Chapter 43 (Short Chapter)

As ships orbited the planet they began to collect data about the inhabitants and the planet's biosphere.

After collecting the data the ships dropped a strange object on the planet then another wormhole opened in which the ships flew through leaving the system.

The species in question was an Alien species from a distant Galaxy that would send ships through wormholes to other galaxies and collect information on the first planet they see. After collecting information they would drop a device that when activated will consume the planet and open up a massive wormhole where their fleets would come through and conquer the Galaxy and enslave all the species.

It would take another 20 years until the invasion happens and the Galaxy did not even know of what will happen in the future.

POV Jedi Order

Master Yoda had received strange visions of a planet being consumed then a massive wormhole appeared but he didn't know what this means as the vision stopped there. He didn't know whether something good or bad was going to happen or how long until it happens so all he can do is talk about it with the other masters and wait.

Normal POV

John had been receiving many recruits from the many planets he had numbering over 20 million. So he had training facilities built on 5 planets where he would train the recruits his empire gets.

While the facilities were building John was headed back to Naboo as his marriage with Padme was in a week. And after the marriage, Naboo would effectively be under New Order control.

On the way to Naboo John was looking at the report of what was happening in the Republic. The republic was currently worried about the rapid expansion of the New Order and Palpatine was trying to come up with a way to halt their expansion as it would affect his plans for conquering the Galaxy.

Palpatine wanted to stop the expansion and get the New Order to return former republic controlled planets and Join the republic While the Senate didn't think New Order could be a problem and they did nothing bad as they freed many slaves and stopped the tyranny of the Hutt clans.

While Palpatine was the chancellor he couldn't go against the majority of the senate so he would try to get more senators on his side so he can take action. In the meantime, he would send spies to the New Order and gather information and cause the government to be disorganized.



Above Naboo, John could see a massive space station with a small fleet docked in it and many trade ships flying to and from Naboo. The trade ships were from some planets near the Naboo system that wanted to trade and other planets that were in the Republic.

The massive space station was the Royal spaceport built to defend the planet and monitor incoming ships. More than 100k people operated and maintained the space station. The small Naboo fleet was a small fleet of 500 ships that were gifted to them by John. John didn't have them pay because Naboo would soon be his so he will have access to the ships.

Padme had also signed an alliance with the Gungans so their people can live in peace and work together to maintain and protect the planet. With the alliance, many Gungans had come to the surface and began interacting with Naboo citizens.

The Gungans were a sentient amphibious species. They were tall humanoids with a flexible structure and strong leg muscles which allowed them to live in the waters of Naboo. Although Gungans' lives revolved around water, they did not need it to thrive and could settle far from it.

The Gungan population of Naboo consisted of 3.2 Billion Gungans that lived in city-based clans and city governments that answered to a High Council, which dealt with disputes between cities. Highly stratified, the society placed a high value on overall peace, shunned violence, and condemned even minor crimes such as vandalism with corporal punishments or exile. Each city maintained an army to defend its honor and bolster its pride in its own territories and dominions.

Gungans rarely leave Naboo as they wanted to stay and help their homeworld ecosystem thrive. Although it sounds peaceful helping the ecosystem thrive Gungans were actually a proud warrior race and maintained a large Gungan Grand Army which acted as a standing defense force.

Although Gungans were sometimes seen as primitive they actually had advanced technology such as bubble projectors and Bongo submarines and other weaponry.

John had docked at the space station and took a shuttle to the surface as he would stay on Naboo until the marriage ceremony.