A moment together and another day

Byeol POV:

It has been only a day since the kidnapping incident and my side effects of a headache almost killing me. But thanks to Chairman and Rai wouldn't have been able to come back alive, however, I still wonder what kinda excuse did Rai use to erase the memories of my classmates back then? I question myself while I was preparing everything I had in my school bag and my notes from last time I was normal but, thanks to Ik-Han I manage to do my homework all night instead of resting. Besides I got caught by Rai who saw me doing my homework on the bed because I couldn't sleep.


'Okay, this is very hard but wait found it! Yes, history mission complete and now onto social studies then lastly math' I thought congratulating myself as I closed my notebook of the subject and laid them gently on the floor but as I was about to get the next book, the door opened and Rai came out looking at me surprised in and said,


"I know but Ik-Han gave me some notes from last class since I was kidnapped by Jake and Marie so I rather finish my homework than getting scolded," I answered truthfully and asked him, "Did you do your homework from last class?"

He nodded as he walked over to my bed and picked up my history notebook. While he was opening it he saw my handwriting and said,

"You have elegant handwriting, Byeol."

'Was he complimenting me and saying my name at the same time?!' I panicked and blushed to beat red in response and turned away and said,

"W-well I-I better get back to doing my homework and if you don't mind...//// do wanna help me?" she asked the last part without even expecting his response.

"Of course if you so desire," he said and the next thing I knew was him bowing as Sebastian Michaelis did in the Black Butler series to his master.

It took us about 3 hours to finish my homework since it was currently 3:30 am. I started to yawn and stretch Rai was watching my every move. Then as I was about to stand up my pain came back to my broken ribs and as I was about to fall over Rai caught me with his arms wrapped around me carefully as he lifted me to face him our faces inches away from each other. Rai's eyes looked at me with worry, loneliness and longing. My eyes widen in surprise but for some reason, my heart was racing with every beat.

Rai's thoughts, 'She was about to fall to the ground and I quickly reacted to carefully hold her in my arms in time and as we made eye contact we stayed in that position but as I still held her. Her scarlet eyes showed surprise, calm and happiness. I could feel her heartbeat go faster and as do mine for some reason I have not felt this way before through all these 820 years. But now I will protect you no matter what, Byeol.'

Then I woke up from our gazes at each other and he helped me on my way to my bed. He placed my notebooks and books on the desk beside the window. I got inside my bed covers and he helped me get in, while I got comfortable. And then, the most unexpected happened, he kissed my forehead gently that I still felt his soft lips on my head as my heart was racing he walked away towards the door and said giving me one of his smiles,

"Good night, Byeol. Sleep tight."

(Byeol o////o blushing under the covers) "Goodnight to you too...Rai." I said nervously.

Flashback ended...

I blushed at the memory and then, headed to the kitchen where Chairman was cooking breakfast.

"Smells so good in here and I have to say I never thought you'd be a housewife character," I said sassily at him while crossing my arms. As soon as he heard my voice he turns around and stops what he was doing. And then, he glared daggers at me which made me nervous but smiled all the same.

"Good morning, m'lady," his eyebrows twitching at my sassy comment and I have to admit that I regret disrespecting my elders, 'Yikes!' I thought and then shook the fear and asked,

"Where's Rai?"

"He'll be here shortly as soon as he's ready and may ask you something?"

I nodded while setting the table for the three of us.

"My Master informed me that he helped you with your homework last night since I recall that you were supposed to be resting last night," he said and looked at my stomach and asked in concern, "How is your injury? No pain right?"

"No, not so much but when I tried to stand up...///" I blushed again 'Damn it what's wrong with me?!' I thought embarrassingly and cleared my throat, "R-Rai helped me up gently to my bed..."

Frankenstein had a look of surprise mixed with joy but then he asked, "Can you help me set the table for today?"

"Of course."

While I was setting everything in the correct order Kwan (M-21) walked in and greeted, "Good morning, Byeol and good morning Franken."

"Good morning, Kwan did my father go back to my place and what about mom?" I asked in worry but Kwan reassured me with a nod and Frankenstein answered for him,

"Yes, he did. And specifically told us that your mom is back home and he is now finding a new job but first he wants to prepare your sibling's room with her."

Nobodies POV:

And at that moment, she placed the plates gently on the table and jumped in the air with happiness and glee.

"I-I after to school I have to buy new clothes for my unborn sibling and-and I will be going back to them too!" she stopped jumping when a certain someone was watching her smile and reaction. Both Kwan and Frankenstein knew she was excited to become an older sister to her soon to be sibling, they smiled and even,

Frankenstein cleared his throat and said, "Good morning Master, did you sleep well?"

She froze and sat immediately on the chair and sipped her tea. Rai, on the other hand, waved and greeted everyone, "Good morning everyone."

After breakfast, Byeol finished eating she brushed her teeth and headed out but was stopped by Rai's hand reaching the handle and said,


"Yes, Master?" asked Frankenstein with his hand on his chest.

"Byeol will be joining us on our way to school."

"O-of course, Master." then he bowed and they all headed straight to the car.

A few minutes later they arrived early like about 1 minute before the gate opens and Byeol got out of the car and turned to face them.

"Thank you guys for saving both me and my friends from yesterdays events and no worries I won't tell a soul besides I have to ask you something, Rai."

Rai also got out of the car and nodded at her and she continued, "Did you by any chance erase my father's and mother's memories did you?"

Rai looked at her and answered, "No, not yet. However, we will need to talk to your parents about it tonight."

Byeol looked at him in shock and relief but even so, she knew he had to do it just like he did with Shinwoo, Ik-Han and Yuna back at the basement where they were captured. She nodded in agreement but she took a deep breath and said,

"Let us go to our class besides cheer up I think my parents will see to that decision."

