Space Legs

The last day of Earth bound training was nearing its end. Everything hurt, I had managed as, I previously mentioned, to rise to front of the class. This brought me nothing but Ire, The drill Sergeants did not care for "EGG HEADS" their words, in the millitary. Yet I didn't yield and every challenge they gave I approached with full attention. Hand to Hand training was the worst, Before you ask yes, I did have and use the T.A.L.I.S chip to it's full advantage, but nothing beats experience. I remember facing off against the younger of the three drill Sergeants, I had just taken out half my unit after they where told to attack me one after another. I stood steady, His first move was a basic right jab followed by a left hook, the T.A.L.I.S guided me perfectly to avoid both. I read his next move and watched his balance tip, I had no fear as I was riding a cloud of endorphins pumping through my body. I went in for my strike I swung true and landed my hit squarely on his jaw. I expected him to fall backward and leave me with the opening for my follow up. No, he had waited for this strike. Faster than even the chip could preserve, he switched his momentum by shifting onto his left foot, causing his right foot to swing Up and around catching my unsuspecting jaw. I remember seeing white, I never felt the sand when I hit, or heard the voices calling out until a moment later. The first words I heard was Trevor, who was the referee, calling "PIN".

The rest of the day went unsurprising, Bart kept me company though I never wanted it or asked. "Hey George?" "Yes Bart?" "Does space hurt?" "Your kidding right! I just dislocated your shoulder two hours ago. And your worried if space will hurt, Pfft." "No, I mean like leaving gravity?" I took a deep breath, these type of conversations had become more frequent as the days neared. "Listen Bart, I know you have not been out of orbit, but you have got to be smarter than that?" He responded in his upbeat southern tone. "I just like the way you say it." He laughed. I decided to humor him one last time and went over how the intera Magnetic dampeners worked. "Look see here on the ship design, These couplings here redirect power to the internal ring, The ring is constantly spinning to provide a sense of gravity as well it provides a field which when tuned correctly can exert it's own influence therein those inside do not feel outside influence." He stared at me in bewilderment. Besides Bart, The others kept away, most of them still sore from the thrashing or bruised ego's. Our numbers hadn't fallen as much as the drill Sergeants predicted partly due to my tutoring, most of the men did not know a engine from a gun.

This meant we were split into two units, I lead unit A, and a soldier named Barstow lead unit b. Barstow was a decent guy bit stubborn and cocky, but a good head on his shoulders, never once that he fought me did he make the first move. As it neared dark we expected to be ordered back to the mess hall than to bunks, however the drill Sergeants instead took us out to the Depo. "Listen up!" The drill sergeant yelled at team b who were still remarking to themselves as they approached. "This here is a Colossus Unit, These bad boys are the infantry mans best friend. From orbital drops to low gravity station defense. These are not Toys! Each unit weighs over twelve tons and when in full motion has a height of thirteen feet. Each unit can be equipped with a array of anti vehicle and anti infantry arms. Tonight you will be give the chance to overlook and operate these behemoths, You will want to familiarize yourself with them before your next stage of training." I figured the moment I saw them on the first day that this would come up. "Team A you will be using the left most Colossus, Team B the right. Team leaders will be provided a kill switch for the engine, if any harm comes to my Colossus Units I will personally hold you responsible. Dismissed." The Second and Third Drill Sergeants stood at the ready next to each colossus. When our Unit approached, lead by myself, The Drill Sargent begun explaining how to operate the system. "The colossus is powered by a classification two magnetic Turbine, Supplemented with Solar and Thermal inducting panels. This easily throws out more power than a typical moon installation. Equipped with four forward arms and two rear, when in combat, as you can see these units have been modified and lessened for training. For lateral movement a ion engine is located at the base and back plate of the unit. On the ground the colossus may move on lifted track legs, these detach in points allowing the track to roll upward like a dog standing on its hind legs, or by using the base tracks. I will now demonstrate proper movement." Not giving further explanation the drill Sargent reached up and realized the cock pit seal, With a heave he maneuvered himself into the tight space and called us over. "Now As you can see you don't have much room inside the harness, Movement is controlled via the calibration sensors, or hand controls when needed. The calibration system uses your movement, as expected." He demonstrated, turning over the turbine was ear throbbing. The noise lessened dramatically after start as the lights blinked on in the cockpit. Watching him move inside this large construct was like watching a marionette doll on strings. He walked forward and the unit moved forward. The seamless transition time was perfect. Within just a few minutes of The Sargent showing off his skills, did my entire unit become five year old's demanding "Me first", and "I wonder if I can make it jump?" I shook my head after two weeks of intense training they were happy for any fun.

