkook due to happiness whereas yoona couldn't process what just happened.

Mrs.Jeon: *hugs yoona* Aww you're too cute I can't wait to welcome you as my daughter-in-law.*she pats Yoona's head and Yoona forced a smile*

Jk: Mom, dad I'll come back later i have to drop Yoona back home.

Mrs.Jeon: oh sure and tell her family to come at our house tomorrow.. we can't wait anymore.

Yoona's eyes grew more wider. While Jungkook nodded and took Yoona out of the house and they both sat down on car.