The Rescue

On the rooftop,

Byeong-su (M-24) grabbed hard with his big hands to the fence as he growls, "Jake, the mission is an excuse and Byeol is being punished for becoming the only hostage and leverage against Doctor Cho and now he has until nightfall to show himself or else his family will die!"

"Calm down, Byeong-su," says Kwan (M-21) then continues, "They're strong we could never beat them. Our only chance on helping Byeol escape and also...getting that coffin." as he furrows his eyebrows.

"Hey it's those kids from yesterday," said Byeong-su (M-24) as Kwan (M-21) walked to where the fence was and looked down below to where they spotted the 4 kids who witnessed yesterdays attack. But then, once one student, in particular, turned to face to where they're standing his eyes glowed blood red as his vision cleared Kwan (M-21) froze when they made eye contact.

then Kwan (M-21) thought,

'What?!..He? How can he have noticed us?!'

"This means we can get moving before Jake does," said Byeong-su (M-24) smiling at his partner.

"Shooting breeze eh?" said a familiar voice as both Kwan (M-21) and Byeong-su (M-24) turned around to face both Jake and Marie.

"Jake! Marie!" said Kwan (M-21) while the two people in front of them Jake smirked evilly and said, "We'll take care of them nice and quick along with Doctor Cho's daughter and family hehehe."

"What?" asked Kwan (M-21).

"All at risks of the Organization should be eliminated. That's our priority," said Marie was a thin, young woman with blue eyes and long blue hair. She wore blue lipstick and a black mini skirt with a revealing black (or blue) cropped top. As she was crossing her arms stating a point to them.

"The witnesses are those kids aren't they?" asked amusingly Jake to both Kwan (M-21) and Byeong-su (M-24)as they turned around to look to where the kids were.

Back to Byeol...

'I could already tell that it was probably the afternoon because I have been punched and scratched by Jake. I couldn't call my friends or family because one my phone was broken from yesternight, two even if I did call and was able to get through I would be...' but her thoughts were interrupted by 3 of my classmates being carried by Kwan and Byeong-su I panicked as I try standing but ended up falling back on the ground with my cheek. But then, once my classmates woke up and then, their gazes caught and injured me and they screamed in worry,

"Byeol-chan what happen to you? This is where you have been since yesterday...kidnapped!!" said Shinwoo with worry and anger that he stood up and as he was about to punch Jake, then he got kicked in the stomach and continued while Ik-Han and Yuna cried in fear and worry for Shinwoo. While Jake started yelling Byeol again,

"TELL ME EVERYTHING YOU KNOW NOW, BYEOL CHO!!! Or your little friends will die!!"

"That's...not gonna...happen you *coughing blood*sociopath," she growled back as she stood up and went over to protect both Ik-Han and Yuna. She whispered to them, "Brace yourselves and everything is gonna be fine they want me to talk but I would not wanna place you guys in this situation okay?"

"We already called the last witness so, you can do as you please with them," said Jake with an evil chuckle.

At the rooftop...

Kwan (M-21) said while the wind got stronger by the minute that he had to place his right hand where his earpiece is and yelled, "Wait what if the last one doesn't show up? We'd have to find him again."

Back to where the kids are...

"Who gives a damn!" answered Jake with an evil smile on his face as his eyes widen in gruesome excitement with a crazy look on his face and continued saying, "Just eat when you want to!"

"But Byeol your injured you shouldn't be moving too much your bleeding more than Shinwoo," said Yuna in worry while Ik-Han wrapping his arms around her. Nevertheless, Byeol stood up and said,

"You really think you can get the last witness to come to your trap before even knowing that his friends are all injured and dead. He's not stupid by the way..."

The blue monster with red eyes growled and lifted Byeol off the ground and threw her back to the floor to where Byeong-su (M-24) stood but he flinched as he muttered under his breath saying,

"I'm so sorry, Byeol..."

She sadly smiled turning her head up to look at him meaning she heard him and closed her eyes getting the feeling she was going to sleep until, Shinwoo stood up and hit the blue-skinned monster with a folding chair and then, it hit him. And then, the kids ran while Shinwoo said while dragging Byeol to her feet as they ran as fast as they could carry.

