Midnight Snacks

A/N: This is another Rai x Byeol moment I hope u enjoy it. 🤗❤️💕

Byeol heard her baby brother Amatus crying from the baby monitor that was on top of her bedside table and it was midnight she woke up in an instant and checked if there is any baby food and noticed that they were all gone.

'Good grief*yawns* It looks like I am going to the grocery store again,' she thought to herself as she went to grab a thick white jacket on top of her PJ top and then, got to wearing some warm socks and black leggings along with some sneakers. She went to the bathroom to wash her face so she can wake herself up and then, she started getting her hair up into a small messy bun on her head as she grabs her keys and headed out of the apartment.

Byeol's POV:

I was covering my mouth to avoid yawning out loud since everyone was still asleep and so was the new security guard in which I lack his duty because what kind of man would be lazy in a job like this? Once I was out I started walking to the nearby 24-hour store two blocks away from where I live as I glanced around me the night lights coming from all the buildings below me I find myself thinking of Rai but then again, I still couldn't phantom what he mouthed at. Anyways I better get moving.

Meanwhile somewhere...

He woke up from his slumber as he scans around his room he gets dressed into this...

And a pair of black pants and his school shoes. But then, he heard her voice in his head, saying,

'Maybe, this one no-no...not that one,' he stopped in his tracks and concentrated a little bit, and then, he found out it was Byeol's voice in his head. He smiled but at the same time he wondered, 'What was she doing awake at this hour?'

He then took his keys and walked out of the villa quietly to avoid waking Frankenstein up while having him worrying like an over-protective father, he was now out in the streets. While he was walking he decided to "Always follow your instincts!" and with what Shinwoo said to him. He let his heart guide him to her location and because he made a promise that very day that he would protect her from that day onwards, he wanted to be sure that she was safe from any life-threatening situation again. He was completely stunned that day once he took a glance at her bruised and bleeding face he just couldn't stand it, he doesn't want to lose the one person that made his soul linger and want to be right by her side.

Back with Byeol's POV:

I was glancing and picking all the healthy and sweet baby foods also baby milk for Amatus on each aisle and shelf as I checked and find out which one I should pick. But then, I checked on my basket to see what I have:

- Similac

- Milk

- baby powder

Then all of a sudden the bell rang and appears to be someone came here for something but I didn't pay attention to anyone around me so I just concentrated on my task and kept scanning the shelves until I was in the snack aisle, 'I should get some chips while I'm at it since I'm starving myself,' I thought as I shrug to myself until I heard a familiar voice saying,


I froze as I slowly turn around to find Rai standing behind me but then, I noticed he was not wearing our usual uniform but a woolen steel grey sweater along with black jeans and his usual black shoes. His hair was the same cute messy black hair, and the silver cross earring on his left ear was still there but shines more. His face was both curious and concerned, I couldn't help but think that he looks perfect even if he wears this or his school uniform. However, I looked like a sleeping wreck and in other words like crap! Yep, I said it.

'What was he doing here?' I question myself but then, he answered as if he knew what I was thinking with his cool collected voice, "I heard your thoughts coming in my head and so I wandered out of The Villa and followed my instincts as they lead me towards you" his reaction (^_^)

I widen my eyes in surprise and mumbled, "I must have left my telepathic link open then..."

He simply nodded in agreement as he eyed my basket and then, back at me as he began to look at me in confusion but I keep wondering until I finally realize he wanted to know what I was doing with the basket full of baby food. I was embarrassed that he was seeing me in this state but in a way, I hope he doesn't think that I look weird though...

"O-Oh I woke up from my bed because Amatus was crying so I checked on the fridge and found out we're out of baby food and milk so I had to hurry or at least get here in time before they close hehe..." (^///^) I responded to him but before I could continue to get more things for Amatus, Rai then, asked, "Do you need...any help?"

I looked at him and then I stuttered nervously, "W-what no it's fine I can-" But before I could tell him, I noticed him taking the basket from me as he did without even knowing what to do. His reaction was both cute and adorable so I took out my phone and snapped a pic of him as he turned his face in my direction I blushed in embarrassment since I got caught. But instead of him being curious he just shrugged it off and noticed something in my cart was unusual but he didn't mind because he was willing to learn and that made me admire and like him.

