Panic and solution

Alex froze.

"Let me go ahead!" Lia shouted and burst into the toilet. "Find a fire extinguisher! It must be somewhere in the corridor!"

Alex rushed into the corridor

"Lia, pull yourself together," Lia told herself. "Hold on, we'll put out the fire now! A bit more! You can do it," she said to the dark-haired boy.

She quickly ran to the blond guy who was profusely bleeding from his head. The guy almost passed out. Lia took off her black long-sleeved t-shirt and began to rip it open.

"Okay. There are no foreign objects in the head. He is in a sitting position. All that remains is to stop the bleeding."

Her hands were shaking. She bit her lower lip and put the first piece of clothing on his wound.

"Ahhh," Zen moaned weakly.

"Hold on," said Lia, "now the bleeding will stop and I will take you to the infirmary."

Then she took the second, larger piece of her T-shirt and made a bandage on his head.

"So, we must somehow call a medic,'' she thought. "What will be faster?"

She took the phone out of her pants pocket and called the ambulance. At that moment Alex burst into the toilet with a fire extinguisher.

"Is it an ambulance? We urgently need help with the Detective Academy. And call our first-aid post, I don't have a number. One guy was injured, his head bruised against the wall, it is bleeding. "A fire extinguisher was making a loud noise in the background." "And the second guy," she began to shout so that her voice was at least a little audible, "he is burning... Burning!"

Lia turned off the phone. Alex completely put out the fire, took the dark-haired guy in his arms, and lowered him to the floor.

"What's next?!" he shouted.

The guy was moaning violently. He was in great pain.

"We need to rip his smoldering clothes off," Lia said.

"One second," Alex said.

He closed his eyes and something began to appear in his hand. These were scissors.

"What else do we need?" Alex asked.

"Nice!" Lia shouted and took the scissors. "We need a warm blanket and a bottle of water."

She made cuts in his shirt and pants and began to rip them. Meanwhile, Alex was creating a blanket.

"Okay," Lia said. "Carefully wrap him in a blanket and constantly give him water. And watch out for that guy too. If the bleeding gets worse, create bandages or just rip your shirt off and put a bandage on his head. First press it to his head, and then apply the bandages. Make sure that guys don't turn off. Also, don't give the blond guy any water or food. In no case. And don't give them painkillers either. I'll go look for an infirmary."

Lia sat down on the floor in the middle of the toilet and closed her eyes. She saw four lights racing from right to left.

"This is probably Felix and Chief William. Then I'd better run to them."

Lia came to the stairs and began to run down to the ninth floor.

"I hope I did everything right," she said. "I hope everything will be fine with them."

Her heart was beating very fast.

The noise was heard on the left side and the silhouette of running people was visible.

"Here!" Lia shouted.

The silhouettes froze, but after a moment began to move even faster in her direction.

"I found two guys! They are alive, but we need medics. Urgently!"

Felix, Chief William, Arto, and Aram reached Lia. At first, they were embarrassed by what she looked like as she was wearing pants and a black T-shirt, her hands were covered in blood, and her fingers had black marks on them.

Felix looked at Lia from head to toe, took out his phone, and called the infirmary.

"Janet, urgently," he said. "Where are they?" he asked Lia.

"The tenth-floor toilet, "he said.

"The tenth-floor toilet," Felix said and turned off the phone.

For a second, he looked at the floor and said.

"An ambulance came to us. I told them to go upstairs."

"Yes, I called them," Lia said.

Suddenly her mind went out of hand and she fainted.

First aid post. A few minutes after the ambulance arrived, Rosen had already 3 bedmates.

"Thank you very much for responding so quickly," said Chief William to the doctors.

"These are your students. They did everything very right and provided proper first aid to the victims," said one of the doctors. "This is where our mission ends. We will go."

"Let me walk you downstairs," Chief William said.

"Janet," said Felix. "I called Samvel. You can rest."

"It's okay," she said and smiled. "It won't be difficult for me…"

"No," Felix said. "Your strength is in a night of good sleep. You need to rest," Felix said.

"Okay, I'll hand over the affairs to Samvel," said Janet.

"Guys," said Chief William. The last exam for today is waiting for you. It will start in a few minutes. I understand it was not easy for you today. You can relax a bit on the sofa in the hall. And we'll start soon."

"What about the rest?" Reia asked.

"We will then give them a chance to pass this exam. In any case, it doesn't affect anything. So that's not a problem," Chief William said.

"What about the killer?" Aram asked. "It's that dark-haired guy, isn't it? Isn't it dangerous to leave him with the guys he almost killed?"

"Most likely it is him. Don't worry when he gets up, he won't be able to budge. And Samvel will look after them all," said Felix.

At this moment Samvel, who had recently entered the room, winked. He was a tall, thin guy, 25-27 years old, with dark, short, disheveled hair and gray eyes.

The guys thanked everyone for their help and went out into the corridor. Lia, Rosen, Zen, and the dark-haired boy were left in the infirmary.

"I hope they will be fine," Reia said. "But I'm still worried that they were all put in the same room."

"This blonde and his friend clearly know what they are doing," said Ksyu. "I even think they did it on purpose."

"Why?" David asked. "Although, it seems to me that they called that doctor for a reason. He looks pretty intimidating."

"Yes," said Aram. "In any case, we just have to pass the last exam and that's it. If you want, then we can return to the infirmary."

"If we don't die on this mission," Reia said.

"By the way, let me introduce you to Arto," said Aram. "He helped us find Zen."

"Hello," said Arto.

"Hi," the guys said.

"Join us," said Ksyu. "It is fun with us."

"I already felt," Arto said with a smile.

Everyone headed to the first floor. Kano and Alex walked behind everyone.

"Alex," said Kano, "you are great."

"Thank you," Alex said with downcast eyes. "I didn't do anything special."

"That's already enough," Kano said.

In the lobby on the first floor, everyone was eagerly awaiting the announcement of the last fourth exam. There was also a rumor between the students that after one of the exams one of the students became so ill that the director had to call an ambulance. Others said that in fact, the student was just pretending, as he was afraid to take the exam to investigate the murder. And some believed that the academy had secret rooms that no one could enter. And one of the students found one of them. And now he is in a coma, and the ambulance has arrived to bring him back to life.

In any case, Chief William and Felix were already at the top.

"Your next exam will take place right here," said Chief William. "You will observe your fellow students and you will have the opportunity to decide who passed this exam and who did not."

The black curtains at the end of the hall opened. A stage could be seen behind them. But the worst thing was not the microphone in the middle of it. The entire length of the stage was filled with a huge number of boxes of tomatoes.