Having lunch with the trio

"And also I don't wanna be student body president anymore since I have already decided to retire my duties since I want to take things calmly to my own account," she said with full seriousness that the Mr Park answered,

"Alright, you may and you Rai go sit next to Shinwoo."

Everyone in the room watched her silently and some watching Raizel with adoration (A/N: as you may put it). However Shinwoo was shocked and said,

"Wait what?!"

And everyone looked at him with pure fury because Raizel was sitting next to him and is also gonna take care of him. While Byeol turned her head and just realize that he was sitting right behind her! 'What have I got myself into?' she questioned herself.

As Raizel sat down in his new seat while class started. And all the while he was watching her every note in her notebook as she paid full attention to her teacher.

'Why do I feel so...connected to her somehow but I wonder why is she feeling so determined to finish early?' Raizel thought as he watched with his softness in his eyes.

At lunchtime...

'I have to get some Bulgogi because I'm so starving' Byeol thought as she ordered her lunch and then as she was sitting alone in one of the free tables that were far away from Raizel. However, Ik-Han turned around noticing that Byeol was eating her lunch alone and then, he asked,

"H-hey sorry to bother you but you seem lonely would you like to join us for lunch?"

Byeol turned her head to his direction and then to where Raizel and Shinwoo were. She sighed in response and said, "Alright if that is what you guys want."

All the girls glared at her as she ignored their daggering eyes while carrying her tray to where they are and sat next to Raizel while Ik-Han and Shinwoo start to eat their Ramen with Rai. But somehow he just kept staring at it and then, Shinwoo said,

"Why are you staring at the noodles?"

"I'm waiting for the noodles to multiply," Raizel answered.

Byeol almost choked on her Bulgogi as Raizel glanced her way and all the girls watching her in pure jealousy but then, she wiped her mouth once she finished she said,

"Excuse me I should be going now I will be late for my next class," as she stood up grabbing her empty tray and thrown it on the garbage and left to her next class. However little did she know was that Raizel couldn't keep his eyes off her.

End of classes...

Ding Dong Ding Dong~~

'Finally, classes are over and then, I have to give back the German book that Chairman recommend it last week' she thought as she kept all her textbooks and her school supplies in order all the while Rai kept watching her every movement as Shinwoo asked Ik-Han,

"Psst hey look..." as he was pointing at Byeol while Shinwoo winked at Ik-Han and then, they smirked.

Before she went left to the door Shinwoo wrapped his arm on the back of her neck and asked,

"Yo, Cho why don't we accompany you home since the three of us are brave men to protect a woman to her house, isn't that right?"

"..." she said nothing but shrugged his arm off and turned to face them and just nodded in response but then she said,

"I will catch up to you guys I just have to return this book to the chairman alright later."

Then, she went her way and delivered the book to the chairman and asked, "Chairman thank you for the german book you gave me."

"Ah, your very welcome Ms Cho. Oh and also I would like to give you this," he said as he took back the german book and placed back to it's original place and walked to the other bookshelf and gave her a Romanian book about it's culture and languages. Byeol took it to her hands and smiled in joy and thanked him,

"Thank you so much, Chairman, I will finish reading it by the end of next week I promise." as she took the book and placed it inside her bag and as she was walking towards the exit he asked,

"May I asked is it true that you understood what he said faster than Mr Park did and why did you decide to retire your duty as president?"

She stopped in her tracks and turned her head towards her shoulder and responded, "That is very true, Chairman and why I wanted to retire my duty as S.B.P. is because I wanted to help my mother since she will be going to labour soon next month and I have to do all the work since father is still working for as a guider to a few good people that have been through a lot lately so that's why I want to read as much as possible."

He understood and then she left to join the boys.

*Student Body President= S.B.P.