As cherry blossom makes her more beautiful

Previously on Noblesse Awakening Rai x OC...

Byeol's eyes then started to glow bright red making both nobles confused as in to 'Why would only a human have this?' Regis thought confusingly as Seira then, asked, "You can't control powers can you?"

Byeol shook as she took 2 steps back still grabbing her head, her eyes still glowing in fear and her voice started shaking, "D-D-Don't h-h-hurt-t m-me-e or m-my friends-s, please...I n-need t-to c-control of my telepathy powers."

Seira and Regis thought for a moment and then, they both nodded.


Later in the day before heading out...

"*Sighs" she sighs to herself still looking at the afternoon sky above her with its firey colour along with the mixed colours of both pink and lilac. It was already the afternoon and she managed to calm down thanks to both Seira and Regis although,


"We will start practising somewhere far, where no humans or modified 'dogs' around," said Regis while crossing his arms along with his serious agreeing tone. While Seira continued, "And of course in exchange Regis and I would like information about how you know about our people and the incidents about the so-called terrorist."

"Alright, I agree."

Flashback ended

'The agreement has its limits so I should be careful and control my emotions so,' Byeol rummaged her hand into her bag and grabbed her cellphone and started playing *Fearless soul Never ever give up*.

As she was doing her homework under the tree she hadn't realized that a familiar presence was been beside her all this time watching over her shoulder as then, a cool hand took her left earbud and looked at it for a moment until,

"R-r-ai!!" she sounded alarmed for a second once she realizes that he stared at her and then, at the earbud and placed it on his ear. Although the music came flowing into Rai's ear he widens his eyes and then, he suddenly relax because of the music that has its meaning, that we should never ever give up.

"This is the music of this time?" he asks curiously with his scarlet orbs that shows how interested he was in the lyrics and the type of music the 21rst century has. Byeol smiled with pink cheeks flushing a little and giggled, "Y-yeah... it's one of them...there are many other types of genres of music. There could be pop, urban, hip hop, electronic and classic y'know like with the violin, the piano my favourite, the cello, guitar and also..."

Rai's POV:

As I hear her explain the different types of music around the entire world, made me feel like she would be the only one to explain it softly and understandingly to me only since she has memories of what has passed last month events. 'Wow...she looks very beautiful I thought to myself as a cherry blossom fell on top of her head and while she was distracted explaining to me, I simply moved forward to remove it from her head and as I was doing that she stopped talking and stared at me with surprise and shock. And as we both stare at each other for a while longer, as the wind blow the blossom trees petals around us both.

Byeol's POV:

As I kept explaining about all types of music globally heard a shift from my left coming closer as I then realize that he took a cherry blossom flower off my head as I widen my red orbs making perfectly with his scarlet ones. And to my surprise, we stared into each other's souls searching for what it is we have from within ourselves if it's kindness or respect for one another or love. Although...I could see his loneliness from all his time sleeping for 820 years, that I can sense and read the sad and lonely expression that shows through his eyes. I felt my heart skip a beat every 5 seconds as I blushed at him and him at me. We got closer and closer until...

From the distance in the Chairman's office...Nobody's POV:

Moreover, as Frankenstein was starting to take a break from his paperwork he walks around for a while in the hallway he spotted two familiar students sitting on the bench under the cherry blossom tree, he widens his eyes and stops for a moment as he realizes that his Master was getting closer to Byeol. And then, his Master kissing her gently on the forehead as he looked at her with passion and love, 'I have never seen this side of him before and that truly amazes me by the fact that he has indeed found something worthy to protect and keep him happy for a long time,' he thought as he wiped his tears of joy away with a smile on his face.