Isn't he adorable

Later in the night, Byeol was now sitting on the couch next to Rai since she could tell that they need their space so she decided to sit next to right. While everything on the floor was a bit messy, she sighed to herself and stood up to pick up the trash off the floor. Shinwoo pushed Ik-Han out of his seat and announced,

"I'm sitting on this chair," while he had a pokie on his mouth, as Ik-Han sighed, "Good Grief." then he looks in Byeol's direction noticing what she was doing and said, "Byeol do you want some help with that?"

She stares at him and said, "No no it's alright I really don't mind. But thank you although I do think that the Chairman would be rather pissed at us for leaving a mess so I prefer to be on his good side." as she makes her way to the kitchen and found garbage bag. And threw the leftovers inside the bag and closed it on her way to the sink to wash her hands and while she is doing that, the door opens revealing the Chairman and also Kwan(M-21) both carrying both dirty plates and dishes.

"Oh good evening, Chairman. How are you Kwan?" she asked while drying her hands with a towel. The Chairman and Kwan looked startled as they both realize that she's here too.

"Byeol I thought you weren't here for a minute," the Chairman said as he walks over to the sink while looking for pink gloves Byeol walks towards Kwan as he answers, "I'm fine thanks. How's Doc?"

"Oh he's fine, he got a job as a doctor at a nearby hospital in the city," she answers his question as she continues, "Oh by the way I picked up some of the trash from the floor FYI, Chairman."

"I see..." as he gently smiles at her while washing the dishes, she says, "I'm going to join Rai and the others later."

"Byeol, took you long enough," says Shinwoo as he grins at her and she nods her head as she was about to sit down her phone started to ring a notification, she opened her phone and her expression left her classmates wondering in question as she suddenly ran to the door while saying, "Ihavetogonowdadneedsmelatertomorrowbyebye!"

Everyone looked confused as to why she had to rush but then, Rai looked where her bag is and told everyone, "We have to give this back to her, she left her bag here."

Ik-Han, on the other hand, jumped off his chair and as he was gonna say something, both the Chairman and Kwan (M-21)came into the scene and they both realize that Byeol's not there.

"Where did she go?" asked Kwan (M-21).

"She said 'she had to go now, her dad needs her and bid us farewell,'" said Seira with honesty in her red orbs. Then, Rai stood up and asked his servant, "Franken, I will like to return this to her."

"O-Of course Master," bowed Frankenstein, "I'll get the car straight away."

After leaving the Chairman/Rai's Villa...

On the way back she ran as fast as she can while her eyes scanned each alley carefully so no one would notice, thanks to both Regis and Seira. She managed her way back safely until she saw her dad coming out of their apartment building with her mom breathing heavily. She ran towards them and said, "Dad! Get the car I'll handle mom okay!"

He said, "We need a cab, I'll take too long if I do that!"

"Alright, TAXI!" she waved her hand calling attention to a cab and said, "The nearest hospital please ASAP!"

The cab driver nodded as Byeol and her dad helped her mother/wife inside the cab carefully, while I noticed a car stopping behind the cab. And apparently, it was the Chairman's car and inside the car was Kwan sitting in the front of the car in the passenger seat while Seira, Regis and Rai are in the backseat.

"We are going to the hospital right now if you want you can come," Byeol said as she got in the cab with her mom while her dad was sitting in front next to the driver. And then both automobiles took off.

Byeol's POV:

As dad and I waited in the waiting while Rai kept looking at in worry? I just knew I had to control myself since it's tonight my baby brother will be born. And then, we heard a baby crying and I shot up from my seat frozen until the nurse nodded while saying, "Congratulations, your new sibling is born you may now see them."

"Isn't he adorable, Byeol," my mother said happily with my baby brother in her arms. I smiled at the little bundle as he was squirming a bit but when I was now standing next to her bed, I said, "He I am so happy, we are happy isn't that right Dad?"

As dad walked up to us and wrapped his arms around him and asked, "What shall we call him, girls?"


Byeol thought for a moment until, Rai, Regis, Seira and Frankenstein came inside the room and they all spotted the little bundle. Everyone thought the same thing, 'He is very handsome.'

