Kwan and Byeol's disappearance

Byeol's POV:

I woke up in my clean organized room and it was my alarm sounding right next to me. I put it to stop as I started stretching my arms out and as I started showering all of a sudden my eyes turned glowing red again. I widen my eyes and remembered what Regis said: "Unify both your mind and your body to organize your powers before they make an outburst."

I calmly relaxed my mind and started feeling my body so light? It felt cool and relaxing, 'I should thank Regis and Seira when I get to school' I thought as I got out of the shower and started drying my hair while brushing it up into a high ponytail since I felt like I should try something new for once since I have been so focused on my little brother's arrival and be the perfect sister I already know it is time to put myself first but if there is an emergency then, I will help both my parents and my friends however I can even if it means I'm overdoing myself. Once I got dressed into my uniform I noticed I was all alone, however, I noticed my dad left me a note and it said as I picked it p from the kitchen counter,

{Byeol I left you some healthy breakfast right next to you with your favourite hot English breakfast tea you have told me about since you were 8 and so here you go. I have to work at the hospital taking care of your mom and to check on our little addition to the family too *W*. And also do well in school I hope you don't give up on your dreams because they matter to you and I love you}


I giggled at dad's note as I started eating my breakfast in peace until my phone rang and with my mouth full I choked to found out that it was Rai calling! 'OMG, it's Rai! W-What is he calling me for?!' I thought in panic while swallowed my breakfast and answered the phone as I placed it on speaker mode.

"H-Hey Rai w-what's up?" I stuttered my voice as I grabbed my plates to wash them since I finished.

"I wanted to know if you wanted a ride to school with me?" he said in his monotone voice even though I could tell by his 'normal' tone that he was nervous. I blushed as I dropped my plate on the sink and at the end of the phone Rai got worried and said while gripping his phone, "Byeol-chan are you alright what happen?"

"Oh n-nothing it's made me nervous, to be honest, but-" I was cut off by his voice, "But?" he sounded a little alarmed until I continued, "W-well I hope that Frankenstein has room? Because I could go walking."

"No he wouldn't mind so we'll be there shortly," Rai said as he hung up the phone staring at it as he looks at his audience. Seira and Regis looked at his expression so flustered while talking to Byeol. Frankenstein smiled at his master in congratulations with a teary eye, 'My Master has finally asked a lady to join us.'

3 minutes Frankenstein's villa...

With Rai looking at his phone he was asking himself in his thoughts nervously, 'Should I or should I not?' as he was stressing himself up because of how he should ask her now or next time? However Frankenstein notices his Master's worried look on his face and asks,

"What seems to be the trouble, Master? You seem nervous..."

"Can you give m-me some t-tips about Byeol's favourite things she likes to do? -///-" said Rai with a blushing face red while looking away nervously as he drank his tea-sipping it quickly as he got up and noticed Kwan (M-21) coming into the room and greeted a good morning and said, "Well she does like singing, oil painting, working at her part-time job at delivery service, studying different languages whenever she could while her customers speak foreign languages."

Frankenstein and Rai both looked at him in surprise because of his answer. And so, Frankenstein said, "Maybe you should call her now, since we are ready to head out, Master."

Back with Byeol...

I made sure I had my house keys with me and my school bag while checking myself out in the mirror in case I looked weird in his opinion...~///~ 'OMG I just have to make sure I don't have to make Frankenstein uncomfortable since I know more than anyone thinks.'

As I put on my shoes and head down to the elevator and while I was texting on my phone asking Rai,

Me: Hey Rai I'm going down the elevator I will be at the front door in about 2 minutes.

Rai: Alright ^-^o

Me: ^v^

I turned off my phone, walking out of the building and what I saw was the most shocking thing that has ever happened to me in my life, in all embarrassments. The Chairman had his van parked right in front of my building and inside the car in the backseat sat Seira, Regis and RAI! while Kwan (M-21) was sitting in front of the passenger seat while the Chairman gripped his tiring wheel and they all smiled at me. While I smiled at them in return and said, "Good morning everyone how's everyone?"

Rai wasted no time getting out of the car and kneeled on his left knee leaving everyone somehow speechless of his actions, while saying, "Good morning, Byeol...may I escort you to the car?"(>///<)

I looked back to the car and noticed everyone's reaction, both Regis and Seira looked shocked at this while Kwan (M-21) watched my blushing reaction and smirked at me. I beat red and finally, the Chairman smiled while wiping his left eye with a proud reaction to Rai's brave actions. 'I'm so proud of you, Master you have done well for your maiden.' I read his thoughts and mentally laughed at him but I composed myself to not show him my accidental offence.

