M-21 badass moment of his life

A/N: Yup, the hot security guard of the whole school.

Previously on Noblesse Awakening Rai x OC...

-"Yeah and you don't have to use the director phone anymore so, c'mon man give me your number," said Shinwoo with a smile on his face. As Rai really looked confused about how to use a phone. Byeol smiled adorable at Rai's reaction and asked, "C-can I have your number?"

Byeol looked at him in shock and also her face blushed like a cherry bomb. o///o

Shinwoo exclaimed, "W-what the help man?! How can you say that so casually?!" Ik-Han just elbowed him on the stomach while Rai asked again but only this time he blushed dust of pink on his cheeks, "C-can I h-have your phone number?"

Byeol thought, 'W-hat the heck OMG!!!! When did he have the guts to ask me but it couldn't be that bad to lend it to him but...'

"Okay..." she said and Rai smiled at her only.

'I will only smile at you no matter what,' he thought with happiness.


"I'll turn you into a smartphone master," Ik-Han pushed up his glasses making his overpowering speech. Then Ik-Han said, "But first let's put Rai's contact number on his phone and now you Byeol pass me your phone."

Byeol nodded and handed them her new black smartphone which had an anime charm character that happened to be a white yokai man with violet eyes and his whole clothing in kimono.

(A/N: For those who know the Kamisama kiss series I think you know who that is. 😏)

Ik-Han then added her phone number to Rai's phone for him since he doesn't know how to use one yet. As he added Byeol to Rai's contacts and continues explaining to Rai how to use his new phone while Byeol watched them smiling at them.

Later in lunchtime...

Byeol was now in quiet mode when she suddenly covered her mouth from minor coughing and excused herself to the guys and ran straight to the restroom. Then she started coughing blood out of her throat although she did remember the side effects her father mentioned from her protection serum. Apparently, she had to note down the second side effect other than painful stressed headaches.

Then out of nowhere, the same monotone asked from behind her, "How long?"

She was startled for a moment, looked straight at the mirror and noticed that Rai was standing behind her and asked, "H-How long were you here?! And t-this is the girl's restroom?!

He just looked at her straight in the eye and asked her again, "How long?"

She looked away from him and then, to the floor and answered, "5 years but this side effect is new apart from my stressful headaches though I have been taking it very slowly thanks to my dad now he has no idea because he is now brainwashed in order to be protected by the Union. However, I should probably try to relax and control myself."

Rai on the other hand kneeled on his right knee and the left behind him. He grabs her hand gently to the touch his hands were smooth and soft that Byeol looked at him in shock blushing red on her cheeks.

"I generally wish you to relax."

'H-he made me relax...' Byeol thought while looking at his actions. But his blood-red eyes were sending her a message in which she unconsciously knew what he was thinking.

'Byeol you may relax and keep smiling for me.' he thought while staring at her scarlet bright eyes with full adoration and kindness godliness. She froze but then, she relaxed and spoke out loud,

"Don't worry Rai...I-I'll be alright and I will always keep smiling for you." her cheeks shined a hint of pink while her face was happy even her heart started pounding like it was ready to explode but in a good way. But then, the lunch bell rang...

"We should get going, shall we Rai?" she asked him as he nodded at her but then, they heard girls coming close to the girl's restroom Byeol panicked and hissed at him while pushing him to the side saying, "R-Rai! Please can you teleport us out of here please it's embarrassing..."

Rai, however, wrapped his arms around her and then, they teleported outside the school in the darkest corner of the whole school. Then, Rai looked down at her still with her eyes closed her skinny arms wrapped tightly around his arms but then, he cleared his throat his face blushing and said to her,

"W-we are outside the school s-so..." she suddenly opened her eyes almost collapse to the floor but Rai held her tight and whispered, "Why are you the most beautiful maiden I have ever seen for the past years?"

She looked at his beautiful scarlet dark red eyes with her light scarlet red ones but then, she blushed deep red that she stuttered, "W-w-we s-should go bye." Leaving Rai frozen as he looked down his hands and arms then, he realized that the warmth he felt was like no other. He was speechless as he placed his right hand covering his now flushed face while looking in her direction as she was running back inside the building his eyes soften. And in a blink of an eye, she ran to the cafeteria and started ordering her omelette.

Although she couldn't stop the feeling of butterflies in her stomach she couldn't help it she was starting to realize her feelings for Rai however, she wasn't going to admit them until the time is right and when no one interrupts them. Then, everyone was sitting at the same table Shinwoo, Ik-Han across from them was Byeol and Rai. But then, Byeol started eating her meal while Shinwoo asked her,

"Hey, Byeol-chan can I ask you something?"