Quickly everyone lined up for their shot at the Colossus. Watching the others was painful, most of them could not even get the unit to move in the right way. Twice they almost wrecked it first was Marshal who nearly ran over the Sargent while trying to find the off switch. The second was Clemmons, Clemmons was actually doing great, until she got the idea to "Open it Up a Bit" She shouted as she broke into a dead sprint in the harness causing the sensors to push the tracks to top speed, This would have been fine if top speed wasn't 90 miles a hour, and the depo wasn't directly in front of her. Luckily she looked up in time to try to slide stop, which at that speed just sent the unit tumbling to the side. She was unhurt all but her pride. I was last and rather unhappy with the amount of dirt now lodged into the cockpit and covering some of the consoles. The unit felt light almost airless to use, each movement felt natural, controlling it wasn't as difficult as everyone made it seem, Sadly the unit was mostly decommissioned so the extension arms and main flight-reentry engine had been removed. Squad B apparently could barley get their unit moving at all the two who did were both telling proud stories when we arrived at the mess hall. Not being social I got my food and sat in my normal spot hoping that I could eat in silence than get some rest knowing Bart would hound me with questions all night.

Sadly this was not to be. Within moments of me sitting down the large figure of Barstow moved in behind me casting his shadow over the table like some ominous troll. "Why did they give you Squad A, egg head?" I took a breath deciding he was not worth the headache and took a bite of military's meat loaf. "Don't tell me you went deaf in training today? Hey!" He yelled adding a forceful tap to the back of my head. Finally annoyed I turned around to see his face twisted like he just got punched or ate a really sour lemon, I couldn't hold it in and burst out laughing, still with the food in my mouth which was than spat all over Barstow. I don't blame him for what happened next, I doubt he doesn't blame me. "Uck, You Piece of Shit!" He shouted charging me after whipping the slightly chewed food from his face. His charge was calculated beyond what I have come to expect from the others. He rushed in closing the distance and fained a blow with his right causing me to move inward and right expecting to find a opening. I was trapped, his left jab realized like hydraulic ram catching me in the face I was thrown back, My attempt to hold my balance was thwarted by the table at my back which I quickly tumbled over. By this point my Squad was rushing up to assist me, I just hollered for them to halt. "This is between me and Barstow you all stay back or I will personally put you in infirmary." I know from their eyes they understood. "That's the hardest you have ever hit me Barstow, I do something to piss you off ?" This generated a instant glare, "Yea, I'm sick of you getting special treatment! You are no better than me that's for DAMN SURE!" At this point I heard enough, Moving quickly I dashed to my feet and covered the distance between us, staying as low as I could I caught him by his knees sending him sprawling to the ground. A few awkward moments of thrashing around on the ground and I had wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his chest as I now was on his back. I had just begun to lock my throat hold as the door at the back slammed open. Within seconds the drill Sergeants stood above us me, my back to the ground, and the slowly bluing Barstow. "That's Enough. What the Hell are you two Doing? Are you trying To Piss me off?! Up Both Of You now!" I quickly let go and shoved him off me, the others dragged me to my feet. "It was Barstow sir he just attacked!" I heard from behind me probably Bart, However the entirety of Squad B started yelling and shouting "No" and "Liar". "Silence all of you to the dorm and not another word!" "Not you two, your coming with me!" Lead outside and strait to the depo, I knew what was coming before we even left the mess hall. "You both are going to clean these Colossus Units spotless and when your done your going to run till you can not move! That should cure your little extra energy problem." For about twenty minutes he stood watch while we cleaned before he was satisfied we wouldn't kill each other and left.