'I'm surprised that Frankenstein had another car I thought he might have the other one as his only one' I thought to myself as I decided to ask everyone in the car, "I hope you all slept well since now you all are gathered as I nice family isn't right Franken?"

Everyone was silent until thankfully, Franken forced a smile on me looking through the rearview mirror and answered, "W-Well we had calming one since we decided or even my Master decided to pick you up early so we aren't going to be late, isn't that right?"

Rai nodded in agreement as he was now staring at me with his cool gaze, I on the other hand froze but then, relaxed when I realized that I spoke my thoughts out loud,

"Oh, Rai would you like to be in a group for our next project due next week? I could come to your place if you want." and that's when I realize that I spoke too soon because Rai started blushing like a tomato with his still composed face but before he was gonna answer, Franken stopped in front of the school as everyone started squealing in excitement.

I, on the other hand, whispered to Seira by her ear, "Seira could you cover me since I don't want to be targeted by the fangirls and boy please?"

She started at me and then nodded, I sighed in relief as everyone got out of the car first was Regis, then Seira, Rai and then, lastly me. But before I could hide behind Seira, Rai gave out his hand making every girl in the school jealous of me all of a sudden, I sweatdropped but once I grabbed Rai's hand I felt relieved as butterflies started fluttering in the pit of my stomach and I smiled while blushing fifty shades of pink as we all walked to our class.

Rai then asked me, "Do you care to join me tonight at a top of the building for a picnic?"

I smiled but then, I remembered that I had to go to my delivery service job tonight since I had to work behind my studies to be done with them till today and I so much want to go with him that I said, "(sighs) I would love to but...I haven't told you about my part-time job at the delivery service in the city did I?"

Rai then again looked confused for a second and asked, "Part-time job delivery service? What do you do?" with his confused cute face. (A/N: My heart beating like crazy seeing his reaction and then blushing + speechless)

"It provides fast, often same-day delivery, within a particular area. It is also a service that may specialize in a specific type of delivery, such as delivering food, or it might deliver all kinds of packages," I explained as we got closer to our classroom, I continued, "Can we do the picnic after I'm done with my shift and then...we c-can meet up w-what d-do y-you think?" (-///-)

He nodded and then, we headed inside our classroom being greeted by both Shinwoo and Ik-Han as then, Shinwoo embarrassingly said, "You both look like the perfect couple aren't they Ik-Han?"

I on the other hand blushed to beat red, while I noticed Rai was blushing too but only I saw his ears turning dark pink and I giggled at Shinwoo's comment. As I walked towards them and told them,

"Hey, guys in case you guys wanted to come to the Chairman's place I'm afraid I would not be joining you since I have to work at SF Mart delivery service downtown."

Ik-Han then, smiled while saying, "No wonder you make sure that everyone is happy before you go."

Then, I smiled and walked away from everyone and headed towards Kwan (M-21) and greeted him with a smile, until he said, "Hey how's you, new brother?"

"He's fine plus I'm finally happy that I can train with both you and Regis along with Seira to train me to control my powers and also, Mom wants you to protect me on my way to my shift at the SF Mart I have to head for my shifts since dad is now a doctor for medicals techniques. Although I hope u don't mind," I told him as I finally told him my mother's message she told me last night.

M-21 hesitates for a minute looking nervous and carefully asked by his tone, "So... are you sure because you cannot be seen with me if not who knows they'll find out about your father and mother. That is even worse than risking about your brother."

I thought for a minute until "Well you could tell the Chairman where you are taking me after school and also tell him that I will be joining Rai after my shift alright?"

He nodded in response as he turned to face the giant window behind above him as I headed inside to class.

Later that day...

At the park, it was already nighttime and so he can accompany me to my part-time job location at the nearest park, which we are currently walking through right now. Since he was definitely like an older brother to me that I could depend on since I have become a modified human just like him but not fully just temporarily.

"So...are you gonna be alright here aren't you worried that the Union might find you out?" Kwan (M-21) asked me as I looked up to him and smiled while saying, "No worries I might figure out how to dislocate their heads direction to head towards an illusion since I have been practising. Besides... I have d-date with Rai..."

M-21 froze and looked at me in shock and asked, "So..." he scratched the back of his neck and continued, "You like the guy? And when did you fall for him?"

