The decision and a new phone

Byeol was writing down all the math problems the teacher was writing down on the board and then she heard Ik-Han whisper in worry at Shinwoo,

"Shinwoo your not suppose to use your smartphone in class."

Shinwoo just smirked while Rai looked at the strange device in curiosity and wow even though he doesn't show it.

At lunchtime...

Everyone was standing in line ordering their lunch for the day and Byeol ordered Ramen for herself and as soon as she was about to pay with her lunch card Rai suddenly slid his first and said,

"I'll do that for both of us."

This confused Byeol of course but her cheeks flushed red o/////o in embarrassment and cautious on who's watching but who else but every jealous girl in this school. Byeol then cleared her throat and said,

"W-well I will be-" then Rai cut her off.

"Will you join us for lunch today?" asked Rai in his monotone voice with a small smile that she caught and looked down knowing full well that the other girls will glare at her. But then, she shook the feeling away and said, "Of course, shall we go join Ik-Han and Shinwoo?" she asked the last part with a smile and then,

Shinwoo on the other hand whispered to Ik-Han in the ear and said, "Psst, Ik-Han."

"Hmm?" said Ik-Han in question.

"Don't ya think we should help Rai and Byeol realize they really love each other like a couple," said Shinwoo to Ik-Han as both Byeol and Rai walked up to them. Rai then, took the chair next to his and pulled it out of the table and said,

"After you."

Byeol was speechless but has no idea what in the world was he being a gentleman all of a sudden? But she liked it and at the same time was impressed. Everyone started eating their lunch but Rai then all of a sudden, took out a long handkerchief making all the girls of the school keep taking pictures of him from different angles. While Ik-Han decided to ask a very funny question,

"You're not going to eat Rai?"

"I'm waiting for them to multiply," answered Rai in his handsome voice still starting at his lunch.

"Not that again!" exclaimed Shinwoo almost freaking out.

Byeol almost choked on her food and coughed in laughter making her laugh. As this Rai broke contact with his lunch and looked at her in worry and wondered why she was laughing. So he bluntly asked, "Why are you laughing, Byeol?"

"It's because you are waiting for them to get either soggy or that you expect them to multiply, (laughing)," she answered while her arms were wrapped around her stomach. Shinwoo blinked and realized standing up,

"Y-you h-have a cute laugh..." ///~/// he blushes with that realization that even Rai blushed a little bit while looking at Byeol. She blushed furiously and stuttered out, "W-well t-thank y-you..."

The boys just smiled and then, she noticed Rai looking at a random student talking on the cellphone.

'Does he...want a cellphone?' Byeol asked in her thoughts and then her phone started ringing. All the attention was now on her and she checked her inbox and the message read,

Mom= Hey sweetie how's school? I hope you are eating well so remember to come straight home before 9 o'clock because we are having a girls time just you and me because your father is gonna work overtime after we have told Franken and Rai our decision.

Byeol= Hi mom and everything is great and also before we do that Chairman needs to talk to both dad and you in his office today after school.

Mom= Okay I'll let your dad know bye bye see you later and I'm buying new clothes for your baby brother.

Rai watched how she types so fast clearly impressed but he just shows it in his eyes, as he started leaning towards her so he can read the messages but then, was caught by Byeol and she looked up and asked, "W-what is it?"

He said nothing but read the message on the phone and now knows her plans for tonight and that she was reminding her parents about the 'decision'.

Later that same day...

"Arggghh* finally done hey," Shinwoo says to Ik-Han as he was keeping his stuff. "Hey, Ik-Han were you able to get the new release yet?"

"The new game Yeah," he answers.

While Byeol checked the time and before anything else, Shinwoo asked her, "Yo, Byeol gonna come to hang out with us?"

She turned her head to face the trio and said, "Sorry Shinwoo, sorry Ik-Han and sorry Rai I can't come because I'm going to see my mom. She and I made some plans about her taking me out on a girls night so it's a family thing."

"Oh man," Shinwoo exclaimed in a complaint and says, "Byeol-chan you know we can follow you?" he smirks at her.

"Byeol stood up from her chair and slapped the back of his head and he said, "Why me?!"

Byeol smiled to herself and said, "No and goodbye see you tomorrow."

She grabs her bags and met up with her mom and dad at the entrance of the school and she gave them each a hug and rubbed her mom's tummy. While her Dad comes from behind and smiled at both his favourite people in the world. As he looked up to where Kwan (M-21) stood at the edge of the school roof alongside Frankenstein, they were talking. Byeol could tell that they were talking very seriously however, she turned to both her parents and asked,

"Mom. Dad?"

"Hmm," they hummed in unison response.

