New arrivals and help from the nobles

Byeol walked to the chairman's office and knocked before he answered, "Come in."

"Good morning, Chairman," smiled Byeol at him and then, placed down the Romanian book in the middle of his desk and continued, "I have finished the Romanian history you lend me about a week ago."

He looked down and raised his head to face her and smiled, "Astonishing, you were able to finish this book on time. I'm surprised you can do this in a little time."

Byeol smiled and then, she frowned and asked him, "Umm...I hope it doesn't bother you or Rai if you can tell me about where you came from?"

The Chairman stopped writing down some papers as he narrowed his sky blue eyes at her and she sweatdrop and thought, 'Did I ask something I shouldn't have or something right now and if I did I am so screwed'

"You may ask my Master if you want and may head now to class since the bell just rang," he answered as he walked towards the door and opened it making her know that she should leave. She never meant to ask such a question but she wanted to get to know Raizel better and also know if they have some sort of language she should be careful about. But eventually, she will know soon enough as she walked towards the door and left to her classroom until Kwan came in with two new students?

??? POV:

As Seras and I followed this human to the man encharged here we both spotted a black-red haired girl with the same eye colour as us I was quite astonished that I thought, 'Is she one of us? I have never seen her before have you Seras?' I asked my companion next to me telepathically and she answer's, 'No I haven't either, Regis. But her aura is so protective and odd.'

'I see well let's go we have to find out what is going on?' I thought to myself

Nobodies POV:

Byeol then opened the glass door and bowed to her homeroom teacher and said, "I'm sorry that I'm late, sensei Park. I just came back from the Chairman's office to return a book a lend I'm truly sorry, sensei."

Mr Park looked at her and then said, "Alright, Ms Cho I will talk with the Chairman later right now you get back to your seat and pay attention to class understood?"

"Yes, sensei," she answered and walked cooly to her seat in front of Rai. As she was about to sit down Rai saw something disgusting on her seat and as Byeol was about to sit down he stood up and said, "Byeol don't sit down."

"?"Byeol looking confused as she followed his eyes to where they were now staring at, "Sensei someone placed some spilt grape juice on my seat, sir ."

Mr Park then yelled so hard that everyone got scared, "ALRIGHT WHO DID THAT AND TRIED TO EMBARRASS Cho's SEAT!?"

The cowardly student who sat on the right side of the class stood up and apologized, "S-SORRY, Cho." as he suddenly bowed and sat down again while Mr Park said, "Detention after school!" After the incident, all of a sudden the door of the classroom slides open to reveal the same two white-haired students one was a small height boy with white hair but he had a black streak on each side of his head while the other was a tall white hair girl but the difference is that she doesn't have a black streak like her companion. And then, Mr Park announced,

"WE HAVE TWO NEW STUDENTS HERE! Oi, introduce yourselves."

"Regis K. Landegre," said the small boy with a black side streak.

"And I'm Seira J. Loyard," said the tall girl.

Everyone stared in awe except for Byeol, Rai and Shinwoo. 'Are they here to find out about who's responsible for the modified human's attack?' Byeol questioned her thoughts as she was so deep in thought that she then, heard a voice coming from Regis and Seira thoughts like listening to a conversation.

'Do you feel it too, Seira?' Regis asked Seira but she hesitantly stiffened.

Never before have I encountered a human with such aura just who is he?' thought Regis carefully in question

Byeol's eyes widen and shot up from her seat and said, "May I go to the restroom, sir?"

"Yes, you may and be back," said Mr Park with a nod. While Byeol was walking down the hallway she bumped into Kwan (M-21) and he asked, "What's wrong Byeol?"

Byeol hesitant asked, "Can we go to the rooftop?"

Kwan looked confused but nodded when he noticed how scared she is. Once they made it to the rooftop they both stand in the middle of the rooftop and she answered, "I don't know if you knew this or my father but...I think I have telekinesis..."

Kwan's eyes widened as he stared at her frightening expression once she said it and he then said, "Really did you read anyone's mind in particular?"

She nodded her head and continues, "Kwan I want you to help me block the noises coming from others heads and I really don't want to be an eavesdropper."

"You know," he scratches the back of his neck and continues, "Maybe that could be useful since those two new kids came and they tried to control me but he never succeeded without knowing that I can deflect them. Although," he stares to the sky and says, "I will help you since I once asked M-24-"

"Byeong-su," she pointed out and he continues. Kwan smiles at her and ruffles her hair, while she looks up to him and asked nervously, "Do you mind if I try making a conversation telepathically?"

"What?!" he looked at her shockingly and he thought, 'If she does that she would show her enemies her vulnerable side and I won't let her lose control like M-24'

"I just want to practice once in while in case something happens that we can't talk but in our minds protected at the same time," she said and looked down with a frown and begged him. And that's where it gets interesting, Kwan and Byeol have a staring contest until,

"Agh, you win again."

Byeol smiled and as Kwan tells her, "You should relax yourself and mind before anything else just...concentrate on the person in front of you and then, try opening yourself to the world."