Somewhere in the city...

Two figures jumped onto each building that was tall enough that both Frankenstein and his master Raizel are on their way to the tower as their hairs blew in the cold blistering cool breeze of the wind. 'The text message was odd those kids could be in danger' thought Frankenstein.

All the more while, Rai's complexing to the night sky made him look so majestic and beautiful that his white skin glowed from the city lights below him, his ebony hair that reach to his neck going along with the breeze, his silver cross on his left ear which is currently glowing crimson red and his blood-red eyes showed the emotion of both worry and determination about the same kids that made him feel like there is a place for him.

Back with the kids...

Shinwoo, Ik-Han, Yuna and an injured Byeol kept running towards space all the lights on each side was in dim blue colour as the air got a little musky but they kept running until, Ik-Han spotted what's in front of him, "There's an elevator!!*panting*"

Byeol looked back to see that some footsteps were heard but she didn't say anything because she had to catch up with her classmates. Everyone made it inside the elevator both Ik-Han and Yuna collapsed into the elevator in panic while Shinwoo tried pressing every button so they could all head towards the surface, "Come on, Come on, Come on, Come on!!!"

But then, they all spotted a running Jake heading they're way but once the elevator was gonna go up the elevator stopped halfway and Byeol stood up went to where Shinwoo was and said to them,

"Shit!" the lights started flickering when everyone fell back to the floor they noticed a pair of hands trying to open its way in and then, they were scared for their lives until Jake spoke out, placing his hand inside the elevator saying,

"I see you, now that's more like it."

"AHHHHHHHH," everyone screamed except Byeol she tried kicking Jake in the face but Shinwoo pushed her back to Yuna as he started punching and kicking Jake in the face but suddenly, he grabbed his leg and threw him out of the elevator while Yuna panicked with Ik-Han. Byeol came out and jumped on top of Jake and yelled,

"Leave me friends alone!!" while punching him in the head with her fist and then, he threw her and broke her ribs making her scream in pain, "AAAARRRGGHHHH!!" and coughed blood again.

Shinwoo got pissed but Jake grabbed him by the neck then threw him to the ground and kicked him a thousand times on the stomach but then, Jake stepped on his arm and broke it and screamed in pain. Jake, however, looked at him down evilly feeling like punching his death still isn't satisfying.

"STOP IT RIGHT NOWWW!!!" begged Yuna while crying to see her friends on the brink of death, then, Jake stopped and watched both Shinwoo and Byeol. And then, he smirked while turning their way towards the elevator saying, "Now it's both your turn."

As he was getting closer to their friends Shinwoo grabbed Jake's left leg and Byeol on the right and he began saying, "I'm not...going to let go..."

While Byeong-su (M-24 ) widen his eyes in shock by hearing those words while Byeol tightened her grip with her arms, as Shinwoo continued, "Touch my friends!"

His eyes were full of anger, determination with a protective aura that she could sense on him. While some of Byeong-su (M-24) flashback of when his comrades or friends were each being killed by none other than Jake who one of the men said the same thing that Shinwoo did and then, he begged back then and now in within his thoughts,

'Stop it Stop it Stop it Stop it!' until he punched Jake on the face and was punched to the side of the wall as he fell half-unconscious. Both Shinwoo and Byeol looked back in the corner of their eye and blinked twice.

"T-thank you, Byeong-su we...owe*groaning in pain*," said Byeol while trying to get up both Yuna and Ik-Han came to Shinwoo while Ik-Han placed Byeol's arm on the back of his neck as he asked her, "Are you alright? But do you know this guy?!"

"I'll...explain later...right now we should get going?"

"Why did you...?" asked Ik-Han while looking at Byeong-su. He breathed out taking off his hat and threw it to the ground and said, "Hell if I know..." and also taking off his earpiece, he continued, "I just couldn't stand by and watch...a friend get hurt...But I'm sorry," he kept sweating nervously and broke the earpiece. He was nervous until he, heard a calm voice saying, "You can do it, Byeong-su. I know you couldn't in the past but you have the right to change everything right now."