'W-Wait a minute...L-LIKE!' I thought in embarrassment as I cupped my face and then, I took a deep breath as I walked with Rai as I was next to him while gathering more stuff I wanted and what he also wanted. To my surprise, he asked,

"Could you recommend to me some of your favorite interests?"


This was a big leap of faith he was taking and he knew that as she smiles back at him with a kind aura that made him feel like he could tell her anything out loud without regret. She then said,

"Well..." she started explaining everything she loved with perfect details that he took as he appreciated her company even when they were far apart they would communicate with him.

Once they made it to the cashier as Byeol was about to pay for everything Rai placed his cool hand on her right one making her head turn to look at him. He was so close, the cashier just smiled in awe while looking at the 2 lovebirds, and then, Rai took something out and it appeared to be Frankenstein's credit card!

Byeol was shocked her face turn pale and she fell into a fit of giggles while he does it, 'What in the world was he thinking or maybe he just wanted to be a gentleman,' she thought trying to keep her composure which after Rai paid for everything they bought, they headed out of the store and the cold night got to her a bit making her shiver. Then Rai wrapped his arms around her as he pulled her close to her like he did when she was injured, Byeol glanced above her, and then, both of them stared into the eyes of each other in awe. His crimson-red eyes shone at her brownish-red ones he looked at her with a feeling of happiness and protection it was as if he was saying hello to her for the first time this close. She then looked away at first but then, she asked another question,

"D-Do you know your way home?" she stuttered, 'How foolish of me!' she yelled within her thoughts making sure she was not using her powers so casually by 'accident'. But then, Rai glanced at the floor and looked up at her and sweatdropped in shame. As he let her go, she then, chuckled at him and held her hand out, and said with a blushing face only Rai saw her ears turning red, "C-Come I-I'll guide you home then." (-///-)

He felt ashamed of his own embarrassment but soon released a deep breath and slowly grabbed her hand as she then, walked forward his hand held hers gently but kept his grip into minimal so she doesn't feel tight. As they kept walking he soon remembered her eyes and reaction to everyone fighting for their friend but her...she stood up ignoring her wounds that day and wasted all her strength in order to protect her friends. And she would always remember that she would keep everyone safe even at the price of her life but...he has not that much time left that he knew because of how much power he is going and still will be using in the future. Both of them know that they would kill anyone in order to protect each other.

2 hours later they were in front of the Chairman's Villa and so she cleared her throat and said, "Well...I guess this is your stop then...goodbye now!"

"Wait!" he said while grabbing her wrist to stop her from moving, she looked up at him in question and he continued, "I don't think I could ever leave you alone in the darkness of the night...again."

She stared at him as he continued, "I could not help not notice you would go to all lengths to make sure everyone you cared about was safe against your own life. That day when you risked your life to save everyone at the DA-5's hideout and once I got there...I saw you covered in your own blood I was horrified to think you were dead and for the first time in a long time...all I felt was fear. I couldn't get over the fact that you would be gone and that I could never reach you again..."

Everything was very quiet that even Byeol was lost for words until she gathered all her courage and spoke, "You are more powerful than anyone combined and as for me I am only beneath you but I do not think that...instead, I think that we are both the same and different from everybody else around us. But even if I die at least I would know that everybody I care about and love will be safe and happy knowing that the fighting days are over and we live to be free, Rai. That is why I don't care how many bullets or punches they hit me with, I would always know that everyone wouldn't be harmed in the end, and because of everyone I live for we fight to stand by the faith that takes us in many paths we don't see coming but we can feel ourselves growing from within."

Rai was speechless at that moment this time was very quiet than usual but then, he looked at her deep into her glowing scarlet eyes as he pulled her close to him, he hugs her so tight that he might break her but he made her feel gentle and at ease, so there wouldn't be any discomfort whatsoever, whispering to her ear he said, "I would never let anyone touch you ever again...even if I can't be there I will always and still protect you from everyone who stands in my way. So please let's...stay like this for a while..."

She let go of her bag and wrapped her arms around him in comfort they stayed like that for 10 minutes, and as they were about to let go a pair of lips smashed into hers. Her eyes widen in both surprise and shock, his lips moved like warm magic has crossed hers until he let her go and smirked at her for the first time while saying in a husky voice,

"Good night Byeol Cho."

I hope you enjoyed this Rai x OC moment and I'll update much so worry not.

Fairchild out!