As John was looking through the list of the Legendary characters he thought that he needed a capable Admiral for himself and a capable General
After 40 minutes of looking and deciding on who to get he had his three
Admiral Hacket: Admiral Steven Hackett is a top-ranking official of the Alliance Navy and commanding officer of the Fifth Fleet. Hackett was born in Buenos Aires in 2134. When his mother died in 2146, he was placed in the Advanced Training Academy for Juveniles, where his affinity for science and leadership quickly became evident. Hackett enlisted in 2152, volunteering for high-risk missions to colonize space beyond the Sol Relay. He was commissioned as a second lieutenant in 2156 and participated in the First Contact War the following year. His rare ascent from enlisted man to admiral remains an Alliance legend.
Admiral Anderson: Captain David Edward Anderson is a human war hero and the original captain of the SSV Normandy. Anderson was born on June 8, 2137, to Ursula and Paul Anderson, a nurse and flight mechanic respectively, in the city of London on Earth, and was the last of three children by his parents' second marriage. Anderson is one of the Alliance's most decorated special forces operatives, and the first to graduate from the N7 Special Forces program at Arcturus Station, serving with honor in the First Contact War.
Faber: Faber-Of-Will-And-Might, more commonly known by his title as the Master Builder, was an immensely powerful Forerunner Builder. He commissioned the construction of the Halo Array and co-created Mendicant Bias alongside the Ur-Didact.
After picking the three legendary characters three figures appeared in front of him and once they saw him they started kneeling.
John then explained to them the same way he explained to Chief about why they're here and they can be sent back if they want. But what surprised him is that each of them had died in their previous universes. They don't know why they kneeled and said it was instinct when they saw John.
John assumed this had something to do with the system but would ask later.
Since they agreed John made bot Hacket and Anderson Admirals with their own fleet. He would give them some time to adjust to their new surroundings because he was not at war right now and his fleets are capable.
Faber was a builder and a Forerunner and already had accepted his new circumstances so John would have him build the Halo Arrays but instead of making them into a weapon some would be used for entertainment and some would be for military use.
John thought about how he could have a ringworld to house his soldiers and provide training and entertainment while staying on them.
The ringworld had many possibilities of what it could be used for but John would set that aside for later for now he would have Faber come up with a way to make Mendicant Bias.
05-032 Mendicant Bias was a Contender-class Ancilla. He was the most advanced Forerunner AI at the time of his creation and was charged with organizing the Forerunner defense against the Flood before his defection to the Gravemind, who ultimately caused him to become rampant, and turn against his creators.
Having Mendicant can accelerate his development speed of new tech and be utilized to oversee his Empire.
After asking Faber to come up with a blueprint which he agreed to make John went to look over all the reports of how the Former Hutt territory was managing.
Meanwhile, in another system located out of New Order space, a massive wormhole had opened, and out came 5 Massive square objects that immediately went to the nearest populated planet
Though the appearance of these objects caused a great disturbance in the force.