"Do you know what you want to do after they do 'it' to both you and mom?" she asked out of curiosity as she grabbed both her parents hands worrying that they might have second thoughts because she knows it's for the best.

Her dad smiles and says, "I do plan on working a decent job for once and never knowing anything that happens to me will always keep both you and your mother safe. Although..."

He sighs and continues, "I do hope that I can become a better family man anyone has ever had and I do hope we can all live together in harmony."

Meanwhile, with Frankenstein, Kwan (M-21) and now Rai...

"...I see," said Frankenstein with a smile but then, his master. Rai. He walked in between both Frankenstein and Kwan (M-21) and says to them, as Frankenstein bows a little with respect,

"Franken, this world has truly changed quite a lot."

"Given the amount of time you've been asleep, Master it is truly understandable. Things could be different," answered Franken. Rai stares towards the city view of it all, as the wind blows his ebony hair and his long cross earring.

"Humans are remarkable. All these humans have possessed something that I don't have."

Franken looks up to his Master in surprise but in question and he continues,

"They said if I have it I could truly be able to accomplice more and also I won't become lost," Kwan (M-21) looks up to him and Rai continued,

"But taking occasional detours would be acceptable," Frankenstein thought in wide-eyed shock because of what Rai said next, "They were playing these so-called games in them."

'No way is he talking about cellphones?' Franken thought in shock and then he bowed to him and, "I must apologize, Master. I will arrange one for you straight away."

Kwan looked down and noticed Dr Cho, his pregnant wife and Byeol hugging and smiling as they started walking towards the door. He then, asked, "So what do you think have they decided?"

Both Rai and Frankenstein looked to where Byeol and her family were and Frankenstein said, "Well sigh* we shall see if it is a yes or no." with a full serious tone while Rai looked at how happy Byeol was and sad too.

'I hope they make the right decision' he thought in worry and sadness.

Later in the night...

Everyone was gathered in the Chairman's office everyone sitting down across from each other on the white sofas and so Franken stood up and said,

"Have you both decided?"

Dr Cho stood up from his seat and said, "I accept because I am the only one who the Union haven't found yet since I'm the last doctor they will ever look for. But I don't want my wife to be in danger because of me."

"Alright and what about you Ms Cho?" Franken asked.

"I will not accept erasing my memory until the baby is born because I don't want my unborn child to have side effects," she said with worry in her tone.

Byeol sighed in relief but what will her father do? she wondered. Kwan (M-21) then asked Byeol, "Byeol?"

"Hmm?" she looked up to face him still, sitting down.

"What about you? Can you take care of the Doc for me?" he asked in sadness because her father was the only guy who could've found out about Byeong-su (M-24) and his comrade's names but he wasn't able to get hold of before his friends passed.

"Byeol, we already know that Master wasn't able to erase your memories but..." said Frankenstein with his low serious tone, he sighed and continued, "But do you accept your parent's decision and also the fact that you have all the memories you could always remember and also the fact you know more about the Noblesse and the Union. This would mean that the stakes are high and we wanna make sure you act like you never heard of us or the Union at all do you think you could do that?"

Byeol thought carefully about all the processes that will take place since she is the only person with more information than anyone apart from both Frankenstein and Kwan (M-21). And she then took a deep and said looking straight in the eyes of all three men before her,

"Yes, I accept and don't worry I have been in acting lessons apart from school just in case."

Everyone nodded their heads including her parents. Then Rai started erasing Byeol's father's knowledge about the Union making him look like a normal hard-working man making him think that he is in a reunion with the Chairman.

The next day...

Byeol made it an hour early, wearing her white uniform. Once she sat calmly on her chair and was finishing her book that she didn't notice much of her surroundings until,

"What dude! No way!!" exclaimed Shinwoo in shock and said, "That's a smartphone!"

This caught Byeol's attention and made her turn herself around to see that Rai has now an aquamarine smartphone in hand. Even it was,

"What?! Rai has one and it's the latest model too!" exclaims in excitement Ik-Han.

"Yeah and you don't have to use the director phone anymore so, c'mon man give me your number," said Shinwoo with a smile on his face. As Rai really looked confused about how to use a phone. Byeol smiled adorable at Rai's reaction and asked, "C-can I have your number?"

Byeol looked at him in shock and also her face blushed like a cherry bomb. o///o

Shinwoo exclaimed, "W-what the help man?! How can you say that so casually?!" Ik-Han just elbowed him on the stomach while Rai asked again but only this time he blushed dust of pink on his cheeks, "C-can I h-have your phone number?"

Byeol thought, 'W-hat the heck OMG!!!! When did he have the guts to ask me but it couldn't be that bad to lend it to him but...'

"Okay..." she said and Rai smiled at her only.

'I will only smile at you no matter what he thought with happiness.