Chapter 5

[A/N:So the MC in the other twilight fanfic will have the corvinus strain and Elixirs powers.]

Hadrian took care of the twins,it was easier that's expected as both were more mature than normal kids.They still had nightmare's about there burning incident.Hadrian actually wanted to turn them into immortals,he had created a spell to do that,the once he created will have the same advantages like the vampires better senses,strength and total recall.

Alec is very protective of his sister Jane,he goes with her decision most if the times,he also has quiet personality,while Jane has hot temper and slightly blunt personality.

Alec and Jane both gained a slight nobility streak from their brother or uncle.They knew his past and they both decided to become immortal to accompany him,as they could tell he has very lonely life.

Both Stefan and Vladmir visited as both wanted to talk about something.Both were now sitting opposite to Hadrian as Vladamir spoke"Hadrian,we were thinking if you join us in creating a new coven."

Hadrian was not sure,but before he could reply Stefan cut in"Hadrian,the Voulturi are not letting any coven with gifted Vampires live.They have destroyed covens left and right,which they think have slight chance of growing stronger than them.They are forcefully recruiting these gifted vampires forcing them either choose to join or be killed."

Hadrian was thoughtful,he was not sure about having so much power to himself as he spoke"How about we create a council,instead of having just one or two having all the power."

Stefan and Vladamir was content with that,Hadrian was powerful,charismatic and wealthy to easily content with the Volturi,also he was not power hungry this made his the perfect person to lead them.Now they are starting to recruit Vampires to fight the Volturi.

Harry sighed and thought"I heard they were feeding on the people that came to visit Voltera.It is a very dangerous move,since humans will advance into an age were everything is recorded and these missing people will cause some sort of investigation and this could reveal the supernatural world to the humans."

Alec and Jane were taught by Hadrian who taught different ways to use their abilities,instead of getting stagnant their abilities got better like Jane learned she could make illusions with different effects than just burning and Alec learned he can make the mist invisible with enough concentration.Stefan and Vladamir called these two witch twins,they both grew found the twins.

They started recruiting more among the people Vladamir recruited was Demetri a boy born on greece,having brought before Hadrian who studied the boy seeing he gifted,Stefan asked"I found the boy greece,he was tracking a deer in the forest,he lost it multiple times.But surprisingly he tracked it down every single time."

Demetri looked down as he felt Hadrian's green eyes,bore into his soul.Hadrian smiled and said"A gifted tracker,he is definitely a gifted human."

Vladamir smiled seeing their suspicions proven correct,Hadrian was always able to tell who it gifted and what kind of powers they had.

Stefan with a frown said"The boy had been watched by Amun,It was just the fact I was able to get to him first."

Hadrian sneered he hated that manipulative, cowardly bastard,as he questioned"Did he see you?"Vladamir denied and answered"No,but once he sees Demetri with us,he definitely will cause us some problems."

Amun was the leader of the Egyptian coven,they acted Egyptian "gods",

When the Volturi asked the Egyptians to surrender. For someone who had lived their whole immortal life without opposition, the Egyptians were furious and refused to grant the Volturi any power over them. Only one Egyptian changed sides—Amun and Kebi. Amun knew that if the Volturi were able to overthrow the Romanians, the more peaceful Egyptians would be totally decimated within a few years.

Amun had a very strong survival instinct or basically he was cowardly rat, and he was willing to bow to the Volturi if it kept him alive. Kebi followed Amun's choice without question since she was his slave. However, Amun was always bitter at having to surrender his former lifestyle. He loved the worship, the towering desert monuments, and the excess. He knew he could not plot against the Volturi, because Aro would find out. But he hoped that, over time, he could gain the strength to oppose them. He had learned from the Volturi methods, and he sought out talented humans and vampires.

Unfortunately for him, Aro was able read of Amun's true desires. He felt the need to let Amun survive in the first place was to make him an example to other covens, so they could see the truth of the Volturi's offer: as long as they did as the Volturi commanded, they could live. Aro always kept a close eye on Amun's movements afterward, so Aro was able to identify individuals Amun was trying to integrate into his coven.Thankfully he missed Amun only took of notice of Demetri a month ago,so Aro didn't know his existence.