Medals and Mortality

Drifting and watching my vessel Jump away straight into that freighter was glorious, the explosion that followed, or I should say the shock wave not so much. It hit me with more force than I could have ever withstood before. Hurtling me head over heels it took much of my suit thrusters to stop spinning. What I saw in front of me, after I came to. Was the ruins of the freighter each half seemed to Cascade into each other from the force of my ship jumping through it. The damage was complete most sections floated as free debree only the furthest ends intact. I searched local area for transmissions, only the empty expanse was there. My squad had headed orders and jumped out. All I could do was wait. I remember watching my oxygen meter tick lower and lower till my eyes started to water. I don't know how long after that it was that Trevor pulled me onto his ship. I do remember him ripping my helmet off and smacking me awake. The first rush of air hurt, like my throat had been set ablaze. "Come on, breath kid, what were you thinking out there? Trying to die, what happened where's your ship?" "Trevor, Enough. You owed me a favor and now have paid it. What happened is a long story I'll gladly tell you over food and some water.

And so I told the tale, he stayed silent mostly. Only adding a small laugh at a quip. When I was finished he presented me with a ham steak with seared potatoes that I ate greedily. "From how it sounds you saved your peoples lives Jurgen. I still don't see how you got out of there." "That's easy, I hot wired the missle rack bay doors and dropped out the bottom." He looked at me wide eyed. "Wait, So you just tore out the wires?" "No," I said with a laugh. "I hacked the ships base code when I first got in. So manipulating it to realize the doors even while the jump screen was about to impact was simple." "Simple huh? Doesn't sound simple to me." I answered his remaining questions and he set me up with his contact in the salvage and bounty offices, apparently that pirate and his men had some high bounties, as well as the location of the salvage netted me a cool one million cred. Sadly as I was in a millitary licensed vessel the money went to them. I received a small fraction of one hundred thousand credits.

I arrived at the P.T.S station, to a booming succession of pilots cheering my return. I did not know any of them or want to be congratulated. Yet many rushed forward to shake my hand as if I was some sort of celebrity. It took trevor literally holding my arms back a few times as I almost slugged an unannounced person grabing my hand. The commanding officer of the P.T.S station was watching from a balcony overlook, where he proceeded to address the crowd. "Alright everyone give the man some room. After all he just took out a entire enclave with a handful of fighters. Go about your business now." A few seemed disappointed to be turned away, I was just happy to get away. My happiness would soon be dashed as the same officer seemed to locate me in seconds. "Recruit Jurgen, please allow me to give you the tour." I looked up still sore and tired from the incident. "Yes sir, If we could start with the medical bay I'd apricate it." I attempted to smile but the slowly growing pain in my side was getting harder to mask. "Of coarse, this way. I wasn't informed you were injured." "Neither was I." Came Trevor's deep voice which I shook off. "I'm sure it's nothing but best be sure, anyways oxygen deprivation isn't good ether, lead on sir?" I realized I never got his name. "I never introduced myself. I'm Commander Brecker, I command this P.T.S installation. This way." He held out his hand to a lift, we went down three levels of the station.

The medical bay was not overly advanced yet it kept more than enough on hand to keep their soldiers operating. An older doctor I don't remember his name treated me. One broken rib and one compacted vertebrae. Still better than the alternative of death. Being in that med bay made me miss the labs, much simpler days I could not wait to return to. "Here this will keep the pain," I waved off the injection. "I can handle the pain doc. What I can't handle is all the touching and grabing out there." I looked angrily at Trevor who was avoiding my gaze by playing with a thermal internal imaging device. "That would be my fault. I announced the news of your arrival after we heard of the pirates defeat." Commander Brecker was quick to state, I assume thinking it would save Trevor the trouble, funnily enough he probably saved me as I'm sure Trevor would have knocked me off the table if he saw me glaring. "What's next then Commander?" "Well Command wants me to have you report in once you landed, I'm sure you could use some rest and a hot shower first," "No," I started while pushing myself off the medical bed. "Best get it out of the way. I'll get changed, Inform them I have done all general Larson has asked." A questioning look appeared over Breckers face but he said no more and nodded. Obviously Larsons name still held weight. I pulled on my dress uniform behind the screen luckily for me Trevor was lazy and never brought them to me after that night.

My hand shook for a split second, a month ago I would have never considered taking a life. Now the deaths of over a hundred pirates were on my hands. I rubbed my hands together warming them. Whether it was all the ones died or my own brush with death, nothing felt more important than finishing my work. I looked over myself in a mirror in med bay, the uniform felt wrong.