She smiled at him her eyes telling him that she supports him even if he was a coward but not today. He was gonna change everything and that is gonna be alright and gave her his that seems to be his last smile,

"Goodbye Byeol..." 'And sorry Kwan (M-21)' mentally to himself.

Back at the rooftop, Kwan (M-21) asked worriedly in his mind, 'What just happened?!' and then he said out loud, "M-24 answer me!" 'You didn't do you...!' his thought's were interrupted by Marie slashing him on his chest making blood spill on the floor as he jumps back to examine his wound and then, looks up to Marie while she says,

"I knew you guys would betray us," he tched at her as she continues saying, "The Organization knew that you were up to something all along..." as her nail-looking claws came out while staring death in the eyes at Kwan (M-21).

Back to where Jake left off...

"Aww so you guys do know each other and our job was to find the coffin..." says Jake as he rose to his feet looking uninjured as kept saying. While Yuna and Ik-Han pulled Shinwoo to the side with them as Byeol walked towards them slowly as she sat down staring at the scene before her.

"...and to get rid of you!" screamed the last part, Jake, as he flung towards him and as they were about punch each other Byeong-su (M-24) missed while Jake slid down dodging him and targeted to his chest. While Byeong-su coughed out blood Byeol screamed in terror,

"BYEONG-SUUU!!!" her eyes started to get watery but the fight was not over yet, Jake said grinning evilly at her, "We were waiting for you guys to give yourselves away...But I didn't think you would be so stupid." as he took out his hand now covered in blood continuing spreading blood all over as he laughed hard and evilly.

Byeong-su (M-24) suddenly grabbed Jake by the back and dragged him running to the walls and then, his veins were thickening until everything around was glowing Byeol panicked and said, "NOOOOOO DON'T DO IT PLEASE!!" she cried again but this time they won't stop.

"NO! That power is...!" said Jake before he is obliterated into ashes and BOOM the room made a huge explosion that caught the attention of Kwan (M-21) and he thought,

'M-24?! Don't tell me you didn't...' His thoughts were interrupted when all of a sudden, Marie slashed him across his chest. While saying,

"Looking got some nerve!"

Kwan (M-21) looked up and then without warning, he got kicked in the face by her boot as he rolled towards the other wall and her landing on the floor swiftly. She goes on, on and on until he had enough, he growled at her and then his nails came out, her eyes widen in shock that he scratched her but then she chuckled.

"Well, I think we need to update your status..." as she wipes the red line of blood on her chest and then it magically heals, she continues, "But..."

Kwan however, fell to his knees while more scars appeared on both rights and left arms and an extra scar on his chest too. She walked up to him from behind as he was looking down waiting for his death she said,

"You're expandable to the Organization," while raising her hand her nails growing prepared to kill him, "No. You're worthless screw-up!"

Then all of a sudden, someone grabbed her wrist that she froze wide-eyed.

Back to Byeol...

"B-Byeol-chan are you okay?" asked Ik-Han carefully watching her stood up to where the rubble was as a shadow crossed her face she said,

"Byeong-su...please...I hope you enjoy yourself on the other side and...*Coughing blood*...we'll take care of him." while she gave a sad smile to the rubble and looked around to see if there was any bottle at least, "Let me find a-" she was cut off by Jake grabbing her neck tight.

" bastard you killed...Byeong-su!!" she clenched her teeth in anger as she keeps kicking him on the chest all the while he grinned maniacally but he never let her go. He was still choking her while saying to the rest of the kids,

"He risks his life and this is it?!" while wiping the blood off his lip as he was now topless, "But now you're friend is gonna die right in front of you kids and now where we're we?"

Byeol couldn't take it anymore she looked at the corner of her eye watching Shinwoo wake up while standing up but then, Yuna begged him while grabbing his arm,

"Don't Shinwoo he'll kill her if you move."

" argh!!!!" said Byeol still grabbing Jakes strong hand trying her best to get loose but it did not work. However, her vision was going blurry as Shinwoo looked at Jake with pure hate and anger while he tsk at him. While Yuna and Ik-Han grab Shinwoo's arms to stop him from moving forward. Byeol's hand's started to fall from the sides and then, at that moment Yuna, Ik-Han and Shinwoo looked at Jake in fear, sadness and anger.

