Since your a girl

Nobodies POV:

"How bad is she?" Rai asked full of concern about her while she was in her unconscious state however her breathing was steady. Her forehead was covered in bandages, her arms in casts, and her stomach was so dark that it left a print on her for it meant her health could get worse.

"Her current state is worse than I feared, but Master," he takes a breath saying, "She has 2 broken ribs and black and blue bruises all over her stomach making it seem impossible to get her to heal at a much faster pace completely but I doubt that wasn't what you wanted to hear."

"No I would not let her be treated as such and lie to her about both memories and feelings it's already taking a toll on her and she has so much to live for and I can't have her risk her life again and even if I try to erase her memories she will still remember everything and I might believe she could have been injected by something more powerful that even I can't compare." Rai looks at her sleeping form full of love and worry. Frankenstein couldn't fathom that she could be the only source to cure his Master since both have similar powers to a Noblesse. They suddenly hear a groan from the patient as Frankenstein stares down at her, "How are you feeling?"

"Feeling sore yet stiff at the same time," complained Byeol as she tried to sit up, but before she could, Rai began walking towards her and helping her sit up as he looked at Frankenstein for guidance. Frankenstein however, thought while looking away from his Master's pleading eyes, 'Why does he make me do this?' This made Byeol sheepishly smile while sweatdropping, "Y-you don't have to Chairman..."

"Don't worry about it's his first time helping someone-" he was cut off short by his Master's stare and by that I mean his first glare. 'Poor Chairman' Byeol thought as she watched him struggling to change Rai's mind but he could only stand still.

Later in the evening, everyone gathered up back to Frankenstein's villa Frankenstein did say that they would heal nicely and so would Byeol and her classmates. Byeol was covered in bandages all over her body making her look like a mummy both M-21 and Tao were holding their snickering.

"So...your Dad is the last surviving scientist from the Union till this day?!" Tao exclaimed as Byeol was sweatdropping trying to calm Tao's questions as she began recovering and texting her parents that she was alright and having a sleeping over at Rai's place.

Rai chuckled as he watched them tease her while trying to lie back down to bed making her squirm as Tao came closer to tickle her but before he could do anything M-21 aka Kwan pulled the tickler away from the still-injured Byeol. As she began to relax until she asked, "Is everyone fine?" she stares at Takeo for an answer and said, "I was...late to see how Rai handle your situation so I'm guessing he destroyed or eliminated Krans for us."

Byeol nodded as she smiled, staring at Rai, "Rai only eliminated Krans because we kids asked him to save Tao, and in everyone's name we thank you, Rai, for protecting us till the end." she bowed her head by 5 inches that Kwan (M-21).

Everyone smiled, including Rai, which was the greatest thing Frankenstein could witness. He knew that this family relationship between the kids and the modified humans includes himself, but what he does know was that both his Master and Byeol will make their bond stronger than ever before.

3 Months later...

"Amatus be careful you'll only hurt yourself if you keep crawling so fast!" I yelled at my baby brother as he continued to get ahead of himself 3 months after he was born and everything that has been happening since my near-to-death situation. But even so, I took this chance to teach my baby brother a few of what I learned when I was younger. But I figured since I have been on bed rest I could use this time to spend with my brother while Mom and Dad are busy at work. I smile as he hugs the teddy bear Frankenstein gave him, whoever knew he was such a softie. I giggle to myself as I watch Amatus trying to stand but I know better than to force one's weight upon your tiny bit legs, even Dad told me that. Until I got a call from Rai,

"That's weird. He never calls me he usually texts me when he is normally bored but at the same time, he is the King of surprises."

I blush remembering the kiss he gave me 3 nights ago but at the same time, he is probably the teaser even my poor heart can't stop beating whenever he's around. I grab Amatus carefully so that I don't hurt my broken ribs I still force myself to do everything myself and if it has to be staying at home "resting" I just can't. I take a deep breath and rock Amatus slowly to sleep, along with his teddy bear.


"Good evening, Byeol" his monotone voice carrying out his velvetiness gave me the shivers. My stomach flutters in delight to hear him as I listen to his soft breathing.

" are you?" I asked nervously to him, making my voice even while humming a tune to him while gurgling.

"Are you busy?" he asked although he sounded a bit nervous himself.

"Well like Frankenstein said I am currently resting at home due to my reckless injuries but you may say I am not resting, to be honest..." I sweatdrop in guilt hoping Frankenstein doesn't overhear our conversation.

"Don't worry he's busy with tracking the Union while he insists me to rest but I did see the problem of him not including me." his tone was slightly opposed to his servant's idea as he watches his companion glare at the phone Rai is currently using while hearing him mutter, "I told her to take it easy but it seems she did not heed my advice..."

"Well, you know how he is with your very overprotective friend and cares for you deeply."


I carried Amatus and placed him inside his baby crib as I got myself comfortable on the sofa I wince at my ribs as I slowed my breathing and continued straining a bit to get comfortable as possible, "So will we see each other again at school tomorrow?"

