Aram, your destiny...

The boy seemed to come out of a trance and began to cry.

He covered his face with his hands and buried it in Aram's chest. Then he began to calm down slowly. Finally, he stopped crying, wiped away his tears, and looked at Aram. There were dark circles around his eyes.

"Brother, who are you?"

"I, I…"

Before he had time to say something, Aram suddenly began to feel dizzy, everything floated before his eyes and he fell to the floor.

The next moment he opened his eyes. Father Reno was sitting before him, and the glowing cube was spinning on the table.

"What was it?"

"What are you talking about?" said father Reno, as if he didn't know anything.


Aram clearly didn't like father Reno. He knew his name, knew his past and the most painful parts of his mind. He sent Aram to this terrible place for a reason. And he watched. Probably from somewhere else in the room, father Reno was watching him. He saw the most secret that was in his heart.

"I hate you," Aram said.

"I can understand that.:

"No, you cannot. You don't know anything about me and you decided to invade my consciousness without my permission."

Aram was clearly in a bad mood. After a pause, father Reno decided to continue.

"So are you ready to find out your destiny?"

"I know it without you," shouted Aram.

"Ahahaha," father Reno laughed. "Don't get so excited, Aram. Just one word of mine and you will find yourself in some rotten academy and will be doomed forever."

"No. You cannot do that. I am sure that your superpower is somehow supported by a blood contract. You cannot resist fate. This is why you assign destiny to everyone. Because it does not depend on you."

"Your destiny Aram," father Reno continued without listening, "is the Academy of Detectives."

"I knew it."

"And I will give you advice," Reno continued, "be able to keep quiet sometimes."

Aram raised his eyes to the strange man in black, turned away, and left.

As soon as he left the office, he immediately grabbed his forehead, closing his eyes.

"Bastard, he's just a bastard. How painful," he said through his teeth, barely audibly.

Walking along the corridor, Aram unexpectedly ran into another guy. He had brown hair and eyes of the same color. Fire blazed in them, but not as icy as Aram's.

"Careful," Aram said. He was clearly not in the mood.

"In terms of what? Is it my fault?" the guy looked down at Aram. His left eyebrow rose.

"What am I to blame?" Aram raised his voice and also looked with his cruel glance from under his brows.

A little bit more and a fight would start. Suddenly Aram grabbed his head.

"Die, die. Die you weak," different words began to be heard in his head, of which he could make out only these.

"I had to pull myself together." Aram gathered all his strength and looked through the pain into the eyes of the stranger. He extended his hand forward and the dark-haired guy was wrapped in chains.

"What are you doing? Are you crazy?" the guy shouted.

"And you? You used your wild ability on me and you think I won't answer?"

"Oh, you!"

Aram made the chains on the guy even tighter.

"I will kill you!" the stranger shouted in rage. "Die, die!"

The confusion began in Aram's head. A huge amount of negative thoughts were spinning in his mind. Memories of the past, unwillingness to live, the torment of conscience, distrust of others, bullying, loneliness. Everything filled Aram's head.

"It might not be such a bad idea to die," he mused.

"Stop it!" there was suddenly heard a girl's voice. She ran into the corridor and hit first Aram, and then the stranger in the face.

Aram's chains immediately shattered and his head began to recover. The negative thoughts were gone.

"I don't know what happened here, but you don't need to kill each other or yourself. You'd better make up. If you get into the same academy, you then study together for several years, or even have to work all your life," she said.

"All life?" both screamed.

"So that I and him… never!" said the guy.

"He will never make it to the Detectives Academy," Aram said.

"Are you in the Detectives Academy? Even if I get there, I'll kill you first."

"Of course, of course, dream about it," Aram said and left the corridor.

The chestnut-haired guy headed for Reno's cabinet. The girl decided to stand still and wait for her turn.

"What do you mean by saying Detectives Academy?" after a few seconds, David screamed in the room. "And you do not want to conduct a test, uncle Reno? Why is it so fast?"

"Go David, this is your destiny."

"Life is cruel," David said with fake tears in his eyes and left the room. Ksyu stood on the threshold.

He looked at her, remembered what happened a minute ago, and blushed. Trying to pretend that nothing had happened, he looked at the ceiling, and whistling tried to walk next to Ksyu.

"Don't even pretend. I heard everything," Ksyu said, crossing her arms at her chest.

David's face immediately drooped.

"Uh... this... I…"

"Come on, take it easy. It's even funny," she said with a smile.


"I wonder why such unexpected things in life so often come true. Random works so weird sometimes."

"Yeah. And for some reason right now!"

"You know, it would be funny if I also got into the Detectives Academy. I think the three of us would be fun."

"What? With this moron?"

"Yes, that's why I would like to go there."

"You're strange. You don't know any of us."

"You don't understand," she said with a smile, "it doesn't matter. I just want it right now. I already imagined in my head how cool it would be."

Having said these words, she entered father Reno's cabinet. And left after 5 seconds.

"What's there?" David asked. He even did not know why he had stayed to wait for her, but nevertheless, he wondered where she had been sent.

"Listen, do you have something to do today?"

"What?" David blushed.

"I'm in a good mood. I want ice cream."

"Well, actually I have nothing to do…"

"Fine! Let's go get some ice cream then."

David's head got mixed up. Girl... beautiful girl... a strange beautiful girl just because of nothing calls him to eat ice cream. There was nothing to lose, except that she could be a cannibalistic maniac who would eat him in the evening on the way home. Well, that wasn't so bad either.

"Lll… let's go," he said and followed her.