"What can a mere mortal do huh?!" Jake asked while yelling while he dropped and kicked to the other side of the basement. Her now half-conscience she grabbed her neck and started to breathe again 'Hristos! I am gonna get you back Jake and this time I will-'

BOOM!! The loud sound came from the elevator, but then someone comes out of it and to everyone surprise was,

"Rai?!" Ik-Han yelled.

Everyone thought and asked in surprise and shock, they couldn't believe it. Byeol, on the other hand, staggered to get up but she wrapped her right arm around her stomach to where her broken ribs are and groaned. However, Rai heard her groan and looked in her direction, they made eye contact. He looked at her bleeding head to where she was wrapping her arm around her ribs and then, he noticed a few scratches on her legs. But then, Kwan (M-21) jumped into action to kill Jake and yelled in fury,

"JAKE!!" his nails coming out as Jake smirked. Then, he kicked him in the stomach hard that Byeol gathered all her energy still grabbing her injured ribs and arm locked Jake on his throat keeping a good grip on it until he elbowed her in the same broken ribs on her stomach and coughed out blood again. Kwan (M-21), however, was about to slash Jake for injuring Byeol and for the wrong doing's for killing his friends but Jake kicked him on the stomach making hit the ceiling and then kicked him again to the floor.

"He was pathetic to the last begging for his life," answered Jake manically as he watched Kwan (M-21) get on his knees trying to grab his comrades hat but his hair cast a shadow on his eyes as he cried and then, got up again. Meanwhile, Byeol grabbed more of the ashes that she could find related to Byeong-su (M-24) and placed enough for her to take it back home. But as she was doing that Kwan (M-21) grabbed her by the waist and placed her safely on the same side as her friends and said,

"T-thank you for that..."

"Your welcome, Kwan," she smiled before she could close her eyes Yuna pulled Byeol next to her right side as both Ik-Han and Shinwoohelped her get that side. All the while, Kwan (M-21) continued to fight Jake until he grabbed him by the back of his head and pressed his head with his foot onto the ground while saying,

"You and I are in a totally totally different level." he did it 2 times until he looked up to where Rai was standing as he was watching him until he said, "Huh? What are you looking at?"

In the meantime, Byeol took out the bottle full of Byeong-sun's (M-24) ashes and wrapped it tightly around her hands towards her chest still in sweat, dried blood and tears. 'What are you planning, Rai? Can't you see it's no use to keep quiet from him?' she thought in worry and wondering why is he so awfully quiet.

"I said what are you looking at, huh?" asked Jake again starting to get pissed as he walks over to Rai. Right now he's standing face to face a bit closer to Rai but then Jake kept going, "So you have come to watch your friends get killed, have you...?"

"Rai!" yelled Ik-Han with tears in his eyes. Byeol hoped Rai isn't going to let this sociopath kill him is he because he's crazy.

"" begged Kwan (M-21) as he tries to tell Rai the worse that is going to happen to him.

"But I'll let you die first," said Jake grinning at him as Rai didn't even flinch like he is not afraid of him at all and he still hasn't looked up to him as Jake started laughing with his teeth. Byeol, yelled at him, "Rai I swear over my dead body that if you don't move or run away I will push you back to the elevator to freedom!" she gritted her teeth still watching him as Jake looked into Byeol's direction and glared at her and said,

"Ahhh? How can you? You are right now weak thanks to me you bitch! Besides, he's even scared that he can't even look at me, huh?" but before he could say anything else or do anything Rai narrowed his blood crimson eyes said,

"Our eyes never meet,"

"Huh? What's that?" said Jake but then, his body froze. As Rai then said his eyes glowing, "Kneel...!"

But surprisingly Jake's body wasn't his own and it did exactly what Rai commanded, while Jake said, "What the...?!" his body was not listening to him Byeol widen her eyes and so does her classmates.

" where your eyes meet mine," finished Rai saying as he was controlling him with his telekinesis Byeol was very sure of that because her dad mentioned that with Byeong-su whenever she was allowed to train with her shielded hers.

