I'm saving you and I missed you...

A few days later...

It was a peaceful day in Ye Ran High School that all the students were asking questions about Byeol's disappearance and it has almost been a week since then, however, Ik-Chan started looking through the window and started saying,

"I haven't seen the security guard for a few days now and Byeol is missing. And no, I do not believe that he had anything to do with it."

Shinwoo on the other hand, looked over his shoulder to face Ik-Han, "Oh yeah, he always looks pale and sickly besides by the relationship between the old dude and Byeol is like brother and sister, no doubt about that," Ik-Han then, turned to Regis and asked,

"Hey Regis, do you know what happened to him?"

"Hmph! I have no idea," Regis firmly states while crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"A-are you sure, but don't you guys live with him?" Ik-Han asked.

"I don't care."

Seira glances at him for a minute and then, hears Shinwoo saying, "Oi, Regis! What's with you? You've been acting differently lately since Byeol's disappearance and the old dude's too." his tone was in worry about his friend as he continues, "You look surly all the time. Isn't that right, Seira?"

"Yes, this is not something that happens often," she answers honestly at them while Regis turned to her in embarrassment. "(*not blushing) Seira!"

"Then, can we come over tomorrow, since there is no school tomorrow," says Ik-Han excitedly with a smile on his face while Shinwoo points out in the agreement, "Hey! That's a great idea!"

"How does this lead to that?!" asked Regis in fuming himself.

"Hey! We're talking about getting together and having fun to cheer both you and Rai up since Byeol has gone missing I noticed he looked a bit bombed too y'know," Say Shinwoo to the rest while grinning at them, "Plus I think the Chairman would be thrilled too!"

"Yeah! the Chairman loves us!" Ik-Han beams to Regis who apparently looked shocked at the fact that they are willing to 'cheer him up' and also frozen too.

"H-have it your way then..." he mutters in embarrassment and looks away as both Ik-Han and Shinwoo beam in agreement to cheer him up as they snickered jokingly as Seira looks at her cousin then, smiles that he has friends too.


Rai was worried out of his mind, he was searching all over the city but he couldn't sense Byeol anywhere and he got worried he even asked Frankenstein to find out what he can about the Union. However, Rai's hearing has gotten sharper than ever before plus he hears more rumours and questionable ones too, although he ponders while looking towards the sky and keeps thinking and using telepathic communication but sadly he got nothing. He leaned forward on the balcony railing of the villa and he said to himself with assurance,

"Cho Byeol...I will find you no matter how long it takes and if you are gone," he said the last part quietly and continued with a sigh, "I will avenge you and make sure to get you back in one piece no matter the consequences of my life."

Without Rai's knowledge whatsoever his servant, Frankenstein watched and heard his Master's promise in worry and thought, 'I hope you don't have to do that Master I only wish that you won't sacrifice yourself for the world'

At the DA-5 hideout...

It was already nighttime and both Shark and Hammer have been beating and scratched Byeol again for the past week by Shark while Takeo and Tao bandage her up from her constant beatings. Takeo and Tao were the only ones from the DA-5 that showed kindness throughout this time with them that she started to get to know them. While the DA-5 is impatient that even Kwan (M-21) could tell even if he gives them all the details that they need, however, Kwan would not give it to them.

"When are you gonna talk huh?!" yelled an impatient Shark with his hands on his hips while Byeol looked at them weakly by the corner of her right eye and groaned in pain but it did not hurt much like Kwan's (M-21) did.

"If you want information, then, give me what I want first," said Kwan (M-21) stubbornly then he got slapped by Shark again on the face.

"Don't let that head of yours get too big," Shark said with his hands on his hips while he turns to Byeol and grabbed her hair as she struggles with the electronic chains they placed in her. She hissed in pain while he does it and she said, "Whatever you do to me Shark, Kwan will never give you the information even with me being used as cattle..."

He janks her hair again and punched her in the stomach and threw to another column making Kwan (M-21) squirm out of his tied up position and clenched his teeth together in anger while Shar kept saying looking really pissed off, "We could just kill you both easily and start our investigation all over."

"Hey Shark, I wonder what's going on with that coffin now," Hammer wonders as he keeps munching his hamburger while Kwa on the other hand, widen his eyes in fury and slightly widen his eyes as his body shakes in worried expression that Byeol could only make out.

'Kwan don't worry about me... I'll be fine (sighs) I wish you could hear my reassurance,' she thought to herself trying her best to reach out to Kwan's (M-21) mind but, 'These stupid shackles won't let me through damn it.'

She looks at the night sky from where she is trying to sit up against the column Shark threw her to and thought to herself in worry, 'I hope Amatus, mom and dad are alright...I hope that Rai finds us soon, please...'

"What was it called again? The Noblesse?" Shark asked now yanking Kwan's (M-21) head up to face him while pointing a dagger in front of him. Kwan (M-21) then smirked at him and said, "Your free to imagine whatever you want, but if you break our agreement and fail to get the information you're looking for it'll be all your fault, Shark."