I'd like to say we finished early and were awoken by the loud bang of the sonic boom. When the shuttle entered atmosphere, or by the loud engines that shook the whole facility when the Armith V-tol shuttle landed. Sadly I was still running laps, Barstow was fighting to keep up due to his larger frame. We stopped and watched the shuttle land before returning to our separate bunk houses neither of us really spoke about what happened the whole time but as we separated Barstow broke the silence. "Jurgen, I don't know what strings you pulled to get in here. You might be strong and smart. But no one scores a perfect on the range their first week." "I'm going to stop you there. First, 'I'm sorry' is what you should have started with." This instantly made him clench his fist in irritation but he remained silent. "Second I did not try to get in here, Hell I didn't even want to be a soldier! Your Pride is not my concern. Lead your unit, and if you step to me again, I'll kill you." I angrily turned and stomped off to my bunk. I was a bit harsh but from being one of the few I thought would make decent soldiers Barstow had quickly showed me his ugly side, I don't take being disappointed well.

At the bunk house Everyone was awake and staring out the window. "Attenhut!" I shouted startling most of the unit who quickly formed at the foot of their beds. "Listen, Barstow may have instigated that fight but I followed through, That said we are moving on. I want all of dressed and get your belongings packed tightly. Hop TOO!" Like animals freed from a cage they were off I too hurriedly packed my bunk and changed into a new uniform as mine was covered in grease and sweat. By the time the drill Sargent arrived we were lined up, packs by our side and bunk house spotless like it was never used. I felt a sense of pride in my men, Not the brightest but efficient I can respect efficient. "Well now this is a sight for sore eyes. NOW MOVE OUT! LETS GO, LETS GO!" The Sargent shouted toward us. With almost zero delay the entire squad marched forward slowly developing into a steady run as we broke free of the building only stopping when we reached the shuttle bay doors. Barstow's squad made us wait fifteen minutes before they finally made their way out lead by the tired Barstow himself barley able to manage a trot, their drill Sargent was actually screaming "FASTER YOU JOLLY GREEN GIANT!" and other hilarious quips it was taking my squad all our might not to burst into laughter.

Now that both Squads had gathered we filed in, The inside of the mammoth shuttle was bright clean and without any amenities designed with a millitary eye anything extra was cut for cost. A simple row of chairs lined the walls outside the main loading and pressure bay. the shuttle was broken down into three sections. The pilots cockpit, located at the top front of the cargo hold. The cargo hold itself outfitted for personnel and most obviously cargo stores. And the far back of the Shuttle which housed the pressure doors, and air locks for space walks or cargo transfer.

When the large VTOL thrusters engaged you would expect the inside of the shuttle to be defining, yet only a hum could be heard. The force however rattled the whole shuttle as it slowly lifted upward. The four main engines however were not so silent, they spun up with a startling roar. I'd say we were about 1,000 feet when the engines took control thrusting us all to the side before the inertia dampeners kicked on. A minute later we were cruising above the atmosphere and preparing for orbital flight. A hundred years ago this type of seamless flight was a pipe dream. Most countries and companies still used solid fuel boosters. With new age technology nothing is wasted.

We passed by a few old relics of yesteryear I'm guessing the pilot plotted coarse to give the new comers to space a bit of a show. For me these were nothing more than relic footnotes of human history. Yet my entire unit rushed to the viewports to exclaim. "That's the I.S.S, I heard they attached a thruster that engages every time it starts declining in orbit." This went on with everything we passed. Our first stop was to be Lunar Environmental Naval Command, or L.E.N.C for short. The L.E.N.C facility was relatively new as the previous bases on the moon where mostly destroyed in the war.