On my way to the bridge everyone was bustling, the calm happy attitudes mostly gone.

Brecker was waiting for me as was Trevor and a few others I did not recognize. Brecker lead me to the front consoles. "One second and I'll connect you. I'm sure you will be fine." Brecker explained his actions as I waited. The screens came to life in no real order. None of the names did I recognize. Once they had all connected the furthest screen, a middle aged women spoke from it. "Recruit Jurgen," "Yes ma'am?" "Your time with the millitary has been well brief may be an enormous understatement. Yet you have achieved with this meeting what many soldiers only dream of, care to say anything on the subject?" "Whoa Cathleen, he has been through enough without you interrogating him." Said the middle of the five screens. Cathleen seemed annoyed, hearing her name I recognized her. Cathleen Ross head of earth deep space logistics, her presence here meant it was not a reward ceremony. "Listen son, we" "I'm not your son, nor am I concerned or pleased with the progress I have made." I interjected. "I know one of you, and only by elimination of all other possibilities. So why Generals, Lady Ross, am I here? While I'm asking." I stopped turning to Brecker, "How the hell did YOU miss that ship?! Look at this place it is flooded with scanners and troops!" "Sit Down Jurgen!" "He is insolent like you were Barns." Laughed the furthest right screen. I tried to see which responded but I was grabbed by Trevor who wrestled me into a chair. "This ones smart who recommended him?" This time the monitor nearest Ross spoke. "He is a specialist from mars, under Larson." Spoke the middle monitor again. "You are correct Jurgen, we called you here to offer you," "Denied, I am the Civilan director of Lab H, I have no interest in furthering a military career. I agreed to complete this training as it was required to handle a request from Larson." I stood brushing the hand of trevor away, who was shocked by demeanor. "So with respects, I will borrow a ship and head for the Lunar outpost with my unit, Once I have a commionsed rank I will handle what needs done and that's the last I will work with the military." They all watched me through the ship's visual sensors. No one spoke for a moment, Ross finally broke the silence. "You know we could command you to take the position?" "If you could you would have the moment I walked in here. Basically you have played your hand and lost ma'am. Am I excused?" They all seemed to wait for each other as though they were unsure on how to handle this. "Fine, Go than but you better bet, this won't be the last you hear of this." I gave a self satisfied bow and turned exciting the command deck exhaling a long held breath. I didn't wait for Trevor or Brecker to stop me, I nearly sprinted to my locker in the med bay. T.A.L.I.S's tracker told me it was still there. Gleefully I tore open the locker door to find the micro accelerator I had used with Trevor pocketing a magazine I threw the strap over my shoulder and dashed off towards the flight deck.

Feeling like a kid in a candy shop still slightly high from the adrenaline pumping through my veins. I stood in front of the ship registry, I didn't want someone's vessel, no something millitary but with comforts. I found it on the third tier, Political Military Shuttle. I called up the dock number and ship launch codes with zero effort thanks to the Talis chip. The inside of the ship was spotless, seamless, and trimmed with fine metals. The inside was made to accommodate up to twenty passengers 'Of Class'. I made my way to the cockpit and just as I hoped it was fully auto pilot compatible, with a smile I locked in my course launched from the ship bay and headed back to enjoy the amenities reserved for diplomats and insanely wealthy. I sampled the wine, each bottle, the fine gourmet, honestly tasted like overly salted garbage, and of course the herbs which were sublime. Normally I don't care for niceties, alcohol and herbs among these. But this day I felt like using everything I could out of this shuttle a last slap to them all. My trip into the lavish life of a diplomat was short lived, sadly. It only lasted about two hours which was sad, as I was in no hurry to return.

I expected to arrive to a court marshal or a firing squad. To my surprise after I set down the only thing awaiting me was silence. My shuttle being to big to fit inside the fighter bay, as such I was forced to land on the surface landing pads. Suit equipped I made my way back inside. The station was rarely this quite. Normally solders rushed about their duties but now no one was in sight. I found this peaceful however odd and was happy to enjoy it. I reached the dorms without running into anyone and was excited to get some sleep. When I entered the passage way between the training dorms my hope was destroyed. Inside squad A's bunk, I heard murmuring, I tried leaning in and listening. "I can't believe he is gone." "Shit I'm still surprised we made it out before the blast." "I didn't expect him to use his ship," "Hey Clemmons it's not your fault you just looked for a exit." "Yeah, still I can't shake the feeling if I hadn't said," "That's enough if you hadn't said something we would all be dead. Just like George." The irony wasn't lost on me but I did not care to watch them mope further. So I walked forward activating the auto door which instantly made them all stumble upright to a attention, beer's spilling over as they did. "What the hell?!" "George?! Am I seeing shit?" "Sir you made it?!" The survivors rushed me with questions. "How did you get out?" "Where have you been?" "Where you captured?" "Whoa okay calm down a bit. No I wasnt captured. I've been at a p.t.s station receiving medical care. And I'll tell you all the story here soon first where is everyone?" "Oh they were called off for something on the opposite side of the surface." Bart quickly responded. "Okay so we have some time what were your orders?" "Just to rest after everything that happened, the Drill Sergeants had to wait for orders from higher up the chain of command." I let out a breath. "Okay I need some rest," I said while plopping on my cot. "I'll answer questions later. O anyone wants to have some nice wine or anything there is a shuttle on the pad, Enjoy." I said with a toast as I layed on my cot and drifted to sleep.