The only thing that Byeol heard was Rai's title name again she burst out without thinking, "YOU WILL NEVER LAY A HAND ON HIM! "

Everyone turns to her in surprise and smirks at both Shark and Hammer's faces and before she even realizes what she said she widens in fear and anger even Kwan knew that she screwed up big time and hesitated until Shark's right hand grabbed her throat starting to chock gasping for air and he asked, "TELL US WHAT YOU KNOW ABOUT THE NOBLESSE!? Hmm? You probably know where he is don't ya!"

Her legs moved to try to kick him hard somewhere but she couldn't as she felt her vision fade she muttered, "P-please s-save us..." her legs started to slow down while Kwan yelled her name,


But then, Takeo and Tao came to the scene and said, "Shark let her go." Takeo growled at Shark as he dropped her to the ground and she started coughing out more blood again. "Getting information out of them comes first." His voice was stern and Kwan (M-21) clenched his teeth in anger and his eyes in worry for Byeol's safety.

"UGH! You are so damn soft! It makes me sick!" spatted Shark in accusation and continues, "I know you left women and children alive tons of times when your mission was to kill them all." as he pointed out his dagger in front of him, making Takeo hesitant and Tao watching.

"It's pointless to take pity on dregs like them." then Shark smirked again and confessed, "I killed all the people you left alive. I'll even do the same to both of them and even harder on Cho here. You might feel pity now, but I will kill them in the end. Just doing your job for ya!"

'No...' Byeol thought in sadness even she could even imagine what a monster can do to kill innocent people and even children. "Hey, maybe the organization's already killed your sister too!"

That gave her a hint of all the sadness and grief she could feel from Takeo's aura that he has now ticked off with his clouded anger and sadness that he pulled out his gun ready to shoot at him, however, Tao moved in front of him and said, "Don't!Stop!"

"He's not going to..." Takeo growls in anger as Byeol watched from her left eye her eyes glowing again but only getting her electrocuted again, "ARGHHH!!"

"I'm just following Crans orders..." Shark simply says to them as he bents down to where Byeol was suffering until her powers died down making her red-brown eyes back to normal and her breathing was getting slower by the minute that he continued, "I'll even make sure you can witness the show, hahahahaha."

She shook her head away from his fingers as she lowly growls at him as he continued, "Everyone who got involved with us gets killed. All to preserve the organization's secrets. are you all stupid or what?"

Making Tao, Takeo, Byeol and Kwan (M-21) tense at that as he (Shark) finally says, "I wish you could hear all those death cries." And he laughs while walking out with Hammer following him out the door leaving Takeo lowering his gun with confusing feelings of anger and grief while Tao looked worriedly at him and then, it was Kwan who spoke,

"Byeol...are you alright?"

Her bangs covered her eyes like a shadow as she looks up to where Kwan (M-21) is and answered almost a whisper, "I-I don't know...how l-long I c-could hold it I'm still bleeding h-here..."

The guys looked at her in worry as they watch her now reopened wounds are bleeding out again she groaned but then, Takeo calm down and walked towards her and knelt as he placed his arms underneath her and was now carrying her he asked,

"What type of powers do you have?"

She hesitated for a moment and then, she relaxed and just nodded before going to an unconscious state. Both Takeo and Tao looked confused but then, looked at Kwan (M-21) and gave him a questionable look until,

"She both telepathy and telekinesis," he sighs telling them just low enough for only Takeo and Tao can hear him as he explains how she got her powers from her dad's injection serum.


Later in the night after yesterday...

Byeol's POV:

'Where am I?' I thought wondering why I am still in the dark I should wake up but... 'Who's carrying me?' as I struggle to get away I heard from my ear, "Calm down, Byeol just don't get angry."

I knew whose voice that belonged to, it was Kwan (M-21)! I try to connect my link again to him but I was suddenly electrocuted again and this time I woke up from my empty darkness into a room that looked like the basement I blinked in the realization that I made Kwan (M-21) drop me. 'Oops...' I thought.

"Off!" I groaned as I was still in metallic handcuffs burning my wrist. I scanned my surroundings and noticed that it was big but I then spotted Shark kneeling in front of...Shinwoo and Ik-Han!

"What was so urgent-" Tao was cut off by the bodies that lay before us. I looked behind me and noticed that both Tao and Takeo even Kwan froze in shock, I was furious, to say the least.

"Sorry to call you all the way out here. As you can see," Shark kept talking with a murderous grin on his ugly face, "I got my hands in some nice prey." I notice that Regis wearing the same shackles as me but I could tell that they don't electrocute him they just nullify him too, he was really beaten up to the extent to be forced to come here that I also took note that Krans was in front of me and I raised my voice.

"Why did you bring them here they have nothing to do with this!?" I asked with a groggy voice making my throat ache in pain but I manage to hold it in. While being dragged to where they were and then, I felt being dragged by my arm and taken away by none other than Krans himself and he ordered,

"You better stay quiet or else we will find your father and your little brother along with your mother."