'No way! did he just control his mind?' Kwan (M-21) thought in question in shock right now on his knees.

"A piece of..." said Jake trembling or trying to get up while gritting his teeth that now 'He is really now pissed' Byeol thought smiling trying to control her laughter.

Jake tried getting up but then, he was now faced on the floor again. ' this guy the one we've been looking for...the Noblesse?!' thought shockingly Kwan (M-21). But then, Jake started transforming to his monstrous form. His skin turned into a purple hue with crystal spikes protruding out. Byeol watched in shock and fear but for some reason, she wasn't that scared anymore because Rai was sure to kick his arse.

"You pushed your luck..." growled Jake as he looks down at Rai with anger. "I'm top of the food chain...Think of it as an honour getting killed by me..." his giant hands gripping the floor the ceiling trembling like an earthquake as some of the brick of the ceiling started falling in different directions he continued, "in this form"

Rai, however, kept watching him with the same blood-red glowing eyes (A/N: Look at the pic above the title) and said, "You talk too much..."

"You still don't understand the situation you are in right now," said Jake as his face next to his ear while Rai narrowed his eyes again and Jake said, "Die!!" he was about a throw a punch until Rai commanded him again, "Kneel."

Jake went back on his knees again making everything tremble and collapse to the floor then, Ik-Han yelled, "RAI!"

Rai looked at him and then, he waved his pale hand in slow motion making Byeol watched her friends going to sleep with everyone on each other's shoulders, but when it came to her she placed her shield mentally in which surprised him at first. But then, Jake came back from the ground and yelled, "YOUR GONNA DIE!!"

Then, Rai's eyes glowed again that he stopped Jake from attacking him again but with full force, Byeol couldn't believe that he could be one of those vigilantes from vampire movies. His ebony hair shining while the wind from his powers made his hair blow, he lifted his left hand and signing Jake to move to the side. Making him hit the wall as blood came out of his system spreading through the ceiling, that just now Byeol realized that he cut his giant arm and as the blood kept spreading the little droplets of blood started flying and surrounding Rai.

"Your sins..." he started his hair blowing, as Jake's droplets of blood are all gathered in one drop of blood and then it started shining. Making everything around both Jake and Rai white the blood surrounding them as he finished, "Shall be paid by your blood."

Byeol's eyes couldn't look away but watch how a very powerful guy like him can do that. She was speechless. Jake then, yelled, "HELP!.." and then he dispersed to ashes in the red tornado Kwan (M-21) also was watching what Rai was doing to Jake. As the blood made holes on the whole building making seem like a big light surrounding them but then it started fading.

Then, Byeol staggered while getting up or trying still holding a bottle of Byeong-sun's ashes. But then, the Chairman came to view from the elevator as he landed down softly and said, "Master, I did as you ordered."

Then he noticed her still awake and asked, "M-master..?!"

"Co-chairman?*coughing blood*," she asked while looking at him and then, at Rai. She was about to walk towards them until she began to fall slowly so was the bottle until Frankenstein, got to her before she fell. He scanned her body and noticed that she was badly injured in her ribs.

"Master, she has broken ribs, scars all over her legs and blood coming out of her head. But Master," said Frankenstein right now carrying her bridal style. While Kwan (M-21) asked, "What are you both gonna do with her?"

"What do you mean?" asked Frankenstein in curiosity while Rai watch them talk.

"S-she has a father, a mother along with her unborn sibling," he said grabbing his right arm.

"May I asked how do you know this?" Frankenstein asked narrowing his eyes.

"Doctor Cho is," he answered. Frankenstein widen his eyes so did Rai and he asked, "How do you know her father and family?"

"B-because she gave me an M-24 our names when we first met them a year ago along with her father."

He answered but then, Rai came up and said, "Frankenstein, she somehow blocked my powers from making her forget about this event."

Frankenstein looked from his Master and Kwan (M-21) and said in a panic, "Master...!how was that even possible?!"

Rai looked at him and said, "I don't know...Give her to me."

"Of course, Master," said Frankenstein giving his Master an unconscious Byeol to Rai's strong arms.

Then, Rai looked at her figure and then, at his sleeping classmates on the other side of the room. And then, he smiled.