As soon as everyone calmed down I tapped Bart's shoulder. "Hey I'm going to catch a few winks, keep the squad from opening a airlock." "Yes sir." "O, Bart watch out for squad B, Barstow is fuming, I'm sure." "No worries boss, He wont try anything with the Drill Sergeants here." He said with a firm reassurance that he had it under control. I asked the v.i of the chip. "Talis?" "Yes George?" the feminine voice responded. "I'm going to get some rest can you decrease auditory volume?" "Yes George that is within my specifications, One moment." Just than everything started to get quitter like someone was slowly covering my ears more and more. After a few second I could barley hear the shouts of enthusiasm around me. "Is that better George?" "Yes Talis you are a blessing." "Inaccurate," "Its okay Talis shut down for now." "Yes George." In the peace I had created with T.A.L.I.S chip I closed my eyes and drifted away.

I awoke to the ship lurching to a sudden halt. Jarred awake I took in my surroundings, this took a moment as the T.A.L.I.S chip was still lowering my hearing. With a thought T.A.L.I.S released its dampener and everything flooded back in. "Let's go! On your feet soldiers!" Echoed back from the front of the ship as the Drill Sergeants prepared us all for departure. One of the them walked down the line passing out a bag containing a environment suit. "Listen closely, These are your E45 environment suits. Each suit has a oxygen supply for about one hour. Do Not I repeat Do Not remove your helmet for any reason. If you do you will die. Now once your in your suit you will want to access Talis to link with the suit. The chip will give you readouts on your oxygen and remaining power. Now these are basic suits with very light armor. So don't go throwing yourselves around to much. Suit up!"

I've become use to safety briefs and mostly ignored him as I pushed my legs into the suit. I of coarse had also used similar suits in different jobs working on stations, even on mars in some of the non terraformed regions of the planet. I was ready quick enough to help Bart and the other members of my squad adjust helmets and the like. Lined up and ready my squad moved into the airlock and awaited the constantly behind squad B.

*Brtz* The coms in the suit crackled to life. "Okay once we open these doors you will cross the landing pad and head directly into the base. No sight seeing or wandering off." As the drill Sargent finished the doors closed behind us and the alarm began to sound, even through the suit it was deafening.

As ordered when the doors opened we all headed out, Squad B charged out first I'm guessing forgetting their low g training. Two of them tripped and one of the two found himself floating up for a few moments before coming back down. Knowing better I had ordered my squad to move slow and steady. "Bounce more than try and walk, Be aware there is still gravity just less so when you come down compensate by continuing your bounce." I called through the suit coms. A series of "Yes sirs" followed as my Squad followed orders. Making it to the station doors we each headed inside to another airlock room to await squad B.

Our training began shortly after arrival, First squad b had to do maneuvers the entire first day to learn how to move in low g. As my unit proved efficiently up to that task we got to learn how to handle suit thrusters and shock absorbers. It was mostly boring save for the mild incident of Clemmons, She was the soldier who flipped the Colossus unit. Yet again her desire for speed got her in trouble this time she was attempting to beat me on a obstacle coarse and burned her thruster to much for to long and ended up drifting over 100 feet above the surface. This could have easily killed her, So me and Bart teamed up. Bart was the base with a tether tied to him, I was the hook. Burst burning my thrusters to conserve fuel I slowly made my way toward her, Once I reached her it was a simple task of latching her to me and having Bart give a yank starting us on a downward decent, which I slowed with my remaining thruster fuel. "Sorry Goerge. I would have beaten you." "Yea, maybe to the sun but not to the goal. You need to pull back a bit Clemmons, You will never be the best if you die in training." I stated plainly as we set down. "Thanks again, glad you were here." She said as she left, still in shock from almost dyeing her absentee attitude made sense.

The rest of first day went all as planned. Each squad bunked down and ate in separate sections of the station. Part of me assumed to avoid another fight. But I was too tired after a whole day of training to care.