"Tch!" I clicked my teeth together in anger but then, she heard Regis voice from far saying, "Where am I?"

I sighed in relief quietly as Krans threw me across the room to where now Shinwoo, Ik-Han and Regis were. 'I wish you could talk to me Regis I really am trying to communicate with you but it's not working,' I thought sadly as I glance at their unconscious state. I tried thinking of any way to unleash everyone but I have no choice but rely on both Kwan (M-21) and Regis now.

Nobodies POV:

Regis looked at the shackles around his wrists he has on and his eyes widen even more as he spotted his classmates and lastly Byeol. She seriously is injured, mostly covered in dirt in most of her uniform and bloodstains all over her from head to her legs. He even noticed some were bandaged up to prevent infection from spreading her injuries. He then heard a snarky voice that sounds familiar to him as the voice said,

"Even you might have a hard time breakin' outta that." It was the crazy sociopath he had encountered back at the park name Shark. He continued, with a malicious grin on his pale face, "The organization made it specifically to restrain people with superpowers. But this one here," he pointed out to where Byeol currently was sitting there uncomfortably with her wrist but they look different. Hers were thickly layered chains with golden rims on them, she stayed quiet watching but the look that she gave Regis was one that was trying to communicate with him.

"And even if you do manage to break it as she had, you'd best remember we've got these brats here too." Shark finishes his warning to both Regis and Byeol.

'Pathetic...After they saw us together. I should've known they'd try to do something to them' Regis thought cursing to himself. He scanned the room until he looked from his feet to where Kwan (M-21) stood far away but also looking down in shame, Byeol notices this but even so, she could tell without reading his mind that.

'He is definitely pissed at Kwan again' she thought while sweatdropping in her self agreement.

'Damn, nothing good has happened since I met you,' Regis thought while gritting his teeth together still glaring at him.

Back at the villa...

"What is this link that you and Regis have spoken of before?" Frankenstein asked with a questionable look while Rai moved his head to the side and grabbed his left arm in comfort. As Seira started explaining, "Regis and I share a faint mental connection. To an extent, we can tell what the other was going through even Byeol shares our connection since we've been training her to control her powers. While they could be severed being if they are unconscious or dead."

'I know she can't be dead because if she was...I would know...' Rai thought seriously mix with concern.

She narrowed her eyes looking down apologetically while taking off her apron and folded it neatly on the chair and said, "I'm sorry. You must have no idea what I'm talking about. You both do not need to worry. Please just wait here and enjoy your meal."

Rai watched as she walked out of the villa, he furrowed his eyebrows in understanding but also furious raging inside of him since it has been a week since he last saw Byeol and he hated not sensing her all because of the mind protection she has on her mind. But he will have to train a little harder and try to read whatever she was thinking. As he was lost In all concern for her his servant said,

"Master, Regis, Shinwoo and Ik-Han should have arrived by now. But," he continues as he looked on his phone again still calling Shinwoo, "If the two of them are caught up in the same trouble that means we would find both Byeol and Kwan (M-21)..."

Rai started looking concerned as he stares at Franken's phone and then, he furrows his brows together in concern and worries for his friends and most importantly her.

At the DA-5's hideout...

"Isn't this the one..." says Krans while grabbing the back of the collar of Regis uniform and pulled him to a sitting position on his knees while Byeol tries sending him messages through the link but to dismay she got electrocuted again making her bite her lip in the process. She knew that if she even tries again communicating with anyone she could do without getting electrocuted, but...how? She kept looking down for a while until she got it, 'I could create my own change of telepathic wave system only I created myself to avoid both my eyes and the chains don't sense or grow any suspicions for anyone in the room.' Byeol thought as she looked at everyone in the room trying to spot anything useful in the meantime she listens in the conversation,

"...What is this about?" she hears Kwan (M-21) asking them, 'By the way Kwan's body is acting up I could tell from his position that he's worried about all our safety even Regis. I thought they would never get along however if I can just concentrate harder then, I could call Seira from my connection.' She closed her eyes in concentration still listening to the conversation about Regis.

"Don't play dumb with us," Shark says his hand on his knee with his still maniac grin as he continues, "This kid ain't just any stupid brat!" he pointed, "He was an even match for me even with D."

'Seira...can...you...hear...me...?' Byeol speaks through her mind manages to control her own sparks inside her but it hurt and burned at the same time she did it. She could visualize her own invisible strings around and started connecting them in sync as she can see both transparent red strings sowed themselves together as it made a pounding sound. But something unexpected happens,

'Byeol! are you there can you hear me?' asked a familiar female voice, it was Seira.

'Seira! Thank goodness can you hear me!' Byeol exclaimed from her mind thankfully nobody was paying attention to her at the time but is worried if any of Krans people caught her in case her eyes did glow in front of them

'Hm. I am on my way to tracking both you and Regis. How is he?' she mentally asked as she was jumping from one building to another.