He nodded and watched her go to their classroom.

A few hours later...

Byeol was reading in their free period the Romanian book catching up to where she left off in the part of their languages but then, minutes later in the middle of her reading. Shinwoo came in with Ik-Han as Shinwoo said, "Hey, been a while!"

She looked behind her seat and noticed that her classmates starting grabbing Shinwoo by the arm and neck while drawing crazy things on his casted right arm with colour markers. But then, she covered her face with her book and started giggling at his situation until a boy walked up to her and asked,

"H-hey Byeol?"

She closed her book and looked at him and said, "What is it?"

"I-I was w-wondering if you wanna go on a date with me?"

She widens her eyes but came back to her senses but at that moment, in the hallway, everyone heard the girls squealing as all the girls kept fangirling at none other than,

"Ahhhh it's Rai!!" girl#1 said

"He's super hot!" girl#2 said

She then groaned at the guy asking her and stood up while saying, "No." As she was about to walk away until the guy grabbed her hand trying to pull her but then, Rai came into the room and spotted the guy trying to pull Byeol to him. Rai looked deadly at the guy for touching Byeol and then the guy let go of her and she unexpectantly slaps him on the face,

"Don't you dare talk to me again," she growled at the guy and he left leaving Rai to enter the class normally as everyone started taking pictures of him and then, Ik-Han said,

"Good morning, Rai"

The boys stopped grabbing Shinwoo as he walked towards them and Byeol accompanied him into the conversation but then, Rai however took out a thick black marker and started drawing a cat. (Look at the picture above)

"H-hey Dude, what the heck man?!" exclaimed Shinwoo in shock at Rai's action as Ik-Han said with a smile, "You just can't help but doddle can you Rai?"

"What the heck is this?!" asked again Shinwoo in embarrassment. While Byeol giggled at the site of their interaction she went to grab another marker and then started drawing an intertwined zig zag then, as soon as she was done. Everyone stared at it in awe.

Once she was finished with her drawing she smiled and everyone became shocked for the first time she smiled in front of others,

"And done, I hope you like it, Shinwoo," she said closing the marker back. And everyone looked confused until Shinwoo broke the silence by saying,

"Uh...Byeol what did you draw?"

"Oh glad you asked. This is a protection rune from Northern Europe it represents protection from all the bad things that will come your way plus I hope you don't forget that because you might be asked to answer that question one day when travelling. Though in northern Europe, there is Finland, Norway, Iceland, Denmark, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania," she answered with the knowledge from one of her books she borrowed at the library.'I guess my hard work really paid off huh' she thought while going back to her seat in front of Rai. As all the girls glare at her and some asked her signalling her to move so they can take more pictures of Rai, so she got up sighing and walked out of the classroom with her Romanian book and headed to the roof.

"Ahh!! Byeol-chan knows more than any of us combined!" exclaimed in admiration Ik-Han as his eyes glimmered in stars. As Rai watched her as she left the classroom and asked Shinwoo, "Where is she going?"

"Huh?," as he glances at Byeol leaving the classroom and then, back at Rai then he smirked at the sight and said, "IDK dude, usually some of the guys said that she heads up to the rooftop before our next class starts every time there is a free period so yeah, I guess she is still quiet for someone works very hard every day without fail."

"Oh yeah and also, there's a rumour that everyone has been talking about her lately," continues Ik-Han. Rai looks at his friends and Ik-Han said, "That she works very hard because she wants to become a historian and a diplomat. Everyone has been watching her eating with her dad and some other guys like introducing them to her and at first, we thought it was an arrangement or something but then, once we all got to know her more now she is not. She just wants to become a great and smart older sister once we all found out she is expecting to have a sibling in a month or so. So we are all happy for her."

Rai, however, wondered in his thoughts, 'That's why she was excited this morning...she wanted to become the perfect older sister no matter what even if it means that she is really rushing herself without proper rest, hmm'

Meanwhile, Byeol was now sitting on the floor her back leaning against the wall as she began reading where she had left off back in class. Then all of a sudden, the door opened but she didn't take notice of who it was so she continued reading until,

"O-oh Rai what are you doing here?" she asked out of curiosity while closing her book.

Rai's POV:

I headed out to the rooftop to find Byeol and I opened the door. I took notice of her sitting on the floor her legs crossed reading one of Franken's book collection. I spotted her but she didn't take notice of my presence, so I decided to take this chance to watch her. Her long black-red hair on her shoulders, her bangs making her scarlet red eyes shine more like rubies, her face and her reaction making full well-known she was interested in the culture of Romania and it's language. Her hands turning each page gently as she is surprised by the most interesting things written in that book and then she looked up at me and asked me,

"O-oh Rai, what are you doing here?"

Nobodies POV:

He woke up from his daze and answered, "I came here to find you so you wouldn't be late for class because it will start soon in a few minutes."

"O-oh I didn't know I'm sorry you had to go with all this trouble to bring back to the classroom, though I'm pretty sure the girls in the classroom didn't want me there," said Byeol as she nervously blushes at him without knowing. But then, he handed out his hand to her and asked, "Shall we head to class together?"

She looked at him and his hair started blowing from the wind as she took his hand and stood up in front of him. Rai and Byeol stood in front of each other in silence for a while until the bell rang.

Ding, dong, ding, dong

"I think we should head to class already," said a blushing Byeol let's go of his cool hand and walked back inside and asked, while looking at him, "Aren't you coming?"

Rai nodded as she headed downstairs quick, while Rai looked at his hand and smiled because the touch of her hand was soft. And then, walked back to the classroom.