"Hmm?" she was sipping her water bottle while tilting her head on the side making Rai think she looked very adorable by her actions.

'She is being cute for the first time in all our year' both Shinwoo and Ik-Han thought.

Then, something popped up on everyone's phones and everyone started to run outside. Shinwoo, Ik-Han, Rai and Byeol heard one of the students saying,

"For real!" guy 1

"We have to see this," guy 2

'I wonder what's the commotion about outside?' Byeol thought curiously as she stood up from her seat to see what was the matter followed by both Shinwoo and Ik-Han long after while Rai stared as they left the cafeteria like the rest of the students.

Minutes later, Byeol arrived at the scene and noticed 2 punks were wrapping their arm around the other girl's neck while some bullied the boys and then, there was the big guy. He yelled, "Where is that red-headed punk?!"

Byeol stood in front of him clearing her throat and said, "You have come to the wrong place this is not a bar or a boxing ring this is a school if you don't leave now you will regret it." Her tone was deadly serious as well as her glare that sent shivers down everyone's spine except the buff guy. He laughed hard and said while making fun of her,

"YOU Ha! You can't tell us what to do besides," he then, grabs her uniform making her moving her face to the side to avoid the guy's breath as he continued, "A b*tch like you shouldn't be telling me what to do!"

He then threw her to the ground as she rolled over to avoid being stepped on as she quickly stood up but then, Shinwoo dashed in her direction before she was about to be punched he took the blow and his casted arm making it open a crack of the pieces almost exposing his broken arm. Shinwoo told her, "Move out of the way, Byeol and go back inside!"

She nodded and headed back inside to the cafeteria still grabbing her back behind her from falling to the floor because of the buff guy. Then she saw Rai and he looked at her while asking, "Who did this to you?"

She grunted and answered, "It was a big guy who was acting like he was prepared to hit me but he just threw me down to the ground but thankfully Shinwoo blocked the guys' attack with his casted arm. Although I came straight back here because he told me he didn't want me to get hurt since he muttered something that I couldn't catch on time."

Rai helped her sit down next to his seat and said, "I'll be right back."

And the minute she was gonna tell him something, he was gone by a blink of an eye. She then, thought, 'I don't want to miss this turn of events.'

Then she went running to see what was going on right now and that's when she froze in the spot. What she was witnessing was Kwan (M-21) beating the buff guy that nearly killed her so once she got there to the scene, she was watching the most unspeakable scene in her whole life. She saw Shinwoo get hit in the stomach so hard he ended up falling on top of Ik-Han, she ran towards her friends saying, "Shinwoo! Ik-Han! are you guys alright?"

But then, the buff guy grabbed her by the back of her neck and while she was struggling to breathe dropped down as he then, grabbed the janitor by the collar. And then, everyone heard a familiar voice coming from the shadows and that's when she saw Kwan walking towards the buff guy, saying,

"Let both of them go."

"Huh?" the buff guy looking at him so annoyed as he dropped both Byeol and the janitor go. He smirks at him, "Look, old man!"

"Don't make me say it twice," he looks up to the buff guy and continues, "I told you to let them go."

Before the punch could even land on Kwan's face he immediately dodged it and then, all of a sudden he grabbed the buff guy's golden chain and pulled him down to his knees. Every student and the other guys watched in astonishment and shock look on all their faces.

"Damn...you..." growled the buff guy started grabbing Kwan's (M-21)wrist that still kept hold of his golden chain but, 'Impossible he's not budging'

And then, Kwan (M-21) still grabbing his chain and threw the buff guy away towards the black cars as it made a crash sound from the guys giant weight the lady in the red car dropped her phone in fear and then, all the rest of the guys ran towards their cars and left. On the other hand, Byeol was surprised and happy that her best friend has saved the day for the first time in his life and at the same time she smiled.

Then, Shinwoo yelled, "OLD DUDE!"

"Huh?" asked Kwan (M-21)as he turned around noticing all the students came running towards him and kept saying,

"Thanks a lot, man," thanked Shinwoo

"That was amazing," complemented Ik-Han

"You were so cool back there," said another student

"Did you study martial arts?" asked one of the students.

Byeol giggled at the fact that Kwan (M-21) was getting compliments all around and then, she walked towards Kwan and said, "Thank you so much Mr Kwan for saving me and the janitor back there."

He stared for a minute and smiled, "Your welcome everyone."