'We are both fine but handcuffed with anti-power cuffs that weaken us from using our powers, I, however, got electrocuted by my own cuffs for a week and I still can feel them tingling as I contact you secretly. Although...I made my own private link to connect you however I cannot last long here and -' as Byeol was explaining to her as she looks back to where Kwan is and what he said shocked her.

"I told you. He is nothing more but an insufferable brat."

'Seira, I have to go I have to blow up a fuse right now' she growled as her powers were heating her whole body again and this time her blood boiled but then before she could make a move she heard someone's grunting in front of her,

"Where am I?" Shinwoo has woken up it made Byeol relieved until he spotted her when he saw her he was worried he looked at her half-torn once white jacket covered in some part in dried blood around, her head was covered in bandages, her wrist was smearing stains of blood with the handcuffs she has on and said,

"Byeol! What happened why are we here and what have they done to you?! Oi Ik-Han wakes up." as he was shaking Ik-Han's unconscious body and then, he spotted Regis injured body. He kept asking worried questions, "What happened?! Are you also okay?!"

And at that moment Ik-Han lifted himself to a sitting position until his eyes landed on Shark picking Shinwoo with his blue shirt and Byeol said, "Leave them alone, Shark!"

He ignored her while Ik-Han panicked as he called, "Shinwoo!"

But then, Takeo grabbed Shark's left wrist in which carried his (Shark's) sharp dagger and said, "Stop it Shark!" Takeo stated firmly as Byeol then, watched Krans reaction and as carefully as she can she gets inside his mind and realizes what he intends to do with his team, but as soon as she was close to getting the information she needed Shark threw Shinwoo against Ik-Han and then, they both scrambled to where Byeol sat and hugged her making her lose focus and gets electrocuted again. Both boys looked at her in sadness as Ik-Han asks, "What are you doing to her?! W-wait is that really you, Boss?!"

Byeol grunt in pain as she kept on bleeding from her mouth and spitting it out as she glared at the Shark but then, watched curiously at the scene in front of her. She notices that Shinwoo and Ik-Han know both Takeo and Tao, she widens her eyes in shock and asks, "You know them, boys?"

"Y-yeah I saved him from a couple of thugs," Shinwoo answers as he pointed at Takeo. While Ik-Han then stood up as he walks towards Tao. Tao looks cast down in regret and sadness and answers with closed eyes and a sad smile,

"I guess we met up again sooner than expected."

'Oh my god...' Byeol thought in horror as she watches him looking sad until Shark and Hammer started laughing grabbing their stomach to control themselves as Shark says,

"You hear that he called Tao, "Boss"!"

Everyone stared at him while Regis glared even harder this time at Tao but Ik-Han asked another question, as he kept walking, "What's this all about? What are we doing here?"

"Go on tell!" Shark then, kicked him in the back with his foot making Ik-Han fall forward. Both Shinwoo and Byeol were pissed

'That's right it's all because of you.' Regis thought until he sensed Byeol's connection as he reaches out in his mind she says to him, 'Regis he had no choice!'

'Why should I?! He's the one that brought you here into this mess!' he answers her back mentally.

'No, he didn't! I asked him to accompany me last week but he tried to walk away but these guys...are very persistently annoying. Besides this is a private channel I created to remind you that I still trust after everything we've been through' Byeol exclaims in her mind while glaring at him in anger as he flinched but never showed it and he looks back at Kwan (M-21) although she could tell already by the way he asks himself forgetting she could hear him think,

'And yet...why did you try to help me before?'

'Because he does care he tries to even if he can't do it now or tries to buy us some time to keep us alive even if you are a jerk from the nobles.' Byeol gave him a small smile and then, it disappeared.

Somewhere in the night sky of Seoul...

A white hair girl flies in the sky tracking down her connection to Regis and then, she felt him, "Found him."

Underneath the moonlight, Rai went faster in finding his friends while his servant Frankenstein looks at him and was thinking, 'We put them in harms way again.' But then Rai flew down to one of the roofs buildings and his servant asked him, "Master?"

Rai takes out a raw ramen package and starts biting it just like that, while his servant sweatdropped in embarrassment.

At the DA-5 hideout (basement)

"What are we doing here? What does he mean because of you?" Ik-Han keeps asking for an explanation as he was on his knees trying to get his strength back. Byeol urges to scooch her way to where Shinwoo is quietly but she is jolted when Shinwoo exclaimed asking Kwan (M-21),

"Hey! What's going on here?! Say something, old dude!"

Then, Ik-Han kept begging to know, "What's going on? Answer us please!"

"Come on man say something!"

"None of this make sense!"

"Aww, poor kids he's ignoring you, huh?" says Shark in sarcasm act, "But...I'll play with you instead!"

Byeol then started standing up however she felt her chains release as her powers started heating them slowly and took her position as she mutters something that no one heard but then, Shark kicked Shinwoo in the face as he was now on the floor everyone tried to move, Ik-Han called out to Shinwoo, Regis tried to get off his chains while gritting his teeth in anger and Kwan (M-21) hesitates to even move but his head turned around to see what has happened before him

"Leave him alone, Shark!" she growls looked at her and smirked and asked, "What are you going to do, Cho?"