"Hmm...although..." Rai trailed off as he suddenly had an idea but then I asked, "What is it, Rai?"

"Nothing I will see you tomorrow."

"Hmm have a good day Rai." 'What was he about to say or ask?' I thought still curious but oh well, I will see him tomorrow like usual.

The next day...(Nobodys POV)

"Hey, Cho-san!! How was your weekend?" asked Ik-Han while walking by Shinwoo and Byeol as they crossed the road together since Shinwoo insisted on escorting Byeol to protect her. However, Byeol didn't mind one bit since she had grown closer to both boys than the older brothers she ever had except for Shinwoo, a child in a teenager's body.

A/N: Did anyone get that? >v<

"It was fun and quiet like most days but taking care of a new sibling is harder than what I expected I am so glad," she smiles softly at the thought of Amatus as they make it to school with many of the classmates gushing about something. Byeol looked confused until she saw 3 familiar men at the front gate. Kwan, Takeo, and Tao. She snickered at the guys staring at her while Shinwoo looked shocked when he saw the security guards in their black suits. Ik-Han on the other hand waved at his Hyung as they all waved back at him.

"Shinwoo I think you have competition," snickered Byeol as she received a playful glare both he and she heard squeaks coming from behind as everyone chanted "Oh Waoh!" "They're so Hot" "She's beautiful" "Rai!" Byeol couldn't help but be ticked off by this as she coldly stated, "Behave yourselves please you all have no shame in calming down today so, I suggest you control your hormones."

All the girls of the school glared at her but paid no mind however this attitude did not go unnoticed by 3 men. Kwan however, shrugged while ensuring she was alright since he kept his promise to her when they had a private talk days ago.

"Woah, she is scarier than she needs to be," Tao comments sweatdropping at the situation to his pals as Takeo agrees with him, "Your right, and M-21 why does she call you 'Kwan' anyway?"

"She did not want me to be reminded of the past and I don't blame her..." M-21 replies as he smiles softly and continues, "She always wanted to have an older brother to rely on other than herself if things got difficult."

Both men agreed with a nod as they continued their typical day...Byeol however, got closer to Seira and asked, "Hey Seira please tell me do you fancy anyone in the school, like 'like' he/she?" Byeol nudges her shoulder a bit to catch her attention. While Seira turns to face her saying, "No I don't fancy one, in particular, why do you ask?"

" reason just you have so many admirers that I find amusing since everyone is all lovey-dovey and not even you are fazed by it."

"Oh I see, but have you already confessed your affections to Raziel yet?" Seira showed a small smile as she stared at the now flustered Byeol as she began covering her mouth and whispering to her, "E-E-e-e-e-h-h-h-h Who told you that? And no I-I don't!"

"Shinwoo," she said it simply as that with no filter.

"S-Shinwoo!! I'm going to," said Byeol red on the face with a tch mark on her head glaring now daggers behind her back where Shinwoo stood as he thought to himself, 'Why do I get the feeling that I shouldn't have done something?' with a sweatdrop and chills going down his spine.

Little did everyone know that Kwan was the only one to hear Byeol's slightest confession about liking none other than Rai which caused him to freeze in shock as his reaction worried his co-workers they asked him, "Uh...M-21 you ok?"

"Nothing just bit out of it y'know" Kwan answers unsure if he should ask Byeol about this situation or hear her out Rai watches from afar smiling at the fact that Byeol was leaving a funny reaction with Seira while asking himself, "What's got you so flustered Byeol?"

Once everyone was in class Byeol sat at her usual seat and as did everyone else, Rai was chilling while paying attention in class however, his attention was elsewhere and on Byeol's new hairdo which consisted of a low thick messy bun with a black ribbon attached to the top of her bun sadly he couldn't see what her reaction was making during class oh how he wished to see it. Meanwhile, he noticed something on her wrist it was a silver bracelet decorated in know-like carvings with stars on it. Regis, however, noticed something peculiar about Rai's reaction to Byeol and was curious to find out what 'that' response is. While Shinwoo was groaning as he started saying, "Uuggghhhh why do girls flock to him instead of me we are all dudes here whyyyyyy~~"

Byeol however giggled quietly as she paid attention to class then a few hours later recess arrived, scanning what she was about to eat she decided on some gimbap since she was taking her mom's advice because of a new exciting series that came out a few days ago in Netflix and has keen her interest to finally watch some K-drama other than her books and manga everything now seems to excite her more nowadays.

"An order of Gimbap please and a small order of ramen please."

As the lady from the cafeteria gave her what she asked she hand her a small bowl of ramen and a plate filled with 6 gimbap in the other the lady asked, "Would that be all?"

"Hmm oh wait and another order of ramen too please and here," Byeol looked from afar and whispered, "I'm paying since Rai paid for my meals these past few days."