The next two days were repeat training until everyone mastered the obstacle course, out of squad A we broke two records on the course. Not surprisingly Clemmons broke the speed run record, Bart managed to break my accuracy record just after I had set it. To say I was proud of him would be a understatement, Bart originally had a high fear of space and low to zero gravity. He never got around to explaining why, his questions on mars made more sense when factoring this in. Yet that day he overcame his fear, and not only did he complete the course he did so with deadly accuracy, and efficient fuel use. "Bart that was excellent work, keep that up you may take my job." I said with a laugh. "I'm just happy I made it through safe." He commented while decompressing, his face still distant from the adrenaline surge. Squad b's performance was adequate, or so I heard. I choose not to watch or take away from my time for anyone in that squad and instead turned my attention to my own. If we were not in one of the gymnasiums, than I would have them drilling over old millitary strategies. I didn't want them to learn to just kill, but to fight and live. The last of those two nights we all gathered in the mess hall. Everyone set around the long tables laughing and joking about really nothing. I just watched from my normal spot, until Bart who had noticed my normal anti social behavior started whispering among the table. The next thing I knew, the squad turned on me spoons and forks loaded with food flying every which way. I didn't have time to dodge the first barrage of food, after rolling back off the bench seat I quickly grabbed up handfuls of food and activated T.A.L.I.S, this was over kill as each toss of hot food found its mark perfectly. The food fight lasted about thirty minutes and ended with us all laughing until the drill Sargent finally walked in. "Bunch of children. Clean this shit up and get to your bunk!" We did our best to stifle our laughter as we cleaned. I may not like socializing but some things are just classic fun.

Once we all completed the course in adequate time, the squad was sped through a series of individual trainings. A list was presented to us, [Specialized training, Required.] this covered everything from field medics, field surgeons, engineers, Recon and heavy armor. Most active squads would only accept soldiers with a specialty training they wanted.

I had previously passed field training for Analysis and recovery of scientific research. But that was years ago, everyone took their time deciding weighing the benefits of training, I decided I didn't want to be caught with out useful knowledge and with 2 days remaining I could cram a couple of the trainings easily. So I did, Engineering seemed fun as i never took it in collage, Heavy Armor, and field surgeon. This took almost all my time, I passed heavy armor within the first day. Later that evening during surgeon training I had to correct the doctor on the appropriate use for nanite injections, Which was "For internal injuries or non cranial injuries" and not "Most life threatening injuries" It wouldn't be long into the second day that I took over his class performing a atrial clamp on a corpse for example and practice for the class. Engeering I did finish but I almost didn't with everything packed into two days I had barley studied for the test, I passed but at the lowest margin which annoyed me to no end. Most of squad A passed with sufficient Mark's in their chosen specialties, I whish I could say I helped there but I was too busy with my own studies.

The weeks end came excitement for some dread for others, to me it was Saturday. Our day started normally the bellowing sound of the base sirens breaking before 0600 hours. My squad was as usual about and generally ready by the time the morning call went out. Moments later the drill Sergeants would bust in, barking at anyone that wasn't lined up or ready. Bunk checks completed as normal to squad A everyone was clean and ready. We headed on our normal routines of morning workouts. Later in the day around 1300 hours we all gathered around the launch bay, today was fighter training. By now we had all accomplished the basics inside the simulator, but today was the real deal. The fighters we did use were the Crydon interceptor, this specific aircraft was a base or ship launched fighter Containing two forward facing cannons fifty meter rounds each, as well as ship to ship auto locking missile racks. Later models carried rail type or energy weapons alongside or instead of this weapon arrangement. The engines were four stacked ion engines capable of producing easily controlled speeds outside of atmosphere, as well as a booster engine built to provide additional thrust when catching or overtaking a target. Most the squad was excited to finally get to fly even if they were such derelict fighters. "Today Squads you will be Instructed in the operation of basic Ship launched fighters, the best of you will be allowed to perform mock battles between each other. Each of you has already been assigned a vessel, access your talis chip and get into your vessels". Few had issue activating their chips as such everyone bolted for their ship. Mine was a bit further back. I remember approaching with a sense of dread, not because I was worried about anything I just hate flying.

