Jake's threat and Byeol hostage

Meanwhile, once Byeol and her friends left to take Rai home she headed back first since she was supposed to have a talk with her dad and mom about today's incident. But then, she groaned in pain her head was punching within her body. As she was close to getting home she recognizes two familiar people on her front door. But as she got near she panicked pretending to keep her cool that Kwan (M-21) and Byeong-su (M-24) brought someone else with them. She pretended to notice them until she was grabbed by the collar by a tall middle-aged man. He had chestnut hair and golden eyes. His nose was pointy and also had blueish skin. She tried to escape his grip but failed as he threw her to the alley floor as she grunts while rubbing her right arm she asks,

"What do you want?"

"Well...we were kinda wondering what Doctor Cho has to say about having a weakness huh? Or could it be that your mother is months pregnant with that so-called father of yours? Hey just saying that you know more than you think don't ya?" the guy asked as he was kept guessing about the information about her and her family but then, Kwan looked at the guy and asked,

"So the target all along was her not the Noblesse?" Byeol could tell that he was worried about her and her family especially her because she was the one to give them names for the first time since they came out of their tubes.

"snickering* Well she is our hostage for now. But for now, let's give her 'daddy' a call shall we?" said Jake while snickering as he was about to make a call. "Oh and by the way tie her up so she doesn't move if not you know what's gonna happen."

Byeong-su and Kwan just glared at him in frustration and did as they were told.

Meanwhile at the apartment...

"Sweety why is Byeol taking so long she should be home by now." Ms Cho said looking worried at her husband, "You don't think Jake found out about us and Byeol?"

"W-what?! He couldn't have known I...no no," Doctor Cho kept saying shaking his head but then his wife asked, "Where can you lead me to the nearest place to take me, Sweety?"

"..." he kept thinking fast before anything else happens until,

*Psycho-pass ringtone*

He grabs his phone and answered, "H-hello Byeol?!"

"hehehe," laughter was heard on the other end of the phone and then everyone froze as the familiar voice said,

"Sooo doctor Cho aren't you gonna ask how are my treatments going or should we just say that we have something very precious to you so you have 2 days to show yourself if not you wouldn't be the last one I kill."

"Jake...you sociopath," growled Byeol's dad gripping his phone and his wife looking worried while covering her mouth, he continued, "I want to hear my daughter I want to make sure you keep her alive until then."

But before Jake walked towards Byeol he kicked her in the stomach so hard she coughed out blood and then he grins devilishly at her and then, said,

"It's your daddy,"

"Nghh...coughs out more blood* dad get...mom away from...here..." she said groaning in pain coughing up blood on the floor while her head was a pain.

"Byeol!" her dad yelled in fear and worry as his wife just watched in shock.

"Remember 2 days or she's dead, see you later Doc," Jake said evilly as he hung up on the phone leaving the beeper at the end of the phone.

Then, Doctor Cho looked at his wife and said, "Let's pack your bags I'm taking you to the other side of town where an old friend lives."

His wife nodded as she carefully went to her room and grabbed everything she needs while her husband grabbed his phone and dialled a few numbers as he waited for someone to answer.

Byeol's POV:

It was dark, but not completely dark there we're yellowish lamps on each corner of the room a dusty sofa and a metal door behind it 3 meters away. I was still bleeding through my mouth as my uniform was dirty with dirt and musk. My knees were bandaged up by Kwan (M-21) before he left with Jake. However, my bag was on the other side of the room next to my now broken cellphone. I could already tell my hair was now filthy and dirty as beads of sweat come down behind my neck.

It's been like hours since I last ate and the pain is mentally killing me. And worse I haven't eaten my dinner yet...groans in pain*' my stomach growled in hunger as I was tied up in metal chains around me and my mouth was also tied up but with a white rope. 'I need to eat so I don't lose consciousness but how...I can't ask Kwan or even Byeung-su for help because Jake could easily find out about them with their blue friend.'

Then I heard the door open and it was Byeung-su (M-24) he came in as he cursed himself for not helping me that I know and I believe Kwan (M-21) is keeping the lookout to find Shinwoo, Yuna and Ik-Han.

'I watch Byeol trying to stay awake as I watch her in so much pain both mentally and physically. But...' thought Byeung-su (M-24) as I watch him take out something from his pocket then, I realize it was a chicken leg and to his left hand was a bottle of water.