"I really don't know but..maybe when we first met at the front gate, I was the first time I have looked at someone with-"

Then all of a sudden, I was cut off by 2 guys has curly, black hair and an evil-looking face. His facial motif is speculated to have partially come from Marilyn Manson, while the other, was a large, chubby, who always appears to be eating a chicken leg. He sports a black A-shirt and dark pants. He has multiple ear piercings and a skull tattoo on his right arm.

'Seriously why would someone from DA-5 eat right now in this situation?!' I thought annoyingly at the fat one while crossing my arms and at that came to our view and I already knew this was 'bad'. And then, the skinny one spoke,

"We've been looking for you two," while he smirked and then, I looked confused until I realize O-O they're from the DA-5 file Dad warned me about before Rai erased his memories. 'From what I remember is that the skinny one with a knife staring at me like a maniac is Shark a scary psychopath, while the fat one eating is Hammer the toughest one in the team', I sweatdropped at this nervously but my heart just accelerated more my mind going round and round. This reaction would accidentally lead me to reveal my powers to them, I didn't want to reveal this to anyone like this maniac.

"Do you have business with me?" Kwan asked carefully and then, I asked 'innocently', "What is going on?"

"We sure do, M-21 and little Cho," continued Shark while shrugging his shoulders like what he said was nothing and I stared at Kwan worriedly as they just said his code name. And then, I told him through my mind 'Thankfully I was able to not catch attention to both DA-5 agents with my glowing eyes thanks, Regis.' my thoughts as I concentrated on patching up the mind link Kwan to talk to him.

Me: 'Kwan I know you are nervous and am I so just calm down like I am doing now and asked what do they want, please?'

Kwan (M-21): 'Byeol I will give you the signal so when I say the words you run back to the Chairman's house and warn him alright?'

Me: 'You got it.

"Does DA-5 ring any bells?" asked Shark while shrugging with a creepy smile.

"I've certainly heard rumours. Your Shark and your Hammer right?" asked Kwan (M-21) his eyebrows furrowed in a glare.

"If you know us, that'll save us some time," said Shark his right arm turning and he continued, "Come with us both you and Doctor Cho's daughter."

He smiled evilly at me and for sure I knew that they wanted to bait dad into this but, with dad now in his current situation he's safe. Thankfully not leaving any trace at all before his memory was erased about modified humans.

"And if we refused?" I asked calmly as I can since I was still tingling sensation on

"Both of you don't have a choice now, trash," snickered Shark as he balled his hand into a fist as I widen my eyes and said nothing. I felt Kwan's body shake right next t me, I, on the other hand, asked them,

"Why do you want us to go with you? don't you have enough 'muscle' than anything jerk?" I gripped on my bag

'They're more than I can handle,' I heard Kwan's worried thoughts until one warmed my heart (A/N: Like brother and sister nothing else), 'And I can't let them have Byeol...she is all that I have in memory of Byeoung-su (M-24) plus...she is officially my little sister'

I smiled a little until Shark spats at me with gritted teeth, "Byeol, you should convince him to come with us we are only trying to help. Besides you can be very useful to our case of 'convincing' style."

I growled and without my knowledge, I felt my powers rising to their peak then I felt a hand rubbing my arm and I start to look up to Kwan and with his eyes (without mind-reading) told me to calm down he would fight again.

"She won't be going anywhere with you," Kwan (M-21) stated firmly as he gritted his teeth with a low growl. I then, stare back at Shark's ugly face as he chuckles in amusement

"C'mon you have to be bluffing, so what happened to M-24 huh?" asked gingerly at both me and Kwan (M-21) and continued, "Was it so hard to get anything done with that big, useless oaf like him?"

And at that moment my powers over the top of my head that I fumed in anger while Kwan was looking pissed in fury. His claws came out while I took my stand prepared to defend in the name of Byeong-su (M-24) my surrogate older brother.

"What did I say something to offend you both?" Shark sneered at us and before I could scream at him I heard,

"Byeol RUN AND GO HOME!" yelled Kwan(M-21) in which started attacking as I looked around my surroundings until I started sprinting away to a run but as I was close to exiting the park the guy named Shark slashed my back as I began to bleed out. I bit my lip hard making it bleed, I collapsed to the ground my knees hurt like hell.

I was so shocked that the DA-5 had the nerve to piss him off plus the fact that I am their last resort if it came down to it. I thought fast and then I decided to yell, "HEY! YOU ASSHOLES YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT ELSE I KNOW?!"

