Rai asking Frankenstein for 'love advice'

A/N: I thought you guys might like this idea and wanting to know what happened between Rai and Frankenstein

Rai's thoughts:

'I should ask Franken'

Nobodies POV:

As soon Rai began drinking his tea, Frankenstein asked him, "Master, how do you like your tea?" Rai nods in a 'yes' to his question as he places his tea on the coffee table and said,


"Yes, Master?" he asked

"How do you know if the girl you love likes you back and how to conquer her heart?" said Rai in his same monotone voice but with a hint of embarrassment with his flustered face. ~////~

Frankenstein widen his eyes in shock and surprise because it's the first time he has ever asked him anything about love before but he thought,

'Is the Master asking me for love advice for girls?!'

"Is this girl you like is Byeol is it not, Master?" Frankenstein asked carefully with a hint of curiosity if his assumptions were correct. Then there was silence between them as he took his answer a yes from him and cleared his throat,

"M-master, I would help you to the best of my ability to satisfy your problems." he bowed his head.

"Master if you want to get to know her if that's what you're truly asking then, I suggest you can find a way by watching her reactions by the way she acts at every single thing you do is going to call her attention. But...she had a beautiful childhood by the look of it and the way she acts around you she definitely feels safe whenever you're around according to my observations so far. However, I think you will know what to do tomorrow so now let's see how this will all play out."