The old seat of the fighter was well worn as well as most of the controls, Luckily the Talis chip highlighted most things so I didn't have to guess. I Fastened myself in, sealed the cockpit canopy and waited for the orders to feed through the coms. With a clack the coms sprung to life, "Okay everyone fastened in?" a series of yes sirs followed briefly before the drill Sargent continued. "Begin lateral take off!" I grabbed hold of the controls and begun flipping on the engines and console readouts. Within second the engines ignited rattling the fighter, carefully I thrusted upward slowly rising from the landing bay. Once i reached a decent elevation, I took a second to look around and observe my scanners. Most of squad A and B were now off the ground some more uncontrolled than others. "Good you all remember how to use a fighter. Now you will follow me out of the bay, once we clear the facility we climb to 400 meters and regroup I want to see tight formations! On my mark! Go!" With a twisting flourish the drill Sargent boosted out of the bay, what followed was not as eloquent. Many of the recruits turned into each other or lost control attempting to eclerate to quickly causing them to smash a wall. It would be a miracle if no one was injured. Three fighters were instantly disabled and Two more were limping on one to two engines. One would die two of three fighter recruits were severely injured the worst of the three suffered burns over large portions of his torso and lower abdomen. Those of us who made it out of the bay, were forced to land nearby on a smooth spot of lunar surface. It was a disastrous first day, each squad was given ground duties and those of us who didn't damage our vessels were ordered to return the following day.

The next day went smoothly, everyone who could participate ascended and reached target altitude. Afterward we focused on control maneuvers, for obvious reasons. As promised the top fighters would get to participate in a mock fight. I was not among them, I had no interest in being recruited after this. Being selected to be a fighter pilot would only furthered my rage. I was more than happy to land eat early and catch up on research before lights out.

Our last week started so normal I had barley noticed it was the last week. Looking back over that month, a lot had happened some things to me, others by my hand. I still remember a fulfilled feeling knowing I had learned more than I intended. Not that I intended to come, yet somewhere along the way I had found a new, stronger, wiser me. We didn't have much scheduled training besides low g and pilot training for those participating in the pilot course. The rest of us prepared for what was coming, full zero g space walk training. Those like me who chosen to acquire heavy armor training would be given the chance to train in colossus unit in zero g as well.

After the fighter course ended we were all called into the mess hall. We stood waiting as the drill Sergeants arrived with the advanced fighter class. "Today we leave this base. Our destination is the meteor belt. All of you who have completed flight training will be expected to fly yourself there. Those of you who failed to even pass basic flight may find a shuttle with your pay and instructions to take you home. Move out!" Some stood in shock those who did pass, I thought to myself. I grabbed my gear along with most of squad A. However as I was leave a pair of footsteps came approaching from behind me fast. I turned preparing for anything possibly Barstow attacking while I was off my guard. I had to hold back as it was Walker who seemed devastated, I hadn't seen the large man this sad sense I pinned him in the ring. "Walker what's going on?" He stopped and looked up at me with tears building in his eyes. "Sorry sir," He said whipping his eyes and nose. "Its jack sir, He passed this morning. I knew he would probably go but," He wasn't able to finish the sentence before he burst into tears and slumped against a straining box. "He was the one who suffered the burns correct?" I asked trying my best to look out for my subordinates. "Yes sir." He managed to get out probably due to training. "You two were close than I assume?" "Yes sir, He was my husband." My heart sank as i heard this. The death of a friend is suppose to be extremely painful the death of a husband or wife more so. I did my best to console Walker before our time was almost out. "Listen if you want to quit, I can understand. But you need to choose and soon, I have to go the rest of squad needs me. If you choose to stay, I'll see you out there." I left hurriedly Walker seemed to be pondering my words. I met the rest of Squad A assembled by Bart's who was impatiently pacing on the lift platform as I ran up quickly. "Where the hell have you been George?" "Don't berede your commanding officer!" I snapped back quickly as we engaged the lift going to the Landing bay. We all expected the old interceptors we flew in training, yet what awaited us were instead Wedge fighters The triangular vessels were much newer, however still considered outdated. Each one used nearly similar technology to Trevor's vessel. Mine was highlighted as usual. I was happy to find a micro composite chair with full impact protection and all new devices inside. Each had two entrances. A Bomb bay access through the bottom and back, Not much room back there enough for a couple missle racks and walking room. Along this entrance the living cabin would be passed no more than a cot and food station. The second entrance was a ladder access outside the vessel, this lead to hatch just above the cockpit canopy.