"What?" asked Shark while gritting his teeth in annoyance as he glances at my limping figure still bleeding out.

"You are a BIG LOSER WHO ONLY IS BEING USED BY NONE OTHER THAN YOUR BOSS! Plus the fact that I already know all your little pieces from your past," I yelled in response as I was grinning and then, what I didn't expect was that they knocked me out from the back of my head and everything went dark. But the last thing I saw was Hammer picking me up on his shoulder as Kwan (M-21) tried to get me but only fighting back at Shark.

Kwan's POV:

'I have to get Byeol back I cannot let the DA-5 take her away from me too' my thought was scrambling to my feet as I

"You've gotta try harder than that hard."

I heard him say making my blood boiling with rage, however by the corner of my eye I spot Byeol being taken away by Hammer. Byeol's blood leaking from her back making her uniform stain but then, I sensed Shark right about time for me to shield myself with my claws to protect me from Shark's thief's knife. We kept fighting until I thought to myself while gritting my teeth, 'He's far too strong for me.'

As I hear Sharks psychopathic laughter while injuring my body with more new scars on both arm and leg to slow my attack movements.

"STOP LEAVING YOURSELF OPEN!" yelled Shark at me in the complaint as he slashed my hold moment

"Don't take it out too far," complied Hammer still holding Byeol in his grimy shoulder while eating at the same time.

"Huh? It's so hard for me to go easy on him, plus I still have plans for Dr Cho's daughter," Shark complained while shrugging his shoulders. But I, however, felt a lot of pain and only then, a voice in my head spoke,

'K-Kwan...I want you to go warn the others please I can (coughs) handle this '

'Byeol, are you okay stay awake!' : Me

'Yeah, but look behind you...' : Byeol

And then, I turned my head and spotted both white-haired nobles staring at my and Byeol's state.

"What are you doing here?" asked Regis with a hint of concern but stayed poised as always while Seira widens her eyes at Byeol's blood-stained on her back over Hammer's shoulder. My eyes widen as their eyes landed on mine and I warned them while moving my hand back, saying,

"Don't! Stay back!"

But Regis doesn't listen and continues to walk forward in front of me? I wonder within my thoughts as Seira asked, "What are you going to do with our friend Byeol?"

"Ahhhh not to worry we will be making use of her for M-21 to cooperate, hehehe," said Shark with a sly smirk on his face that said 'Another step closer and she will die' Kwan (M-21) did not like that one bit but Shark continued asking, "What? Friends of yours? Well, it can't be helped if you already saw us. I'll have to wipe you all out!"

He grins his teeth like a maniac as he continues to stare at them while I noticed Byeol using her powers again through her eyes and to my surprise I noticed that she was talking to one of the white hair nobles behind me.

Nobodies POV:

Byeol knew she had to tell Seira quick before she loses consciousness and so she closed her eyes in concentration and soon successfully lucky said within their mind link,

Byeol: - have to...(argh) tell Raizel that we'll be fine, I'm sorry things didn't go as planned like we wanted to so please...find us before they kill Kwan (M-21)."

Seira: - Byeol I will deliver your message and what about M-21?

Byeol: - Seira I know him too well...he is trustworthy you j-just need to believe in him. He has a plan to...

Seira: - Byeol? Byeol?!

Mind-link dispatched...

Seira then looked at the scene now in front of her. He has 2 scars on his face, one on the cheek and the other across the nose and he has a big built on his body. He straightened up and spotted Shark, Hammer with a hostage and (Kwan) M-21 kneeling on the floor injured with Shark's slashes spilling blood on the floor.

"Shark I said to bring M-21 in and Dr Cho's daughter."

Said the scar-faced man his tone was serious and demanding while his eyes spotted Byeol as he scans her slashed body on her back and continued, "I see you got her already, Hammer."

"Yeah (munching) she tried to escape from us but then, (munching) Shark slashed her across her back making it easier for us to take her and use her to bring him in," as Hammer finished explaining while munching his food at the same time.

"M-21 you're coming with us and now that we have her in our hands come quietly," said the scar-faced man

"Stop it! Shut Up!" Kwan (M-21) yelled as both Regis and Seira stopped their movements as if they were frozen in place.

"Do these two have something to do with your current mission?" asked Shark with a frown on his face.

"No," Kwan (M-21) said flatly as he continued, "They're just a pair of insufferable brats."