"This!" and she punched Shark in the face with her now released fist as she was about to go back to where Shinwoo was Shark grabbed her hair again and only this time he yelled at her while throwing her against another column, making her scream of agony along with the pain she got. She bled again and this time she felt compelled to die right thereafter losing so much blood on her as he said,

"YOU B*TCH!! I'm GOING TO KILL YOU!!" but before he could do it, Takeo said, "That's going too far Shark!"

He stopped to look at Kwan and said, "Kwan, give us the information we want already! My patience is running out!"

"Hurting them won't make a difference," said Kwan his bangs covering his eyes as he turns away not facing anyone, and continues, "I've met them a few times on my outside job, that's all. I have no deeper connections with them." Byeol knew he had to say it otherwise he won't get the info he wanted the most, for Pete's sake it's the only chance he could get. But at what cost?

"Old dude." that was the only thing that Ik-Han said and this made everyone fear the worst to come.

"Oh really? So you insist that you all have no relation whatsoever," Shark turns back to step on Shinwoo's head but only this time he grinned evilly and continued, "I can assume you don't care, about what happens to 'em, right?"

Before Kwan (M-21) could say anything he clenched his teeth in full anger and regret until Tao walked towards Shark and said, "Hang on Shark."

He had his expression and continued, "Do we really have to go this far to kill them?" He turns to Takeo and he says, "We can use our drugs to wipe their memories. Right, Krans?"

But to everyone's horror (except Shark and Hammer) Krans answered flatly and seriously, "Unacceptable. We will not leave any unknown factors behind."

Shark looked amused and crazily satisfied with their boss's answer and laughed, "Well now we have your answer." he shoved Tao to the side and continues sneering, "I'm gonna take all of you at once!"

Byeol however was furious to the point she felt her chains loosen a bit by her now melting powers behind her back and that's when Shark was about to kill Kwan, she bolted and ran to where Shark was and tackled him to the ground and she yelled at him as she kept punching him, "YOU WILL NOT HURT MY FRIENDS OR MY FAMILY!!"

Regis growled in anger and shock as he tries to release himself off of his chains while Shinwoo grabbed Shark's leg and trying his best to save some time for Ik-Han to escape. Shark continued growling at them and then, Byeol wrapped her arm around his neck and said,

"Ik-Han! MOVE!!" But then, Shark grabbed her arms and flipped her over in front of him as he stood up his leg still wrapped around by Shinwoo's human strength, Byeol coughed out more blood than before as she notices within her thoughts, 'Damn it! I reopened the wound again (sigh) now I'm going to die here...'

Everything went in slow motion as Shark was prepared to stab Ik-Han Regis swiftly ran to block him and Shark stopped and looked at him while asking, "Eh? What are you doing?"

Byeol turned her head to watch the scene unfold while Regis scoffed at him while saying, "Even when do you have a bit of strength, imagine being incapable of bullying the weak. Do you feel no shame?" he questions the last part while Byeol smirked at that she gritted her teeth tighter as she tightly grips her left abdomen and continuously bleeds on the cold floor until Ik-Han ran towards her and kneeled and started shaking her to stay awake as Regis continues talking but now bleeding from his nose since Shark kicked him hard in the face,

"Since you people abandon your humanity, I suppose it suits you."

Shark was now fed up with his attitude and suddenly grabbed him by the top of his hair and lifted him off the ground, making Regis squirm out of his grasp.

"I'll make sure that smart-ass mouth of yours screams in agony!" says Shark as he grinned his face that he then, punched 5 times no less at Regis's face while Ik-Han kept calling on Byeol's name again until she hissed in pain, saying,

"Stop...already if you keep doing it

then (coughing hard*)," she staggered to get up while everyone stared at her move as she glared at them, "I will have to destroy you one by one..." she makes her way to where Shinwoo was and stood her ground to help her classmate.

But before Shark could react, a loud explosion was heard from above them and then, as Takeo was going to save the kids, Krans ordered him, "Takeo, that explosion was probably Hammer."

Takeo froze as he turns to him his eyes slightly widening in interruption, Krans continued, "You will back him up. Go." he flatly says then, Takeo looked him back to where Shark was standing ready to punch both Shinwoo and Byeol stood there ground. Takeo wanted to help the kids out but he had no choice but to obey his boss's orders, as he headed up the stairs to the surface. He clenched in teeth in anger and took a glance at Kwan (M-21) for a second and kept walking up as he was out of sight now it was Kwan's turn to clench his teeth too in frustration.

"If you let the kids go I will tell you the information you want." Kwan (M-21) says firmly as he tries to buy the kids sometime to live on. And only both Regis and Byeol knew this but they wouldn't give away his antics, however, Shark tries to push Shinwoo down with both hands as Byeol was about to hit him from behind, but Shark was too quick and gave her another punch on the stomach making her stumble back in pain while Ik-Han tries helping her stand but she fell back on her knees and to the ground again. Kwan continued saying, "As he said earlier, you can just wipe their memories with drugs."

