Her eyes, one condition

A/N: ('') - means talking through their mind link conversations.


I kept running towards the light but to be only dragged down by demons from the Union and DA-5 however, I knew that I spotted 5 figures in front of me and I ran towards them calling each one of their names as I try getting closer,

"Kwan, Frank, Seira, Regis, Shinwoo, Ik-Han, Rai!" but they keep going away into thin air, as soon as they are all gone from my sight I started to cry while the darkness of the once white cloud turned into a dark room and there I spotted a knife pointing in front of me. And its dark hand started showing me by the corner of my eye was my...family...

I ran to where my dad, mom and my baby brother all of them gone and dead, I wrapped my arms around my baby brother and I started to cry but I whispered to myself with my eyes closed, "Please get me out of here this is just a nightmare, my friends and family are a-alive I-"

Byeol's POV:

I bolted up when I got wet by someone throwing water at my face making my face wet. I suddenly realize it was Shark. I felt cold around me, my vision was blurry and my felt my arms were tight around both my wrist. I then heard him say,

"No one told you both to sleep trash!" as Shark threw the bucket to the ground while I glanced at my right and saw Kwan (M-21), he was tied up to a chair while I was too but against one of the columns behind me.

'Kwan!' I thought in glee happy that he is still here and alive at that point I saw him grit his teeth in anger but I am the only one who knows how much in pain he really is. It pains me to see him like this as I heard Krans voice in front of me saying to Kwan (M-21),

"You are one of the agents sent to retrieve the coffin," he crossed his arms and continued, "You must have crossed paths with Jack and Marie. What happened at that time? Tell me everything you know," he said last while looking at me in curiosity and then, back at Kwan (M-21).

'He does not want to talk about it, you idiots!' I wanted to shout at them but I yelled in my thoughts while I kept listening to Krans interrogation at Kwan.

I looked at the corner of my eye that Kwan (M-21) started to look up in his direction and answered,

"I don't understand why you elites even think it's worth the trouble to talk trash like me."

Then, I watched Shark looking both impatient and pissed he half-crushed Kwan's chest where his scars were placed but soon to get more bruises are sure to appear later on if we ever get home.

"All you need to do is answer our questions!" his hands on his hips annoyed as he kept looking at him and then, at me and asked, "Does this bitch even know anything about her daddy's secrets? huh??"

'They're not even aware that I betrayed the Union...not only that they believe that I'm in some sort of mission.' Kwan told me through his thoughts as he looked up from the shadow covering his eyes.

'Your correct in that and this...gives us a chance to trick them, Kwan. What do you think we should do?' I asked carefully as we tried to talk about our plan of getting information about his comrades but to my dismay, his explanations were currently interrupted by Shark kicking him in the chest causing me a great distraction and without my awareness, I felt my powers rising bit by bit from behind my back but since I woke up, the next thing I heard someone saying that made me widen my eyes and my whole body started to stiff.

"Hey! her eyes are glowing red, Krans," the one sitting down with a computer on his face pointed out 'I recognize him, his name is Tao a professional hacker for the DA-5,' as I looked at the black, bowl-cut hair guy that covered most of his forehead with a white stripe on the right side. He has black fingernails. Although he was tall, slim, and is currently relaxed at the moment. Also, his eyes were grey and, 'The one with a water bottle on his gloved hand was Takeo'best farsighted shooter within the organization' I thought as I spotted the tall, handsome man with blue eyes and long purple hair tied in a ponytail reaching down his waist while congratulating myself with my assumptions were perfectly correct thanks to Dad's injection to have a clear 'sparkly memory'. While Krans stare at me as my heart started thumping in a thousand cycles through my blood as it turned cold. Everyone's eyes were on me and I swear I heard Kwan's (M-21) groans from my right, that I knew my secret was blown to the DA-5 and then, Krans grabbed my chin and said,

"You were also one of Dr Cho's private experiments too aren't ya." He and I made eye contact my eyes still glowing but also I shook my head away from his tight grip and growled in response. Making eye contact with Takeo, I felt my wrist getting loose as they turn to fire and knocked Krans stomach as hard as I can and started to run towards the exit and then, I felt someone grabbing my face while lifting me up in the air I tried punching their hand off my face so I could breathe but apparently I was tossed to wall close to where Kwan was. But then, I was taken by the collar of my jacket by Krans who yelled asking me,

"Are you Dr Cho's latest experiment?!"

'He's acting almost desperate is as if we are the only source of information they have now,'- Kwan

'Y-yeah...'- me (Byeol) I tried to concentrate on communicating but, now it was now my interrogation now...Krans was still asking me the same damn question that I said,

"I won't tell you even if you want information about my father from me I will not be giving it to you, Krans!" I yelled in response making everyone froze in place while I spat at him making my saliva trail on his face as I continued, "Besides I will tell you this once, you let both Kwan and I go and nobody gets hurt."

"'Kwan' you say," Shark says as he looks at Kwan's (M-21) state and then, at me, "Did you name him by any chance, Ms Cho?"