As the man 'Crans' looked at the corner of his eye and looked at Regis and then, back at Kwan (M-21), "Come quietly, and no one get's hurt."

"Wait, you're just gonna leave the kids?!" questioned Shark at Crans as he answered his answer, "There's no need to escalate this affair any further.

"Fine. I'll cooperate." Kwan (M-21) said finally. And the whole group left with both an injured Byeol and a beaten-up Kwan (M-21) both Seira and Regis watched them as they left with a worried glance at Byeol's injured back.

"Regis..." as Seira was about to say something to him, Regis said,

"Seira how can I calm this fury?" Regis asked furrowed his eyebrows in anger and confusion, "His mission? Then what was that about a promise? How could I be fooled by someone like him? And what does Byeol have anything to do with this?"

Seira and Regis stood there quietly while the wind got stronger making the weather a little colder than before.

"Byeol told me through our mind link that 'She knows him too well...he is trustworthy you just need to believe in him. He has a plan to...'"

"To do what exactly? And how can she trust him so dearly?" he continued with questions as they head back to the Chairman's Villa.

Rai's POV:

I walked to the kitchen and asked Franken to help prepare the picnic basket filled with Ramen and other food that she might like. But then, I heard both Regis and Seira came back from my hearing but what surprised me was the fact that Regis words shocked me the most.

"...she yelled back at the people that work from that modified human who accompanied her and then, they slashed her across her back while taking her somewhere. However, before she blacked out she told me through our mind link 'Tell Raizel that will be fine and find us before they kill Kwan (M-21)'. I asked her how can she trust him? and she answered with, 'I know him too well...he is trustworthy you just need to believe in him. He has a plan to...' And I don't the last part cause she was injured and passed out the second she was going to tell me..."

I suddenly dropped my teacup as it fell in slow motion, my heart started to ache in pain and worry that I felt Franken's worried expression on me and both Regis and Seira looked at my reaction to the news. My hair masked my face with a shadow, my expression was filling the quiet air with my angry aura surrounding me as I decidedly walk towards my bed chambers and breathed in worry in silence so not even Franken can know how I'm feeling right now.

'I will find you Byeol no matter how much power I have to use to get you back'

I was so shocked that the DA-5 had the nerve to piss him off plus the fact that I am their last resort if it came down to it. I thought fast and then I decided to yell, "HEY! YOU ASSHOLES YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT ELSE I KNOW?!"

"What?" asked Shark while gritting his teeth in annoyance as he glances at my limping figure still bleeding out.

"You are a BIG LOSER WHO ONLY IS BEING USED BY NONE OTHER THAN YOUR BOSS! Plus the fact that I already know all your little pieces from your past," I yelled in response as I was grinning and then, what I didn't expect was that they knocked me out from the back of my head and everything went dark. But the last thing I saw was Hammer picking me up on his shoulder as Kwan (M-21) tried to get me but only fighting back at Shark.

Kwan's POV:

'I have to get Byeol back I cannot let the DA-5 take her away from me too' my thought was scrambling to my feet as I

"You've gotta try harder than that hard."

I heard him say making my blood boiling with rage, however by the corner of my eye I spot Byeol being taken away by Hammer. Byeol's blood leaking from her back making her uniform stain but then, I sensed Shark right about time for me to shield myself with my claws to protect me from Shark's thief's knife. We kept fighting until I thought to myself while gritting my teeth, 'He's far too strong for me.'

As I hear Sharks psychopathic laughter while injuring my body with more new scars on both arm and leg to slow my attack movements.

"STOP LEAVING YOURSELF OPEN!" yelled Shark at me in the complaint as he slashed my hold moment

"Don't take it out too far," complied Hammer still holding Byeol in his grimy shoulder while eating at the same time.

"Huh? It's so hard for me to go easy on him, plus I still have plans for Dr Cho's daughter," Shark complained while shrugging his shoulders. But I, however, felt a lot of pain and only then, a voice in my head spoke,

'K-Kwan...I want you to go warn the others please I can (coughs) handle this '

'Byeol, are you okay stay awake!' : Me

'Yeah, but look behind you...' : Byeol

And then, I turned my head and spotted both white-haired nobles staring at my and Byeol's state.

"What are you doing here?" asked Regis with a hint of concern but stayed poised as always while Seira widens her eyes at Byeol's blood-stained on her back over Hammer's shoulder. My eyes widen as their eyes landed on mine and I warned them while moving my hand back, saying,

"Don't! Stay back!"