I sat down and turned on electrical, my quick control of the Talis chip made this very easy.

A box appeared on the main hub, Vessel i.d Not detected, Vessel ownership transfer detected. Not a second later did the coms kick on startling me slightly. "Listen recruits these are retro fits from Anderson's Salvage, they have agreed that if you complete this mission these will be donated to the millitary, I've pulled a few strings and got you all your own off the line. Don't thank me and Don't screw this up! Alright recruits I'm uploading rendezvous coordinates now, once ready make your way there." The transmission clicked off. I shook my head in dismay, "Another hassle, Let's get this over with." I than flipped on my squad comms. "You heard them. Everyone shove off when ready check your soundings we don't need another incident." As usual the responding Yes sirs seemed to drown each other out. This time I distinctly heard Walker's voice just after everyone else. "Walker switch to private channel." I leaned over and dialed in his com signal. "You sure your ready for this?" "Yes sir. Jack wouldn't want me to quit on our dream sir!" "Good to hear, and Walker?" "Yes sir?" "It's good having you back move out when ready." "Yes sir!" I switched back to the squad most were gitty about the new ships. Satisfied they were not smashing into each other I started my accent. The Siphon fighter handled very well considering the age of the design.

"These things handle amazing!" Cried Clemmons loudly into the coms followed by multiple other outbursts, "Careful Clemmons you don't want to wreck the new ship." Teased recruit Blain. "At least I could move the damn thing!" "Alright that's enough, Keep coms to minimum I don't want another migraine." I grumbled which was met by many down trotted "Yes sir." before coms went generally silent.

In tight formation we left the lunar surface and headed apon our plotted route. We were traveling along a known trade route that intercepts many high volume ports. The flight was a simple forty minute flight, and all went expectedly for awhile.