Regis just stared at him, gritting his teeth in frustration. As Kwan (M-21) continued talking, "I believe your mission was to find the agents that disappeared."

"Let me go!" struggled Shinwoo while saying that to Shark.

"And I said that we leave no unknown factors alive," Krans says while crossing his arms in front of his chest while Tao hesitated, Kwan (M-21) turned his head away from everyone while Shark smiled evilly again, staring at his reaction until he said, "Well, that settles it!"

She felt her blood boil as she had finally gathered her courage to do what she so would never regret, punching with all her powers ignoring her now opened wound and as he was about to punch Shinwoo, Shark was hit by a silver line of wind hitting him making him hit his back against a column and with that, everyone looked at her in shock as she growls, "Don't you ever lay a hand on my friends!"

This made Shark even angrier, but to Shinwoo's surprise, he asked, "Byeol how did you do that!?"

Byeol shrugged her shoulders with a groan coming from her mouth as the kids were about to leave, Shark lunged forward as he grabbed Shinwoo by the neck, and started to choke him bit by bit. Ik-Han ran towards them and started biting Shark's occupied arm he then, used his left arm to push Ik-Han's head and body with full strength away as he landed on the floor while Byeol scooted her way to where Regis was as she struggles to keep her eyes awake and at that he could tell that she is losing more blood than before along with a reopened wound coming from her stomach, Regis widen his eyes and hissed at her,

"Are you serious?! Your injured Byeol you should stop moving right this instant."

She blinked her eyes trying her best with her visible silver ghost-like needle but she needed to stay conscious while unlocking his chains and then, they both heard a click his chains were unleashed as they fell to the ground with a clank. She smiled when she heard a familiar voice say to them,

"The rest is up to you both."

As Regis and Byeol look at his actions alongside his words and then, he walked forward, and as soon as he was close to Shark which caught him unexpectedly at him he plunged his long silver nails into his arm as he yelled in pain as pulled himself back away while letting Shinwoo's throat go. While Ik-Han started to blink as he awoke from the push from Shark, he notices right away that it was Kwan (M-21) who started to fight for all of them.

"Old dude..." stuttered Ik-Han while holding Shinwoo in his arms. While Shark growls at Kwan (M-21).

"You need to stop calling me old dude from now on..." Kwan (M-21) calmly said with a smirk on his face while looking back at the boys and then, he grinned his teeth out.

Meanwhile back to Frankenstein and Rai...

Both Frankenstein and Rai landed on top of the building, as Frankenstein started talking to his Master, "If Shinwoo and the others are the most likely here."

And as they were walking towards the top entrance a voice spoke out, "So you two are the intruders?" said the purple-haired man grabbing a silver sniper case while staring down at both men looking at him back.

Then Franken ordered, "Master, please go on ahead. I'll catch up to you in a bit." he jumps to attack the guy with his inhuman dark-purple power. Rai only nodded as he walked forward to the entrance of the door with ease but then, Takeo came down with it holding a chain that was connected to the case, and they started fighting. Rai felt a zing coming from below the building, 'Byeol. She's here...I must get to her before anything else happens to her.' he thought while narrowing his eyes as he closed his eyes again and then, he could see her,

'...H-help...me please anyone...' the voice that surrounded his mind was Byeol's and he could see her but all he saw was how much blood, injuries, and punches she had to go through for the past week and he wasn't even there to protect her like he swore he would but this time he wouldn't leave her out of his sight ever again.

'Byeol I'm coming!'

Meanwhile back with the kids and Kwan's battle with Shark...

Kwan (M-21) jumped back as he and Shark started attacking each other, Byeol whimpered in pain while Ik-Han started pulling her near a column, and then, Regis and Shinwoo helped out too so they could be far away from the fight. While doing that Ik-Han started to take off her school jacket and ripped it apart to wrap it around her waist so they could stop the bleeding. However, Byeol groaned while opening her half-open eyes she turned her eyes to her right and left to find Ik-Han and Shinwoo both staring at her in worry and Shinwoo was the one to ask,

"How long have you had powers?"

"...for *grunts* 2 years I think argh!" her voice was in pain and so was her whole body due to fatigue and exhaustion but she found herself watching the scene in front of her went fast in her mind however she knew that Kwan (M-21) was starting to lose his super strength since he has a certain limit and extent to use the powers he had to think fast as he had to keep his eyes sharp from his enemy in front of him. But then, he gritted his teeth in anger as he glances at the kid's state and Regis he stepped in front of them as a Shark knife slashed him across his chest making a huge gash of blood come out of his body. He gritted his teeth in frustration with himself as he keeps on fighting and defending the kids. Regis watched from the corner of his eye and saw that Byeol was losing too much blood but both Shinwoo and Ik-Han are doing their best to stop it. Then, she said, "G-Guys...we need to help Kwan...*groans"

"Yes. I can't bear for the DA-5 to be humiliated any further so go ahead, Shark, and make sure you finish him off," Krans flatly says his order while Shark grins and pushes Kwan (M-21) away as he starts growling in frustration.

