15-year-old Byeol meeting M-21 and M-24 with her father (flashback)

Dr Cho said goodbye to his pregnant wife while he told his daughter, "Byeol,"

"Yes, Dad?" said 15-year-old Byeol as she gathers her bag along with her wallet and her phone.

"Come I wanna introduced a few friends of mine, are you alright with that?" he asked while looking at his daughter with a smile.

"Sure Dad but first I have to get the groceries first and then we can meet up at a Korean restaurant across the street okay, 👌" she said as soon as she left for the grocery store Mr Cho took off his wedding band and gave it to his wife then nods. He then heads out to the Union HQ.

At Union HQ...

"Dr, I want results from both M-21 and M-24 with the next injection understood Dr Cho?" ordered Cromwell with a serious demanding voice as Dr Cho said, "Yes sir!"

As Dr Cho noticed the time that it was 7:30 pm it was his time to rest for 5 hours but then he had an idea while testing with the new injections to see if they were any side-effects but apparently,

"Hey, Doc what's it like to eat normal food because what they give isn't enough for us," said M-21 with a groan and so does M-24.

"Hey...why don't I take you guys out before Boss gets here so we can go out and eat what do you say? Oh and put these on." Dr Cho gives them each a black coat and they grabbed them.

At the Korean Restaurant...

Byeol sitting in the corner of the place while the groceries sitting on the floor thinking, 'When does my dad pretend to come in time he said he had something to tell me'


She looked up to see her dad come in she stood from her chair and then, realize he brought two other men with him. One was a large, bald, muscular man with purplish-pink skin which was veiny at certain parts like his cheeks. He had an angular jaw and wore a black fedora with a grey turtleneck sweater, a black jacket, and dark pants.

The other one was a tall, lean, handsome man with silver-grey hair that almost reaches his shoulder and almost always covers one eye. He has piercing grey eyes and a jagged scar along the right side of his mouth. He also had purple-pinkish skin.

"Byeol I would like you to meet one of my friends," said her father as he smiled at both of them and then he said, "Please sit M-24 and you too M-21."

"Thanks, Doc," said M-24 as he looks at the young girl across the table. However Byeol cleared her throat as she introduced herself stretching her hand,

"Good evening M-24 and M-21 my name is Cho Byeol but people who are close to me have my permission to call me by my first name Byeol :) "

M-24 and M-21 were startled but then, they relaxed and each of them shook her hand back. Then, her father Doctor Cho said, "Let's order something before my break is up okay?"

"But wouldn't we get in trouble and your daughter knows about what you do?!" M-21 half-whispered at the doctor but then, he smiled,

"Yes, I trust my daughter and my wife about this so that's why I don't wear my wedding ring when I work,"

"Then...what happens when your family knows about the Union? That would put you on the line," panicked a bit M-24 but Byeol then answered his question, "Since you both asked..."

They look up at her while she continues, "Because I was 10 when my mother and I found out about where he worked, at the Union organization. Once he got home we confronted him about where he worked but he didn't deny it so, he explained to us why he did it saying, 'Byeol I am going to give you this protective serum that will make sure you remember every detail of what you see with your sight and also will protect you from anyone who dares give you memory wash. And as for you darling, I prepared a basement just in case anything happened to me so that the baby and you be safe.'" as the waitress gave her tea.

M-24 and M-21 were shocked then he asked, "But he didn't make you guys forget didn't he?"

"And that's why she has those eyes because her memories are protected by the protection serum but sadly I had to do it since Jake and Marie might wanna kill me and my family while trying to get information on who else knows this so even if they or whoever tries to go after my family and I just know for sure that my daughter will be the only person to remember everything no matter how strong they can be," said Doctor Cho (Byeol's father) sadly but then, he patted both his new friends.

'So he has also precaution in case Jake and Marie come after them when everything is over and when Cromwell thinks that he was alone and his family are safe' thought M-21 worriedly because he still could not believe them but for some reason he understood. Then both M-21 and M-24 thought the same,

'He is braver than any of us could be'

"Here's your order lady and gentlemen," said the waitress while setting down their orders for dinner.

"And might I ask Doc, what colour were her eyes before?" asked M-24 out of curiosity.

"Her eyes were like mine normal brown," Doctor Cho answered but then, he continued, "Come on guys let's eat before anyone from the organization knows that you're gone without permission and we hope you guys love the meal it is simply delicious."

Then Byeol cleared her throat and started eating her ramen and so did everyone else. And apparently, they were happy and they all chatted like normal humans. Even M-21 and M-24 enjoyed themselves but then Byeol said,

"I can't just call you guys by your number names,"

"Hmm?" they asked with their mouth full then, she thought and said, "I know you, M-24 you would now be called...Byeong-su and you M-21 would now be called...Kwan."

They were completely shocked and couldn't believe that she would name them well. But they stood up and then said both together,

"Thank you so much, Byeol."

Then both she and her dad smiled at them as they had a wonderful time.