About thirty five minutes into the flight, I detected a freighter distress call. These aren't uncommon, but that's why there is a military Patrols that act as enforcers or provide aid if needed. Neither the less we needed to keep moving to reach our designated rendezvous. I sent the signal coordinate back to a P.T.S station we passed about ten minutes ago. I wish I could say that was that, if I did it would be a lie. Another five minutes passed and everything was clear, we had to slow down to cool the jump drives every thirty to forty minutes of flight at top speed. The jump drive itself came in much newer and efficient design. It creates a "Jump field" in front of the vessel which accelerates to a high speed before entering. This field than envelopes the ship with a near zero mass cover that wears down over time and with faster than light travel. I was the first one to disengage my jump drive being in the lead. Once the blurred vision and other deceleration effects begin to ware off, I took count of everyone. Most were jumping out well, They looked like streaks of light coming to a burning stop around me. "Okay everyone get your bearings and check in." The comms reverberated my voice around the ships as I heard quickly back "Checking in" "I'm here" "Ugh, Yea I'm *Retching sounds* here" "Alive here too" "George you lied you said this wouldn't hurt!" "That's enough bellyaching form up." I flipped my mic off and let out a hearty chuckle. My fellow recruits formed in quickly with only minor bumping. "George did you get that distress signal?" "Yes, Leave it to the pros at the P.T.S Station it's what they train for." I could almost hear the quick nod of Bart. "Yes sir understood." As soon as he said this a bright light engulfed the sky, another vessel was decelerating. The ship tore out of jump drive streaks of light seemed to tare away to reveal the hull of the vessel, It was enormous easily three to four times one of our inner planetary vessels. It had three ossiclatig rings and most of the long haulers body was covered with slapped on plating or score Mark's from battle. I scanned it with Talis, Crest class Freighter, length One thousand five hundred feet Illegal modifications scanning...scanning....300 Illegal modifications detected. I sat shocked, not only did we have bad luck of running into a pirate but one with a Freighter that looked to be outfitted as a frigate. "Transmission detection" the voice of the Talis chip nearly startled me. "Isolate the transmission and link the signal to my personal comm." "Working, Complete, Link established." "Ello ther you lil paydays!" The voice on the other end boomed as soon as the link clicked on. "Which of you shiny new toys is speaking? Flash your lights for me hunny?" This demeanor was as shocking as the vessel itself. "Umm, Yes, My name is George Jurgen I wont bore you with my titles." "O please bore me baby I love prey with a title." The flourish of his voice made me feel like I was in the grasp of a perverted murderer, maybe that was his intent. I took a deep breath and summoned my authority. "Fine. My full title is Doctor Yurgen, Recruit Captain of the ISD! If you do not identify your vessel and your purpose for being here I will be forced to report and detain you." As it left my mouth it felt false, at best I may be able to annoy that mammoth. "Hahahahohohaha" A echoing of laughter I assumed from his crew. "Well little George, My name is Francis Belfond, Captain of the civilian Dreadnought Scrappers refuge as for what I'm doing here. Well I'm here to liberate you of those heavy cumbersome ships. Wont you be sooo kind and deliver them to me?" "Sorry Francis, but I think my superiors wouldn't take that kindly. No chance you will just go on your way I assume?" "O no chance in hell little George, you sound far to fun to just leave I'll have to break you myself!" With that I heard him bark something about fighters before the comm was shut off. I quickly flipped back to our Squad communication. "Listen up! That's obviously not a civilian vessel, Prepare yourself watch each others wings and stay close! If anyone of you gets a idea I want to hear it, if not pray there is a god." "Wait we are? We cant sir!" Bart blurted out. "He is right sir we don't have the fire power!" Piped up another of the squad. "Shut It! All OF YOU! WE DONT LIVE THROUGH THIS BY COMPLAINING. I need you all clear headed if we are going to make it out of this. All of you trigger you're distress beacons and don't let it go out!" The beacons were our only chance if a platoon or even a stray frigate got the signal we might just live through this. A few seconds later Large doors slide open across the central structure of the Freighter, easily seventy vessels poured out of the new opening. With out hesitation they dipped down diving straight for us. "Hold!" I shouted into the coms as I had seen engine lights on our side. Talis had the readout up, 14,000 meters, 12,000 meters, 10,000 meters, 8,000 meters. "Break and Flank!" I shouted out clearly whilst engaging my thrust to full and Banking hard left pulling my secondary thrusters down at first than suddenly up causing a drift like effect. Many of the squad followed remembering our lessons. Unable to fully decelerate from two thousand meters a second, they had no chance to correct as we opened fire. The effect was beautiful, multiple fighters exploded instantly following by more and more of their numbers. The rest of the fight still to this day is blurs of explosions and debris. I know it had been long enough for most of us to run out of ammunition, that's when Clemmons got a idea. "Sir?" "Yeah Clemmons kind of busy." "I know sir, I'm down to three rockets and maybe 80 rounds. We need to do something about that frigate." "I'm listening soldier hurry it up!" I remember dodging a modified transport vessel I had just destroyed. "Well what if strike the bridge or took out the launch bay?" "That's suicide!" "So is this sir." About that time I finally looked down to my squad readout. Already two gone. "Damn it! Fine." I quickly accessed Talis, I didn't have time to be nice. With my full concentration I scowered the vessels hull until I found what I needed, a thin point at a interlinking section between the first and second ring. "Fuck, Bart you alive!" "Ye%&^s si&r took#%som$@hit$&@" "Damn man, Clemmons!" "Still here George." "Good get whoever is alive out of here drop your beacons and go silent once you break line of sight." "But sir" "Just do it!" I plotted my course for the break, shaking off fighters every meter. Reaching over to coms I switched over to a saved line. "Yellow?" "Trevor! I'm calling in that favor get your ass over here follow the destress beacons." "George wait what are you." I flipped off the comm, there was no time I accelerated engaging the jump drive for a collision course.