Chapter 6

Hadrian trained both Jane and Alec in the art of martial arts,so they didn't be at a disadvantage when they they lose there powers.It was something tat could happen.While he was pretty sure an ability like this could come into existence.

Hadrian was planning on inviting an old friend of his to the coven,her name is Sasha.

She was an friend Hadrian made when he was traveling in Hungary.Hadrian had heard Sasha was living in Slovakia.Hadrian apparated to the spot outside of the village,while he made the way into the village,he was able to get Sasha's house directions.It was slightly at the edge of the town,he saw Sasha,she had blonde hair and the traditional red vampire eyes,she was surprised seeing Hadrian both gave each other a hug,as smiled and asked"I didn't think you knew,I was living."

Hadrian smiled and replied"I have my sources."While Sasha invited him in and asked"What made you come all the way here to see me?"

Hadrian explained everything about th Volturi and thrice plans to creating a coven of their own,which could rival Volturi.Sasha was thought,if it was someone else she would have told them off,but with Hadrian it was possible as he said"I must ask my girl's about this."

Sasha turned Tanya, Kate, and Irina.Tanya was initially a distant relative of Sasha. She was so intrigued by the idea of having another female vampire for company that she decided to turn Tanya; Within a century of Tanya's transformation, they came across Kate while attacking a carriage, and Sasha decided to create a sister to Tanya due to their physical resemblance and Kate's sense of loyalty and later, Sasha came across Irina, a peasant girl living in a small farm community. She was so intrigued by her resemblance to Tanya and Kate that she turned her and adopted her into their family.

The three girls entered the house laughing,as they saw their mother had a guest.While Hadrian and Kate locked eyes,Kate was dazed as she found his green eyes very mesmerizing, they were drawing her in.She felt like she could lose herself in the endless pools of green before her.

For Harry she was just beautiful,like she was wearing a tight fitting brown dress that did everything to accentuate her well-developed curves. To Hadrian, she was the very definition of beautiful.Sasha knew what was happening Kate had found her mate.So with smile she introduced the girls to Harry"Hadrian these are by children,they are Tanya,Kate and Irina."

Hadrian broke from his daze,as only now did he see the other two girls.Hadrian gave smile and said"It is good to meet all of you."

Tanya,Kate and Irina all nodded,but they were curious about this new visitor,they could hear his heartbeat.

Sasha gesturing towards Hadrian said"This is Hadrian Peverell,he is very old friend of mine and he is an immortal just like us."

This surprised the girls as Irina questioned"But that can't be right,we can hear his heartbeat."

Sasha nodded and explained"Hadrian is a true immortal and he has been alive since way before the vampires or werewolves came into existence."

All three looked at Hadrian with surprise and shock as Sasha continued"He is powerful enough to make covens like Volturi stays clear of him."

They didn't know how to react to this as,Tanya and Irina were making plans to sleep with green eyed stranger,but Kate wanted know more about him,as she felt some sort of attraction.Sure she had thought some men as attractive,but this was something else.

Hadrian who was studying Kate spoke up"I must say your daughter does have a very powerful ability,I am surprised the Volturi didn't come looking for her."

Hadrian found Kae had psychic electrokinesis,he found that Kate can generate an electrical current in her body. Upon physical contact, and depending on the power behind it, a target may just feel a static shock or be stunned as if touched by a cattle prod at full charge.

Hadrian turned down Tanya and Irina's tries to get him their bed.While he started his daily routine of martial practice,only to to see Kate watching as she smiled and asked"Can I join you?"

Hadrian nodded and replied"Ofcourse."

Kate gave serious warning"Don't go easily on me I was was warrior in my old war tribe.So I am well trained in my tribe's martial arts."

Hadrian smiled and said"Don't worry I will give my full strength,I don't look down on women."

Kate didn't see any lie in it,as Kate ripped her skirt enough to move freely,as Hadrian looked for second before controlling his emotions.Kate noticed this and smirked.

Both of them took their fighting stance

Kate and Hadrian started their spar,both were serious as you could tell Hadrian had upperhand as he was easily parrying Kate flurry of punches.Kate seeing nothing is working quickly tried a high kick to the rib,only for into be stopped by Hadrian's knee strike.The fight ended with Kate defeat as she flipped into the ground.

Kate laughed and said"It has been a while since,I had a fight like this."Kate was pulled up,as she asked"Could we do this again?"

Hadrian grinned and replied"We could."This was the start of their relationship.