Staying over, Byeol's side effect and rest

A/N: (I placed the gif because I don't like empty spaces so I love it)

Doctor Cho waited patiently for them to come back until the door opened and there walked Frankenstein, Kwan and Rai carrying his daughter.

"Byeol!" panicked Doctor Cho as Rai carried Byeol to one of the vacant rooms that were available and Doctor Cho went to help Frankenstein with his daughter's injuries. Once Doctor Cho washed her daughter's body, changed her into lilac matching pyjamas and bandaged her up around her broken ribs. Then, he let Frankenstein carry her to the bed and laid her there now sleeping peacefully. Until Byeol turned to the right and grunted,

"D-dad?" she said and then, she widened her eyes and sat up, hugging her dad, "Dad!" she began to cry on his shoulder and then she asked, "Where am I? Where's mom? Is she fine? agh..." grabs painfully at her waist where her broken ribs are and looked up at him.

"chuckling* Don't worry your mother is fine and so is your unborn sibling, besides she's back home and the baby bumped again," her father said while smiling at her.

Byeol's eyes sparkle and asked excitedly, "When can I see mom? Oh, you still haven't answered my question yet."

"sigh* We're at the Chairman's house," he answered but what he didn't expect was for her to jump out of the bed and hiding behind the curtain and freak out.

"EHHHH?!! What?!" she blushed madly at the idea of Rai carrying her and asked, "D-dad...who...who carry me here?"

"Frankenstein's master, I think his name was Rai the new guy," he answered.

"W-where a-re they now? And what about Kwan? Where's Byeong-sun's ashes I collected?" she asked looking around until she found it right on the bedside table and gave it to her dad.

"You collected his ashes?" her father asked and she nodded. He smiled and said, "I will find the perfect urn and then, your mother, you, Kwan and me we can make a funeral for him as we were his only family."

"That's great idea dad and also can we go check on Kwan, Frank and Rai?" she asked once she wore a white robe and they walked out of the room they headed towards the living room. Byeol heard them talking to Kwan (M-21).

"And just who are you?" asked Frankenstein looking at Kwan in the eye. Rai was sipping on his tea while Byeol's father cleared his throat as he entered,

"I think that you should be asking me that question since I was sometimes called into private meetings with the Organization." he eyed at his daughter to come out and she said,

"H-hi and thank you for saving me and my friends." she smiled Rai turned to face her while bowing in thanks. Rai moved his hand again to see if he can erase her memories but then, she looked up to them and asked them,

"Why are you trying to make sure I don't know what is going on right now?" with a serious look on her face while inside her mind her shield made a white dome around it that Frankenstein noticed this and is shocked that Rai was right, she can deflect his telekinesis.

"You impress my Master, Byeol," said Frankenstein smiling at her as she lifts the corner of her mouth and said, "Byeong-su taught me how to deflect those attacks."

Both Rai and Frankenstein looked confused but then, Kwan (M-21) answered that for them, "She means M-24."

"We belonged to an organization called the Union," continued Kwan (M-21) looking at Doctor Cho as Byeol sat on the sofa across from where Rai was sitting. She then looked at both him and Chairman, in which Kwan (M-21) kept talking,

"It's an organization with an extraordinary capacity for science and we...could be called their creations," then his long silver sharp nails came out and the balled his hand into a fist.

"That said I'm only an experimental subject whose purpose was to aid the completion of success like Jake and Marie. At first, I couldn't do something this simple. But as time passed Doctor Cho was one of the last doctors alive working for the Union. Besides the fact that he took both me and M-24 out without anyone noticing, we're gone for a few hours to meet his daughter a year ago. But as time passed, M-24 and I achieved some sort of evolution for some reason. We're still more than just garbage compared to the successes." Kwan finished but then, Byeol started to tremble again only this time was worse all over her body.

"E-excuse me I have to sleep okay...grunt*" she muttered as she was about to stand up she fell back on the sofa and grabbed her head with her left hand that caught her father's attention.

"Byeol, does it hurt again?" asked her father and she nodded still trembling from the process. "Sorry but I have to take my daughter home as soon as possible."

"What's wrong with her?" asked Frankenstein in worry. So did Rai was looking at her in concern as he stood up and touched her forehead then he told Frankenstein,


"Yes, Master?" he asked.

"Make sure she is comfortable and is treated well as I want to accompany her later on."

"...?!" Frankenstein was speechless but did as he started preparing before she collapsed into Rai's arms as she was now sleeping again.

"It's one of the worse side effects that happened so far since Jake kidnapped her, Doc?" asked Kwan (M-21)

"For months M-24 was teaching her how to deflect the telekinesis attack but one day she got sick from the side effect of the vaccine Doctor Cho was working on since I know about which was the headache that made her adrenaline go off the charts this night and the day before," said Doctor Cho with worry about his daughter and then begged him,

"However, Chairman please let my daughter rest here for the time being since our home became a wreck and my wife is pregnant with my unborn child."

"You have our word, sir," answered Rai to Frankenstein's surprise but then, relaxed with a gentle smile.

"I will bring her things here for the time being and I want you Kwan to watch over her for me while I'm gone okay just like she did for naming you and Byeong-su," Doctor Cho said placing his hand on Kwan's (M-21) shoulder as he agreed with a nod.

"I thought you didn't have a name," said inquired Frankenstein looking at him with confusion.

"Hahaha, my daughter named them because she didn't want to call them like their pets but as normal beings," Doctor Cho chuckled in response turning to face both Rai and Frankenstein.

They looked surprised and Rai thought, 'She has a big heart even if she is quiet and doesn't talk much she is true passion towards any stranger she encounters...she is truly generous' as a smile reached his lips.