And as Byeol started doing that, she carefully was opening her mind as she then realizes she opened her mind to the point she could message him,

'Can you hear me, Kwan?'

No response, she then tried again. 'Can you hear me, Kwan?' and then,

'W-what the heck?! Byeol is testing me all of a sudden she will use this technique if she does then, she leaves her mind vulnerable' Kwan thoughts were heard. Byeol's eyes started to glow just like Rai, 'Kwan what do you mean my mind will be vulnerable?' she eyed him in serious glare and then, he forgot that she just told her his thoughts at her by accident and she suddenly asked out loud, "Tell me." Her eyes went back to normal dark-brownish red eyes.

Kwan sighed and answered, "Byeol you cannot use this technique at all because if you do...then, you'll be putting yourself vulnerable position if you do. However, if you do this Raizel will make you erase your memory as he did with Dr Cho."

Byeol just stared at him, until she said, "Fine I won't use this technique. But for the record, I will use it whenever I'm at a safe place I promise."

Later that day at the cafeteria, everyone was gathered Rai, Shinwoo, Ik-Han, Byeol even Seira and Regis. 'I have to be more careful from now on' thought Byeol as she came walking with the tray of her lunch that she ordered. Shinwoo then startled her

"Yo! Byeol come on!" he placed his arm on her shoulder. She turned her head towards him and said,

"Eek! Shinwoo gets your arm off my shoulder before I hit you," she glared at him as he took away his arm of her as she then, sat next to Seira. Byeol glanced at her and then, she asked,

"Where are you both from?"

Both Regis and Seira looked at each other and it was Regis who spoke, "From a very far away country sometimes it is hard to pronounce for you."

Ik-Han responded, "Try Byeol, she speaks 7 languages every time she studies hard and speaks perfectly."

Byeol on the other hand stopped eating her food and spoke in romanian, "Mă bucur să te cunosc și știu că amândoi sunteți nobili."*

Both Regis and Seira looked at her in shock since their language was so easy to pronounce in Byeol's opinion and then, Shinwoo asked, "Byeol what did you say to them?"

"Oh...I just said it's nice to meet you and welcome to Ye Ran High School," Byeol answered with a smile and went back to eating her omelette. And then, Shinwoo asked, "So...Regis do you know how to use chopsticks?"

Regis looked at him and said, "Chopsticks are child's play." and as soon as he ripped the chopsticks apart Byeol realizes in her thoughts, 'I am pretty sure you don't want to make a fool of yourself.' She giggled until she heard Regis say, "Who said that?"

Everyone looked confused except for Byeol. Before she could leave she thought for a moment and realizes what she had done leaving her looking down at her own now empty plate. She looked at her reflection from her cup and notices that her eyes are glowing again. But only Seira knows since she looked at her reaction and that's when Byeol announced, "I have something in my eyes I should go now bye!"

And she quickened her pace she headed towards the girl's room and as soon as she entered she looks at her reflection with a good look and realizes that her red-brownish eyes started glowing pure scarlet and she started freaking out. She was out of control and started hearing everyone's voices from everyone's heads as she covered her ears while muttering to herself,

"Shut up shut up shut up..." she kept repeating them until a female voice asked, "How's your headache?"

Byeol froze and panicked as she looks through the reflection and notices Seira was watching her in concern. She slowly turns around to face her and the look on Seira's face was that she was shocked at her glowing eyes,

"You aren't gonna hurt me are you Seira?..." Byeol asked worriedly as she wraps her arms around herself scared.

Seira's POV:

"I have something in my eyes I should go now bye!" Byeol suddenly said as she rushes to the ladies room so, I followed her to check since Regis also got curious about her actions. And as I got closer to the door I heard her saying,

"Shut up shut up shut up..."

"How's your headache?" I asked as I carefully while looking at her frightening state, I could tell that she was scared by her nervousness. And so I asked her, "Are you one of the modified humans from the news?"

Nobodies POV:

Byeol was shocked that Seira would think that but she decided to answer, "No of course not. Why would you think that?"

Seira just stared at her and said, "Because we were thinking that you might have caused the attack here in the human world."

Byeol was surprised that both Regis and Seira think that she was the one that caused everything just to destroy one building in order for her to get through, however, that was not the case. Then, she said staring at them, "No I am not."

Regis was the one to ask with his glare, "Then what are you really then? Because it is not possible for you to carry such aura like yourself but you are very different from Raizel's aura though."

Byeol's eyes then started to glow bright red making both nobles confused as in to 'Why would only a human have this?' Regis thought confusingly as Seira then, asked, "You can't control powers can you?"

Byeol shook as she took 2 steps back still grabbing her head, her eyes still glowing in fear and her voice started shaking, "D-D-Don't h-h-hurt-t m-me-e or m-my friends-s, please...I n-need t-to c-control of my telepathy powers."

Seira and Regis thought for a moment and then, they both nodded.

A/N: Here's the translation= "Nice to meet you and I know you both are nobles."