Chapter 24 Rosalie Hale

Hadrian heard all about Rosalie Hale from Kate"I don't know what is going through Carlisle head,I mean changing Rosalie just because he thought she would be Edward's mate is stupid."

Hadrian sighed and questioned, "How is she taking it?"

Kate shook her head and answered," She hates it, from what I heard about her the girl was someone who wanted family and children of her own."

Hadrian nodded understanding the situation as Rosalie

For Hadrian, Carlisle was like his former professor Pomona Sprout, that women not only turned blind to his suffering but slightly encouraged the Hufflepuff on how Harry was being treated.Now the woman has completely disgraced a teacher and is even banned from ever taking any students

Carlisle showed signs of having a similar personality, like compassionate as Carlisle is he easily overlooks others' concerns or problems to that of Edward's needs. Just because the boy was the first person he turned, his favoritism is not really a great thing.

[A/N:After Edward Carlisle actually changed a girl name Ashely in this timline.]

Death was the one who found Rosalie,he had already felt the girl had a magical bond with Hadrian and knew her fate, so with little push, she managed to change it slightly. Kate was able to rescue her, but while she was beating the guys to shit Royce in fear cut Rosalie's throat.

Rosalie after her changed into a vampire, Rosalie hated looking in the mirror as her beauty was enhanced,it only reminded her of the fact she was not human anymore nor can she ever have a normal life.She was angry at Carlisle for turning her in,but she was also thankful towards Kate who was teaching her the laws and stuff about this new world she was now part of.But after getting a reality check she calmed down a bit.


Rosalie was breaking everything in her room,she hated looking even her reflection.Rosalie was angry was cursing Carlisle to hell.

Kate quickly held her down questioned"You think the society would just accept you, after. What happened to you?"

Rosalie was about to retort, but Kate cut it"I know nothing happened to you. But you must know for fact Royce's parents won't let this news get out. They will try to cover this up,I know for a fact this has happened before."

Rosalie was quiet and was thinking,but couldn't come up with anything.Kate asked"If you don't believe he has done this before, you must know a woman named Marlene Jacobs."

Rosalie knew the Jacobs family they were middle class rich family,she was considered as beautiful as Rosalie.But Marlene's reputation was completely destroyed when their was rumors about her being loose women,her parents denied everything.But soon they went away from Rochester with there daughter.

Kate spoke up"Marlene caught the eye of Royce who pretty much forced himself on her,after raping her he went far as to let his friend have go at her."

Rosalie gulped in fear,as she had feeling that would have been her fate too.

Kate continued"The King family didn't want the news out their bribed the police and even tried to buy the silence of Marlene.But her parents denied it,her parents loved their child and they thought by taking the money they were disgracing their child.The King family didn't want their son disgraced they bought th police, and even went far as to create rumours about Marlene being loose women.Everyone,but some of the upper class who knew about Royce's true self believed it,she was considered 'damaged goods' by most everyone else in town.If not for help front their friends in getting out of Rochester,they would made outcast."

Rosalie was pale,she really couldn't imagine how bad her life would be under that monster.

Kate seeing her message is getting through asked"Also didn't you find it weird that The Kings quickly accepted your marriage proposal and the pity looks you have been getting from some if the high echelon families."

Rosalie nodded she had thought they were just jealous,but now she knew they knew who Royce was behind the facade.

Kate continued"It's because Royce's true self was known to them,why do you think someone like Royce didn't have any proposals from rich families of Rochester."

Rosalie muttered"So basically,I fell into the monsters lap at the right time."

Rosalie was now thinking straight she knew,even if she somehow miraculously survived, Royce could not have afforded for her to live through her ordeal and tell the police on him. Even if he avoided criminal charges, there still would've been some news leak into community for his behavior.Some would have distanced themselves from the Royce family.

If the Kings took similar strategy Rosalie's life would've been a living hell from that moment forward. Without the protection of her virtue and her family, she would likely have ended up in the streets, or if she were lucky, perhaps married off hastily to a widower.After she knew her family the best,they would have left her.

Rosalie thought" Would his parents have bought my silence or paid off the police for a rich man's justice? Or would he have threatened me."

Kate spoke up breaking Rosalie out of her thoughts"If you want I can help you with taking revenge."Rosalie gave a blood thirsty grin.