Eyes full of love and regret

A guy with large but half-closed blue eyes entered father Reno's cabinet. The eyes did not look like the sea, but rather like a frozen ocean. The blonde hair on his head was curled in chaos. His appearance was both frightening and captivating.


"Hi, Zen".

Zen looked down at father Reno from under his brows.

"You're a murky guy, however," the man said. "I like it," he smiled after a pause.

Zen continued to stare at father Reno with his cold gaze.

"I want to know my purpose."

"Don't you know it yet?"

Zen thought for a second.

"I know."

"Then why are you asking me?"

"Because only you decide who goes to which academy."

"Me? I'm not deciding anything. I just open and close my mouth, making various sounds. And I have nothing to do with the purpose."

"Huh," Zen grinned. "Then my purpose is the detective academy."


"And that's all?"

"Yes. Good luck," father Reno said with a smile.

Zen said nothing and left the cabinet.

"It was fast," Zen thought. "But the main thing is that now I am closer to solving the case of death of my father. The rest does not matter".

A thin guy entered the cabinet. He had long, straight hair that covered tired gray eyes. Having looked at them once, you will never want to look there again. Word "death" was stamped with ice in his pupils.

"Good afternoon, father Reno," Aram said.

"Hello, Aram. Sit down."

Hearing his name, Aram looked at father Reno in disbelief.

"Is this your ability?" Aram asked.

"What exactly?"

"How do you know my name?"

"I know a lot of things."

Aram deadly stared at father Reno. His distrust grew more and more every second.

"Distrust is a very necessary quality in our world, Aram," said Father Reno. "But sometimes it is better to smile and pretend that you understand everything."

Aram continued to stare at father Reno with the same disbelief.

"I understood you."

"Well done. Questions?"

"What do I need to do to find out my purpose?"

"Let's watch."

Father Reno turned his head to the right and stared at the ceiling for a few seconds. Suddenly the light emanating from the cube went out.

"Is that how it should be?" Aram asked.

"Maybe, maybe".

Aram thought that the old man was just mocking him and decided to stand still in silence. Suddenly his eyes caught a light. He remained silent and expected father Reno to say something. But the old man said nothing.

"Father Reno?" Aram asked.

But no one answered him. Aram decided to move closer to the light source. In the dark, he made out a doorway. The room had changed, but it seemed eerily familiar. Suddenly a child's cry was heard. Aram went to the doorway and gaze through it. After a few seconds, he stumbled backward and fell to the floor. His breathing became ragged, and his bulging eyes stared at one point. He could not believe what he saw.

"This is a hallucination. This is just a test and a hallucination. I need to calm down."

Despite trembling knees, Aram got up and walked to the door again. He wanted to open it, but suddenly, the child stopped crying.

"Is there someone here?" a child's voice was heard.

Aram froze and held his breath.

"Is this not a vision?"

Deciding to be more careful, he squatted towards the door and decided to watch the little boy through the keyhole.

The room he saw was the living room. There were human remains on the floor. Dismembered bodies. A boy of about seven years old was sitting next to them. After a few seconds of silence, he looked down again and began to sob.

"Mom, dad," the boy was shouting sobbing.

Suddenly he fell to the floor and grabbing a woman's head with both hands hugged her. At the same moment, he started screaming.

"Aaaaa, it hurts! Don't! Don't! Please. Why does it hurt so much? What it is?"

The boy was convulsing. His body was shaking as if from an earthquake. He turned from one side to the other, waved his head, and at the same time did not let go of his mother's head.

Aram's heart was filled with blood. He brought his hand to his chest and squeezed his shirt. This scene was impossible to watch. His eyes began to fill with tears.

"Stop. Please stop. Enough. Let go of this head," Aram shouted in his head.

The boy fell to the floor from exhaustion.

"It hurts, it hurts so much," he said through tears. "Mom. Why did you leave? Dad. Please tell me something".

The boy began to reach for his father's bloody body.

"Don't!" Aram shouted and with all his might opened the door. He ran to the boy, stretched out his arms, and hugged him. Father's hand fell to the floor.

"Don't, please. You don't need to touch them anymore. Do not torture yourself. I'm with you. You are not alone. You are not alone," Aram said breathlessly.