However, Byeol giggled since she heard their thoughts as compliments and then, she asked Rai, "What do you think, Rai? What shall I call my baby brother?"

In Frankenstein's thoughts, 'Oh my God! Byeol is asking my Master his opinion so happy'

Rai thought for a moment and answered, "Carnacus Amatus..." as he looked at the baby and then, he stopped squirming as he smiled and giggling. Regis then translated both first and second name, "Carnacus means 'He who is loved and dear' and Amatus means 'Beloved'. A very suitable name for a toddler."

Byeol and both her parents smiled at him and then, Byeol wrapped her arms around Amatus and smirked as he walked towards Seira, she handed her brother in her arms as Seira was adjusting the position to avoid letting the baby fall, Seira froze with her eyes widen as she soon got used to it she smiled and said, "Congratulations, Byeol."

She smiled at Byeol as she smiled and said, "Thank you and Regis..."

But then, Amatus started pulling Seira's white hair as he cooed at her hair that was soft by the touch and Seira just looked at him with soft eyes as then, the moment was ruined when suddenly Regis muttered, "I-It's my turn now..."

He thought nobody heard that but then, Seira said while handing Amatus to Regis's arms, "Here."

Regis widens his eyes in shock as he was now beat red on the face as he was nervous until he accustomed himself to his position and sighed in defeat as he rocked the baby side to side softly as Amatus went back to sleep. As he handed back Amatus to Ms Cho she smiled and rubbed his sleeved arm up and down while saying, "You don't have to be so tensed Regis everything is going to be alright and so is Seira alright?"

Regis froze but then, soon after he relaxed as he was about to sit down next to her, the nurse came back to the room and said, "Visiting hours are over your mother will be discharged in a week so have a nice night." and left the room. Meaning everyone has to go home, although before Byeol could leave her mother grabbed her arm and said, "Byeol, Seira, Regis, Rai and you too Frankenstein come here please."

"I'll go finish with the papers with the doctors I'll be right back," said Doctor Cho as he walks out he closes the door shut behind him. Leaving only Byeol, Seira, Rai, Regis and Frankenstein in the room with Ms Cho as Amatus was sleeping peacefully.

"What do you want to talk about with us, mom?" Byeol asked until she realizes that today is the day. She widens her eyes and then gave them a small smile as Frankenstein said, "As we have agreed that once your newborn child is born we erase your memories of the events that happened a month ago in order to keep you and your family safe and plus the knowledge that you possess even though we cannot erase your daughter since your husband-"

"My husband made protective serum, yes I know and I agree so," she continued with a gentle smile as she watched Seira and Regis sad looks on their faces she tells them, "Don't worry guys I will be alright besides you can all come to our place after all this is done alright?"

Both Regis and Seira were stunned by the fact the whole Cho family knows about them however, everyone nodded as Ms Cho smiles softly at them and says, "Seira sit next to me on the left side while you Regis sit next to her while you Rai sit next to Byeol and as for you Frankenstein you can sit next to your Master is that fine with you?"

Frankenstein looked surprised but then took his seat as everyone gathered around her,

'Byeol...' Regis called Byeol telepathically at her making her look at him and answered, 'Yes?'

'Seira and I were wondering what is this feeling we get from your mother that makes her sound and looks like an angel that needs protection?' asked Regis with his eyes with sad emotions mixed with the seriousness look on his face that made Byeol smile gently and answered, 'It's called a love from a mother that's why children and even adults love their mother no matter how hard they argue they always manage to guide us to the right path even in our darkest times you can feel at ease and with peace.'

Seira smiled at her response and then, Rai said with a smile, making Byeol's heart flutter, "You are the kindest mother-like figure we have ever met."

And that was true since everyone got to know Byeol and her family. They all agree that Ms Cho was the kindest person they have ever met since Rai's arrival and everyone's encounter. And then, Frankenstein said, "I will make sure everything will be alright by tomorrow alright Ms Cho. So are you ready?"

As Rai stood up from his chair and Ms Cho handed Amatus into Byeol's arms as then, she closed her eyes and said, "Do what you must Rai and please my daughter and my husband are in your debt with the love we share for you."

And then, everyone went home.