But Regis doesn't listen and continues to walk forward in front of me? I wonder within my thoughts as Seira asked, "What are you going to do with our friend Byeol?"

"Ahhhh not to worry we will be making use of her for M-21 to cooperate, hehehe," said Shark with a sly smirk on his face that said 'Another step closer and she will die' Kwan (M-21) did not like that one bit but Shark continued asking, "What? Friends of yours? Well, it can't be helped if you already saw us. I'll have to wipe you all out!"

He grins his teeth like a maniac as he continues to stare at them while I noticed Byeol using her powers again through her eyes and to my surprise I noticed that she was talking to one of the white hair nobles behind me.

Nobodies POV:

Byeol knew she had to tell Seira quick before she loses consciousness and so she closed her eyes in concentration and soon successfully lucky said within their mind link,

Byeol: - have to...(argh) tell Raizel that we'll be fine, I'm sorry things didn't go as planned like we wanted to so please...find us before they kill Kwan (M-21)."

Seira: - Byeol I will deliver your message and what about M-21?

Byeol: - Seira I know him too well...he is trustworthy you j-just need to believe in him. He has a plan to...

Seira: - Byeol? Byeol?!

Mind-link dispatched...

Seira then looked at the scene now in front of her. He has 2 scars on his face, one on the cheek and the other across the nose and he has a big built on his body. He straightened up and spotted Shark, Hammer with a hostage and (Kwan) M-21 kneeling on the floor injured with Shark's slashes spilling blood on the floor.

"Shark I said to bring M-21 in and Dr Cho's daughter."

Said the scar-faced man his tone was serious and demanding while his eyes spotted Byeol as he scans her slashed body on her back and continued, "I see you got her already, Hammer."

"Yeah (munching) she tried to escape from us but then, (munching) Shark slashed her across her back making it easier for us to take her and use her to bring him in," as Hammer finished explaining while munching his food at the same time.

"M-21 you're coming with us and now that we have her in our hands come quietly," said the scar-faced man

"Stop it! Shut Up!" Kwan (M-21) yelled as both Regis and Seira stopped their movements as if they were frozen in place.

"Do these two have something to do with your current mission?" asked Shark with a frown on his face.

"No," Kwan (M-21) said flatly as he continued, "They're just a pair of insufferable brats."

As the man 'Crans' looked at the corner of his eye and looked at Regis and then, back at Kwan (M-21), "Come quietly, and no one get's hurt."

"Wait, you're just gonna leave the kids?!" questioned Shark at Crans as he answered his answer, "There's no need to escalate this affair any further.

"Fine. I'll cooperate." Kwan (M-21) said finally. And the whole group left with both an injured Byeol and a beaten-up Kwan (M-21) both Seira and Regis watched them as they left with a worried glance at Byeol's injured back.

"Regis..." as Seira was about to say something to him, Regis said,

"Seira how can I calm this fury?" Regis asked furrowed his eyebrows in anger and confusion, "His mission? Then what was that about a promise? How could I be fooled by someone like him? And what does Byeol have anything to do with this?"

Seira and Regis stood there quietly while the wind got stronger making the weather a little colder than before.

"Byeol told me through our mind link that 'She knows him too well...he is trustworthy you just need to believe in him. He has a plan to...'"

"To do what exactly? And how can she trust him so dearly?" he continued with questions as they head back to the Chairman's Villa.

Rai's POV:

I walked to the kitchen and asked Franken to help prepare the picnic basket filled with Ramen and other food that she might like. But then, I heard both Regis and Seira came back from my hearing but what surprised me was the fact that Regis words shocked me the most.

"...she yelled back at the people that work from that modified human who accompanied her and then, they slashed her across her back while taking her somewhere. However, before she blacked out she told me through our mind link 'Tell Raizel that will be fine and find us before they kill Kwan (M-21)'. I asked her how can she trust him? and she answered with, 'I know him too well...he is trustworthy you just need to believe in him. He has a plan to...' And I don't the last part cause she was injured and passed out the second she was going to tell me..."

I suddenly dropped my teacup as it fell in slow motion, my heart started to ache in pain and worry that I felt Franken's worried expression on me and both Regis and Seira looked at my reaction to the news. My hair masked my face with a shadow, my expression was filling the quiet air with my angry aura surrounding me as I decidedly walk towards my bed chambers and breathed in worry in silence so not even Franken can know how I'm feeling right now.

'I will find you Byeol no matter how much power I have to use to get you back'