"Krans!" Tao's voice was begging for his boss to reconsider but Shark grins maniacally as he pushes Kwan (M-21) making him stumble backward he glances at the kids and looks at them in worry as he looks back at Shark's reaction and then before he knew it Shark slashed him making Kwan's white dress shirt tore away as he was now shirtless. Everything went fast for Byeol she was almost close to losing consciousness but she hears Shark say as she watched Kwan fall to his knees in pain as he was now losing so much blood on his chest.

"You resisted dodging that save the kids? HAHAHA"

"No way..." Ik-Han sweatdropped in fear and worry for him while Regis just stared at Kwan's (M-21) position as he keeps trying to defend and protect the kids. Byeol concentrated on releasing him and when she heard a click, Regis shot up from where he sat and punched Shark straight in the face with the full force of his power.

"Took you...long enough..." Kwan (M-21)mumbled as he fell onto Regis's shoulder as answered him, "Hmph, just be grateful that I saved you."

And at that point on, Shark groaned in pain coming from his stomach as he started growling at them, "Damn it...you BASTARDS!"

As both Regis and Ik-Han placed Kwan (M-21) on the other side of the same column Byeol lay beside on. He then looked to his right and noticed that Byeol was bleeding, he was horrified at the sight.

"Byeol you okay?"

"Y-yeah ngh I'll be fine...but..." she looked down at her wrist and realizes she was bleeding badly however, she starts healing to the best of her ability her giant wound across her stomach and made sure it was close enough to stop it. She looks up to where both males fighting with their strength.

"This is my problem now," said Regis as he stood up, and then, he charged forward while his powers started glowing sparkling light blue surrounding his arm.

As the fight kept going Shark decided to eat the pill and then, mutated into a much more powerful being however nothing goes to plan for him though. As he was upgrading his form Byeol caught his aura changing to red as he gives out a painful scream of anger and charged at her. Byeol then found strength as Shark was about to attack Regis, she simply flicked her hand making contact with her right hand.

"I simply hate failing test subjects..." her eyes glowed a deeper red as Shark fell to the ground hard blood started coming out of him as she limped her way to chop him off while Regis stood by her side. But then, both she and Regis sensed danger coming to their right and soon enough Regis jumped out of the way just in time except for Byeol. She was knocked to the floor hard but not bone-breaking terrible, and with that, she screamed as she felt her lungs have given out. Everyone watched in horror, her vision started to get blurred but what she felt not too far from where she was was that familiar presence and the only thing she whispered was,

"I'm glad you're here..."

Even if it was a whisper she knew that he heard her until she passed out due to her injuries and loss of blood. Kwan however, looked furious and sad as he gathered his last strength and started standing up to fight again but then, he stopped as his wound started opening up again as he again collapsed to the floor with his chest bleeding even more than before he glances at Byeol's half-conscious state. Ik-Han and Shinwoo both widen their eyes in shock as they began to panic.

"Byeol you gotta wake up we need you even Kwan needs you, do this for our friends and us, please!" yelled Shinwoo as he wiped the blood off her head. She stared at him as she was about to take another beating from Krans everyone stopped. Footsteps were heard as they were coming closer with each walk they made but it wasn't just them it was him.

"R-Rai! You should not waste anymore of that power of-" she coughs out blood again making the bleeding and her breathing even worse. "I'll h-handle him myself..." she passed out again only this time she was not breathing this startled everyone in the room except for Krans of course.

"B-Byeol," Rai said while hugging her as if she would slip away from his grip at any moment, she tried to stay awake but ended up leaning on his chest as he felt her falling into an unconscious state as her breathing became shallow he could hardly hear her breathing. (*GIF on top)

"Hey, are you the one they've been fighting for?" Krans as he stood a bit taller trying to intimidate Rai but it was no use and only both Byeol and Kwan knew that for now, it was Kwan because of his close-to-die situation. She was getting close to dying with each second it took, half of her energy flowing away out of her helpless lungs. He gently places Byeol down next to his classmates as he then stood up again and glared at the mutated Krans for hurting his lady and calmly walked toward him and said, "And who gave you permission to speak?"

Everyone knew that Rai was pissed and with that he made both Krans and Tao kneel with so much force and power that Regis spoke within his thoughts, 'It can't be...' he was breathless by just staring at him as he struggled to stand on his feet.

"I have not, given the permission to move yet."

Rai spoke with absolute calmness in his voice that which brought many storms at the same time making Krans make a gap of wind hit 2 pieces of columns including the plumbing that collapsed half the room they were all in. And as he starts saying while getting his large knives out of his blue-skinned arms as he stares at Rai,

"I might not know who you are but you are at a higher level than both brat and slut. And since I absorbed Shark's powers," he raises his arm out with a mean glare, "That may not work on me and coky face won't work on me." As he was about to attack Rai, everyone waited for the impact but that is until Tao blocked everyone from the debris of the bricks until he was now across from Regis on his left side. But as they assumed Rai was done for they were all shocked to see that Rai perfectly dodged Krans's attack just to the side as he stares at him with an unknowing glare his red blood eyes that made him even more frightened, "Be gone."