"Should that be of any of your concern sir?" I answered back which I never do but it felt so good to do that to someone I know is an asshole. As Shark was about to cut me I felt someone move in front of me as I figured it was Kwan!

"Leave her alone! I will tell you all that I know if you let her go!" said Kwan with determination on his face but also pained one too just then, I shivered at the cold air with the wet clothes I wore that before anyone left I sneezed,

"Achoo!*sniff*" 'I knew it I was going catch a cold in the next 24 hours from now,' I thought as I shifted my body to warm myself I felt someone giving me their leather jacket covering it around my shoulders in warm and I said, "Thank you *sniff*"

"Your welcome," said Takeo with a kind smile it made me feel at ease and calm for a while as I looked over my shoulder, to see that he walked over to Kwan (M-21) and held him up a bottle of cool water and said to him,

"Drink." Kwan (M-21) stared at him warily in question and very confused as I am now and Takeo continued, "Don't worry there's nothing in it. If you don't believe me I'll drink it first."

"Why being considerate?" Shark asked while Kwan (M-21) was still staring up at him. 'I wish to be home already (sigh)' I thought to myself sighing quietly.

"I just don't like seeing other agents getting treated like this," Takeo states seriously as everyone kept staring at the interaction while I coughed and watched Kwan getting the water he needed. And to my surprise, he said, "And also I don't harm young kids."

"I'm 16 thank you very much," I muttered as the same water bottle was in front of me and I took my chance to drink the nice sensation of water in my throat making me feel better.

"Alright. I'll cooperate." Kwan (M-21) finally said making everyone half-relieved while I looked at him confused for a second until I heard him say, "But on one condition."

"Do tell," says Krans in annoyance.

"There's something I want to know too," Kwan explains to them while I try using my powers again but got electrocuted by the special chains they gave me making me groan in pain, he looked at me in worry and continued, "I want you guys to look into it for me."

Shark laughed and said, "You don't seem aware of your position here. Condition my ass!"

"As if it was a joke you moron," I said it out loud that Shark gritted his teeth and as he was about to hit me, Krans said,

"Hold it, Shark! Both you and M-21 impress me."

While Shark walked back to where he stood he looked at Krans as if he wanted to strangle him and then, at me. However, I had to figure out what Kwan's (M-21) plan is before Shark or anyone knock me out again and I can't risk it.

"But we do have other ways to make one of you tell us what we want to know," Krans states seriously while Takeo walked away to where Tao's desk.

"That truth serum the organization is so proud of? Go ahead and use it if you want" I asked carefully, but I remember that if they inject me with that serum I can say goodbye to all the people that I love including my family's location my eyes stopped glowing the minute they handcuffed me and in other words, I can't use my powers, 'Damn it now I can't give my current location to Regis now since I don't have my powers for the time being'

Kwan (M-21) looked away from everyone except me but even so, he finished my sentence as if he guessed the right words and thankfully he did, "Let's see which comes first: the drug making us talk or my death."

He smirked and as did I while Shark looked at us as if we were stupid to say anything like that to them. "What you little-" Shark was cut off by Krans again in which was hilarious to watch, I giggled quietly to myself while Kwan (M-21) smiled a hidden one at me,

"Fine! What is it you want to know?"

"What?! You're accepting this condition?!" Shark growls in anger as he turned to him.

"Quiet! When did you earn the right to criticize my decision?" Krans's eyes were closed when he said it and I was glad he was put down to his rightful place. Shark looked pissed at both me and Kwan (M-21) just because of the decision, good grief.

"Well, what do you want to know?" Krans asked again and this time Kwan (M-21) answered, "I want all the information on the rest of the experimental subjects...my comrades."

And then, Krans landed the biggest bomb on Kwan (M-21) that has ever been heard by, "I'm sorry...I can't make that exchange. We don't have that information."

"Your Tao aren't you?" I asked, "Digging up information from the Union's experiments should be simple for you?

Tao's eyes widen at what I had just said and replied, "Woah you know me so well."

"So we have a deal," Kwan said almost as if he were eager and I smiled at them.

"Very well you have a deal. Then tell us what you know," said Krans with a serious agreeing tone. Until things got more interesting in my opinion,

"Get us some food first, she's already hungry you see," Kwan says on my behalf, 'Thank God that he remembered that I can't survive without food in the morning' I thought as I groan in hunger with a growl on my stomach.

"We're too hungry to talk," Kwan (M-21) continues smugly saying that while Shark gets even more pissed off than before.

"What?! You're just screwing with us aren't ya! You piece of crap!" exclaims Shark in his pissed off voice. I looked up to where Tao and Takeo are, I caught them both snickering in laughter and I do the same until,

Krans ordered, "Hammer give them your food." And with a turn of my head, I caught Hammer looking down at his food like he doesn't want too and then, Kwan (M-21) said,

"I don't want your meal. We want something else..."

"Like what?" asked Hammer looking angry.

There was a moment of silence until Kwan and I spoke up with a grin on our faces,