I awoke to all of my squad assembled at the foot of their bunks. Bart was motioning for me to move but I was in some sort of stupor. He suddenly went rigid as a pair of Uniformed officers passed him. "This is the one who lead the men back?" "Yes General, Cadet Seymour Bart." The general raised a eyebrow at Bart's name. "You got one hell of a odd name there soldier." "Yes sir, My parents could never decide which name they liked the best Sir." The general let out a huff of air one could assume was a laugh. "At ease." Bart relaxed a bit as I realized I was now being stared at. To understand the feeling i had imagine being smashed in your gut by a hydraulic ram. I instantly lurched off the bed and stood at attention not worrying about my lack of tidy clothes, as I had just slept in my undershirt and dress pants. "What The Hell is wrong with you Cadet?" "Sorry Sirs," The events of the last few hours started to fill back in. A sense of ease flooded back in. "But What the hell is wrong with me?" Everyone was now staring at me mouths slowly dropping. "No sirs. What is plaguing your minds? Could it be the six men we lost in an ill prepared training mission? Or the one lost before we ever left orbit due to Your Drill Sargent Negligence? This 'Training' Is a farce. No wonder no one from Mars has graduated their to smart to apply!" "That's enough Cadet Jurgen!" "What do you think general is that enough?" The general stepped in front of the drill Sargent and looked me dead in the eyes. "Cadet Jurgen, you will wright me a list of all of these indiscretions and present it within the day. O, Good work out there by the way." The general had shocked me a bit and taken the fuel directly out of my fire all I could manage was a "Yes sir." "As for the rest of you please come with me for your final evaluations." The general then lead squad A out of the bunk house, all those remaining looked back and attempted to stop to say something ,but I waved them on, no need for that now was my thought. At the generals request I listed everything I found out of place with the training of squad A. I expected to send the report via talis however the general had no listed contact, so off I went. It didn't take long to track down the entire quadrant of the station the general and his men had commandeered, this was the busiest I had ever seen it. Operation terminals set up all around, orders being sent out and received, nothing seemed made that couldn't be picked up and carried away in a moments notice. I was lead to a large office overlooking this quadrants concourse. Inside the general sat looking over and issuing orders through what seemed to be a team of soldiers. "Ah George good to see you made it, sit. Everyone dismissed for now." They all left with out a word leaving most of the work they were doing or bringing it with. The general himself in this light looked much older easily in his late Seventies. "Do you know who I am George?" "No sir." I said abruptly. "Ah, I am Grand General Claxton, I assume you know what that is?" "Ye-Yes sir. You are the one who negotiated the treaty with the Cirin sir." I wasn't even sure he was still alive, and at that moment I felt I had hurtled myself off a cliff. "Ha! Negotiated that's a laugh. More we put them in a No win scenario and then gave them an out. But enough of my exploits! You took down a pirate carrier? That takes balls kid." "I just did what I had for my men to live. A little luck didn't hurt neither. I still feel it was unnecessary, and could have been avoided." "Yes I know Jurgen your a smart guy. I have also heard that you have turned down ops," "Yes sir." "Any reason?" "Sir I am a scientist, I wish to return to Lab h." "Scientist piss their pants at the hint of battle. You threw yourself into the heart of one. Sounds like a soldier to me." I stopped for a second considering his words and forming my own. "You want men and women to jump with out question and to die on command. That's not me sir. I may have been ready to die, but it was on my terms and I damn well made an exit strategy. As for why I wouldn't work in ops? Simple, I would be more valuable in the lab than on the field." The old general Claxton watched me and did not interrupt. When I finished he pulled out his chair and sat behind the desk peering at me for a moment. "Do you know if you asked me forty years ago if I would want to be a general let alone head of the entire systems defenses, I would have laughed you off the station. But the choice is yours in the end if you so whish to return I can arrange that. I ask that you finish your last few days of training and attend the title ceremony. Afterwards I will realize you to the command of general Larson prior to your request." "Thank you sir," "Don't thank me yet soldier. I will have one final favor for you to help me with, luckily it happens to be related to a request from Larson regarding your first assignment. I will send you the further details, dismissed." "Yes sir." I left with a sour taste in my mouth, I hated being ordered around like a child.