And pushed off the ground to the other side of the room Kran was making both Tao and Regis stare in shock. The impact on the wall made Krans stay there for a while but nothing made him calm but angered him even more.

"So even Krans is-" Tao was cut off by a frustrated Krans as he grits his teeth and stands up again but only this time he started throwing sharp wind-cracking knives toward Rai Rai blocked it with his force shield as Tao starts standing up in exhaustion. Then with no other choice Krans orders, "Tao take your D now!"

Tao stares at the pill in hand as he sighs in defeat walking toward Krans while saying, "Yeah, alright just...just don't hurt me too much."

"Boss don't! Why are you agreeing to do what he tells you? Don't you see his going to kill you!?" yells Ik-Han his body shaking. Tao, on the other hand, looks down as his lips quiver in deciding as Byeol says in between breaths, "Don't make...the same mistake...as I did."

"Shut up you brat!" said Krans yelling at the boy as Tao was now in front of Krans.

"It's fine as a modified human I already knew that this would be my faith," Tao spoke so calmly that made Ik-Han even more upset as he cries out, "How can you say that?!"

Tao just smiles softly at him as he gets on a choke hold from behind by Krans as who yells at him, "COME ON WHAT'S THE HOLD-UP? Take the damn pill already."

"PLEASE RAI!!" cries out Ik-Han he continues, "That guy tried to save us, please!! You've got to save him!"

Rai just stares at him and continued to stare at him until Krans yelled back, "Shut it!"

But then, a black wip made its way to his neck making it tighter around his throat as Krans struggles to breathe. Tao took this chance to jump a forward backflip and then tightens his electronic wip as he electrocuted him.

"Sorry Krans but you want to kill me but they want to save me. And I won't let you hurt these kids anymore."

Everyone smiled at Tao while Krans stares at Tao in hatred and fury. Then all of a sudden Krans leaped toward him as he got hold of Tao's face in a very tight grip that he couldn't breathe this worried everyone in the room making him scared for his life.

"No matter I could still use you in this form anyways," Krans whispered to Tao as his eyes widen in fear starting to see dark spots in vision over his eyes until they heard a voice,

"That's enough."

Byeol blinked twice to be sure that she wasn't missing this even if it meant being Rai's only distraction he closes his eyes thinking of the only person he has to protect even if it means he has known her for a short while would be her. Krans on the other hand was frozen in his spot as Tao made his backflip escape as he stood far enough for Krans not to reach him. Rai came walking towards his classmates and M-21 staring at them in question,

"Tell me...why would you plead for that?" his monotone voice it's way to their ears as they stare at his awe and disbelief Byeol just made a small gasp of air to stay alive.

"Ik-Han. Shinwoo. There is no need for that," he stares at them softly his blood-red eyes staring at his friends and his...he continues, "Not when it is something between us." Both boys and Byeol smiled in joy with tears in their eyes, while M-21 just stared at him with many questions in his head.

And then, he began summoning all the blood around the room making everyone stare in awe as Shinwoo looked around muttering, "The blood is...floating." Byeol noticed Regis's reaction as she mentally kept that memory in store for future purposes but she wouldn't say it because this is the second time he uses it. She began to panic,

"RAI! DON'T HURT YOURSELF PLEASE!" tears began to float along with the blood circling the room making his face turn to her but still kept his concentration on the enemy in front of him. He muttered something that made her eyes widen but then she nodded, telling him that she still cared for him even if he were to die at that very moment. Once again his eyes stared at Krans not with just anger but in fury; the power was complete and so he began,

"And now I cover your sins with your own blood."

As soon as he says those words all the blood began swirling around both him and Krans's modified self as he grunts in anger trying to get close to Rai in order to kill him. But every move he did made him even weaker and even so he yells in anguish as Rai put him down with his own blood as it got close to the modified man he was soon sucked into oblivion and finally pulverized into nothing but air. And soon enough Byeol fell to the ground with nothing in her lungs making everyone panic with that including M-21 (Kwan).

"Old dude! Byeol!" Ik-Han yelled while Shinwoo got to hold of Byeol's fallen body as he laid her on the floor gently so she wouldn't hurt herself like she is already now. Rai turned his head as he saw both his friends bleeding he calmly came to both of their sides as he says to M-21 (Kwan).


Once he was done with M-21 (Kwan's) wounds everyone was happy with the sense of melancholy and then Rai turned to Byeol's now dead state. He turned her face upwards as he gently caressed her round face whispering to himself only, "I missed you, Cho Byeol."

Byeol's mind::::::::

'Where am I? Please tell me that I'm not dead please I didn't want to die any sooner' everything was all dark but then, she saw the only face she found comfort in,

'Rai...' her brownish red eyes sparkle at his floating figure but she couldn't hear his voice and so the next thing she knew she was sleeping in the comfort of his warmth against her face.

The only thing she heard was "I missed you"