Chapter 23

Royce's family was the richest in Rochester, and his father owned the bank where Rosalie Hale's father worked. Rosalie's family were ambitious and social-climbing, and purposefully crafted a situation for their daughter to meet Royce: her mother sent her to the bank with her father's "forgotten" lunch, and she was able catch Royce's eye.So Royce quickly began courting her and sending her bouquets of flowers; roses at first for her name, then violets as he thought they matched her eyes. Shortly after, he proposed to her, and she accepted, not realizing that he only loved her for her beauty.Rosalie was in dreamland thinking avout being the future Mrs.King,being envied by all.Above all she wanted children and big family of her own.

Rosalie, rosy skin, stunning, but naïve, vain she walks on the arm of the handsome, well-dressed Royce King. Passersby eye her admiringly. Royce enjoyed the attention she brings him.

After visiting her friend Vera one night in April, only one week before the wedding,She was heading down the empty lamp-lit streets.

She pulls her coat close in the chill of the night air,she was returning from a friends home.She slows as she sees a group of five men, gathered under a streetlight. They laugh drunkenly, passing a bottle. Rosalie veers away to avoid them but hears a familiar voice it was Royce " Here she is. Hey, Rose. Come over here."

Rosalie relaxes a little as she realizes it's Royce as Royce gave his rum bottle to one of his friends while saying"Here, hold this. Hey, come over here. We've been waiting for you."

Rosalie with frown said" You're drunk."

Royce ignored it as he said to his friends" Isn't she lovely, John? I told you she was a looker."John leering at Rosalie said," It's hard to say with all those clothes on."Rosalie, uncomfortable, looks to Royce but he just snickers.

Royce with leer asked"What do you say, Rose? Why don't we take off a few layers?"

Rosalie pushed Royce away and said"Stop it... I'll see you tomorrow. Sober."

Rosalie walks off, but Royce abruptly yanks her hat off as she cries out in pain as the pins wrench her hair out. Royce grins, the sadist in him noe had been unmasked. While his friends just laugh at the scene.Rosalie knew Royce had some dark side in him,but being Mrs.King the envy of all made unknowingly turn a blind eye to it.

Royce didn't like the answer yelled" Hey, where do you think you're going?"

Rosalie was slightly scared said"Stop it. Just stop it. Let go. Stop it."

Royce spoke up" Comeback. Hey, you'll do as I say."Then he grabs her coat. She fights him, scratching his face, but he violently rips the coat off her as the brass buttons all pop off and they scatter on the street.

Rosalie was silenced as she could only struggle,as Royce and other thugs were inching close.That's when they heard a noice turing around they saw a women wearing a black coat,Royce in annoyance ordered"Get rid of her or Maybe we will take her too."

Kate was wearing her bracelets which made sure to reduce her physical strength to degree,it was mostly because she wanted to get better with her marital arts,as Kate kickboxes thug no:1 face causing him to get knocked out.Thug No:2 takes a swing at her, but she grabs his arm, twisting it.

Royce couldn't believe all his friends,were taken out so easily and only then did he recognise who the women was,it was Kate Peverell.He knew of Rosalie was left alive chances are he would go to prison,while their was chances of him getting free if they managed to offer Rosalie's parents money.But this women Kate Peverell was whole another matter,she was a women even his own father wanted to kiss up to.

So Royce in panic decided to silence Rosalie for good,he took the broken beer bottle and slit Rosalie's throat.

Thug No:2 writhes in pain,he tried sing his other arm, he tosses the knife over and begins to slash at Kate. Who easily dodges every move,because of the fact her opponent is drunk and easily jumped wraps her legs around his neck, flips him over and arm locks him. She slams his head into a lamp post.That's when she smelt blood,she turned she saw Royce was running away and she saw someone above the women's body.When the guy turned around Kate in disbelief muttered"Carlisle."