I remember standing in the observatory and looking out at the stars, It was the final day of training. Yet none of us had worked for about 3 days, after the drill sergeants were fired for negligence. Maybe the new drill sergeants got lost. We really didn't care to know. Squad B whom mind you suffered no losses or ill fated events, kept their distance. It did not help matters when I overheard Barstow calling us the cursed squad, while we all ate and relaxed in the Galley. To be completely honest I could have reacted better. I had stood and cleared the room before he realised it, I wasn't mad I was fuming, I grabbed his large shoulder and spun him and his seat to face me. "Cursed, No just not foolish cowards like you!" I did not let him respond not this time. I landed at least 3 punches while holding him before his squad descended on me. I expected to go down quickly. I did not, to my surprise squad A led by Bart was on my heels. Recharged by their rest the last three days and itching for action my men met the greater numbered forced with efficiency that I have come to admire. Bart grabbed the first of them who was ripping me off their commander, Quickly striking his knees and tossing him to the side. I don't remember every comment in the shouts I'm sure I was yelling various insults as well. The others started in after Bart and it became a mess of punching and kicking. I managed to stay ahold of Barstow most of the fight, we traded blows but from what I remember he was mostly taking them by the point that the M.Ps broke us apart. We spent the night in the station brig.

I expected to awake to a court martial or at least a civil hearing request. Yet this was not the case. When we all awoke we were greeted by our new drill sergeants with a lecture on standards and being the example. This was tiresome but we all sat through it as the alternative was obvious. Striking a fellow officer is resolved normally by immediate dismal from service or up to twenty five years imprisoned. This was not the the case for squad A at least.

Graduation day finally came, Squad A was dressed in our best Uniforms. I was overjoyed to be putting this military life behind me. My feelings were not shared by many of my Squad mates. Bart for one wouldn't leave me alone, hardly letting me out of his sight. Clemmons also shared my enthusiasm as she wished to return to her normal job of Ring racing, Intrigued I asked what this was and how it could earn money? Her response was very long and detailed. So to summarize Ring racing is a intense sport where pilots fly at high speeds, taking place Inside the rings of planets or any difficult terrain. Ring racers also participate in many types of racing.

I remember being uncomfortable in the tight uniforms, as they shuffled us onto the stage. Once we were lined up Head General Claxton made a speech. Though it was short I was quick to change my attentions to anything else. My choice was an odd set of soldiers that seemed to be drifting their way up the Colom of other uniformed soldiers. Following them at first was a distraction, however as I watched the more I noticed other odd things. One that they only moved when the general turned his back, second they seemed to be concealing multiple objects, occasionally passing between them. They made it half way up the chair lined walkways before the speech ended. As the speech ended the General turned toward a lieutenant who then stepped forward carrying a container with a glass case the general proceeded to open. I looked back to the group I was watching but they seemed to have merged into the seated soldiers. The military brass stood as did me and my men. The general stepped forward to the front of us. Before he could speak, I don't remember the blast having any sound, though I know it did. My feet left the floor as did the others around me, a red orange light burst from the first row. I remember coming to a moment or so later, the sight of Clemmons dragging the mutilated body of Walker who was standing closer to the general. I tried to move only to be treated by a Severe pain from my side. I looked down to see a section of the railing protruding from my gut. I don't remember everything clearly but somehow I managed to get my feet. I remember looking into the atrium where now bodies and chairs lay scattered. Multiple craters seemed to be blown into the steel plates flooring. It was chaos, I remember everything started to rush back in as the Talis chip told me it was stabilizing my heartbeat to keep me from entering later stage hemorrhagic shock. As my senses cleared, a horrible sounds seemed to fill my ears, one I couldn't wipe or shake away. A high HISS slowly was growing louder as I looked toward the observation port. A single chair corner was stuck into the window that was slowly cracking further outward. There was no time to yell for help or blast shielding, I doubt I could have anyways. Instead I pushed myself to get to the passageway. I remember getting close to the door, everything was getting dark at this point, when A cracking than Whooshing sound caught my attention but not as much as the crate that smashed into my face knocking me out.