"Eat up kid and don't worry Jake left back to the rooftop with Kwan (M-21)," he sadly said as he took off the white rope from my mouth as I gasp in pain quietly and said to him,

"T-thank you..." I then munched on the chicken leg and then, he opened the tap of the water bottle as I gulped it and continued eating the leftover chicken leg. Once I was done eating and drinking I thanked him again,

"Thank you and how did 'Jake' know about dad, my mom and me?" I had to ask because if I don't get information about outside soon they will kill my family.

He sighed while placing the chicken bone to a hidden corner and the now empty water bottle in his pocket and answered,

"sighs* He found out once he heard about the blue monster you tried to calm down at the bridge and that one of your friends are witnesses about the day the coffin opened. I shouldn't be telling you this but you will find out anyway."

I thought for a moment carefully until he squats down to face me and says, "You must stay strong and make sure Jake or Marie don't read ya alright."

I nod in agreement as I looked up to him and said, "I will but do you think you can check on my head because it really hurts so much *groans*"

"I'll try though I think it might hurt a bit," he warned me as he did and then, once he checked I asked, "So what's wrong?"

"You might wanna calm your thoughts so I think that should do sorry I couldn't do more," Byeung-su apologizes as he gets up and turns away but he turned around and places the white rope back to tie up my mouth shut. As I kept my thoughts thinking of happy and calming thoughts until I fell to the side to sleep.

The next day...NO ONES POV:

"Cho Byeol are you present?" the homeroom teacher said as everyone looked to where she was but then, "Well she's absent that's a first..." he muttered the last part as he continues with his class while Ik-Han whispered to asked Yuna, "Yuna do you know where Byeol is?"

"Idk she didn't answer my calls this morning when I arrived," she whispered back in response.

At free period Rai decided to head to Frankenstein's office as he entered Frankenstein stood up as he greeted him,

"Good morning master, what can I help you with?" as he bowed to Rai while looking up to face him.

"Lady Byeol has not arrived yet since yesterdays incident and my colleagues and I was wondering what could have happened to her but I can feel that she is in so much pain..." said Rai in confused in worry.

'No way he already worried about her and they only met just yesterday at the gate,' Frankenstein thought in shock.

But then, all of a sudden someone knocked on the door and Frankenstein answered,

"Come in. "

As the door opened, Byeol's father came in panting while collapsing to the white couch but then he said something surprising both Rai and Frankenstein,

"I need help director and I don't think my family have much time *panting* we're in trouble."

Frankenstein took off his glasses and walked to where the man sat while asking, "Calm down Doctor Cho-san what do you mean in trouble?"

The Doctor Cho took a deep breath and sat up as he continues, "My daughter...has been taken, hostage."

Rai widen his eyes but then, he asked, "By who?"

"By the Union."

Frankenstein frowned and asked, "The Union? Do you work there?"

He nodded and said, "They told me I couldn't go to the police because if I do, they will kill both my wife and Byeol but I have already sent my wife to the countryside where her mother lives so my unborn child is safe. But right now, Byeol could be tortured to talk or worse killed before tomorrow!"


"Talk you piece of shit!" Jake said as he kept punching Byeol on the stomach still scoffing of blood as Kwan (M-21) came into the room and froze on the spot while watching how the poor girl was being tortured to talk or tattletale on them but both him and Byeng-su (M-24) know that she wouldn't even mention her classmates too. But then suddenly Jake stopped and groans as he and the guys headed back to the rooftop again and this time Byeol's head was pounding,

'Calm down my mind must *groans in pain*...relax and...I hope dad...mom and my...friends stay safe' she tried thinking to herself as she tries sitting up, she suddenly remembers her mother's lullaby from when she was 6.

Flashback 6-year-old Byeol...

"Mama can you sing me that song again so I can sleep with happy dreams please?" said Byeol covering herself in her mothers embrace and then, her mother said while smiling, "Alright, Byeol I will once you under your bed covers before you catch a cold."

Flashback closes...and Byeol starts singing

I'm so tired of being here

Suppressed by all my childish fears

And if you have to leave

I wish that you would just leave

'Cause your presence still lingers here

And it won't leave me alone

These wounds won't seem to heal

This pain is just too real

There's just too much that time cannot erase

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

But you still have all of me

You used to captivate me by your resonating light

Now I'm bound by the life you left behind

Your face, it haunts my once pleasant dreams

Your voice, it chased away all the sanity in me

These wounds won't seem to heal

This pain is just too real

There's just too much that time cannot erase

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

But you still have all of me

I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone

But though you're still with me

I've been alone all along

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

But you still have all of me

All of me... me... me...

Once she stopped singing she heard something from the other side of the metal door...