The lady gave a knowing smile while getting ready until Rai was about to pay for their meal Byeol this time beat him to it. 'Hehehe' she thought, 'I win'

Rai then made a sad face but he still looked neutral as usual he turn to her and asked, "Why did you pay I wanted to be the gentleman you need-"

Byeol turn to the right as she noticed his reaction and smiled at him, "I know you mean well but we can take turns who pays how does that sound?" nudging his shoulder while she still had her food on her tray, he smiled at her and accepted her decision. Once they made it to their table along with Shinwoo and Ik-Han everyone began to eat until Shinwoo said, "It doesn't make any sense."

Ik-Han looks up and asks, "What is?"

"It doesn't make sense he's just waiting for it to get soggy and look at them!" Shinwoo exclaims in jealousy and a whiny tone.

"You want those girls to like you?" Ik-Han asks as he waits for his best friend's answer as every girl squeals fangirling at Rai.

"Let him be doesn't seem to bother him at all but I agree. I sometimes don't understand why he does it maybe because it just likes it," Byeol shrugged as she counted her Gimbaps and took a bite with a hum of delight while Shinwoo being mischievous as always snatches two into his mouth.


"Mmm~so good but don't you need meat in this?"

"Buzz off Shinwoo!" rolls her eyes at him making him snicker and then goes back to his previous reaction and turns away.

"And to your question, my friend is that I wouldn't say that exactly," Shinwoo finishes while looking away with mixed feelings of defeat and drama.

"What should Shinwoo do if he wanted to be as popular as you?" Ik-Han asks turning to Rai while Byeol just stared waiting for his answer, however, was curious to know his answer but then he said, "Well let's see..."

Everyone squealed this annoyed the brunette to no end that she grumbles, "God can't they shut up my ears are going to bleed if they keep doing this."

"As if anything he says can help me!" exclaimed Shinwoo raising from his chair while pointing at Rai as the girls collapsed to overload hotness. Then Ik-Han said, " So what kind of girl do you like Shinwoo?"

This confused Shinwoo and he asked, "Hey Byeol since you're a girl do you find me attractive and popular?" he turns his face away acting high and mighty like nothing could go wrong with this predicament that is until,

"No I still find you normal since the first day we met," said Byeol making her words hurt his ego even more than they did, and at this rate, Ik-Han couldn't stop laughing until Seira and Regis walked in as every boy was staring at her, as usual, you can never see them apart. And then, it hit both Byeol and Ik-Han smirked staring at Shinwoo's spaced-out reaction with a blush,


"What are you?! I mean it's not like I can't say she is my type but-" Shinwoo was cut off before he could get any further Ik-Han cut him off while placing his hands on his shoulders with a grin on his face, "Okay now, don't worry we'll help you get going with Seira right Rai? Byeol?"

Rai nodded with a hum of agreement while Byeol said, "Sure I don't see why not I'll help since I'm a girl~" quoting the last sentence to Shinwoo making him even more flustered as he then said, "What are you guys serious no way! Really?"

"Oh shoot!" Byeol checked her watch with a pale face, making the boys ask her, "What is it?"

"O-oh it's nothing I just have to leave early to work since my co-worker quit yesterday so I will head to the Chairman's office okay? Bye!" as she picked up her now empty tray she rushed to the trash and headed before giving them a thumbs up with support. As her fading figure leaves, the boys were on a mission to help Shinwoo with his 'girl' problem until Shinwoo then comments, "So Rai...are you and Byeol hitting it off or are you guys still friends?"

This surprised Rai to the end that he felt his cheeks burst bright red and his reaction brought Shinwoo and Ik-Han to question the same thought conclusion. 'He likes Byeol Cho???!!!'

"Don't worry Rai will also help you with your girl's trouble, right?" Ik-Han says as he smiles at his best friend's reaction.

"There about it," Rai says shyly as he begins eating his ramen while Shinwoo says "Come on we are friends it's our job to help friends out!"

Meanwhile, Byeol arrived at work she wore her uniform and started her extra shift with the deliveries the whole day until,

"Byeol can you deliver this address for me?" Ling-san said, "She isn't going to make it to her night shift so cover hers too will ya!" asked Mr. Wong as he called out to her as she was close to leaving and so she sighed, "Yes I could do the delivery for you but you better pay me double for this."

He nodded as he walked out gathering all the orders and once Byeol saw the amount she gasp "How many orders did these people order??"

"Eh for about 9-10 people I must say."

"Hmm..." as she picked up the receipt for that particular order located at the Villa Rai, and at this, she was nervous as she read the order which consisted of noodles mixed with vegetables and but she wore her helmet so her reaction won't be noticed but to her dismay everyone noticed.

'I hope that Chairman doesn't complain' she thought to herself as she got off her motorbike and walked to the front porch and rang the doorbell. While she was waiting she notices that the place was huge by usual standards, however, she used her telepathic powers to scan the whole Villa and her eyes turned red, her black red hair floating around making everyone within the residence check who was causing such a disturbance. The Villa consisted of many rooms some even had their complete bathrooms but before her scanning was complete her name was called,


Her eyes went back to normal was surprised to see Ik-Han standing there with his eyes widened with the result which told her that he saw her. Byeol sweatdrop hoping for him not to alert the others until "Byeol-chan are you...a deliveryGO?"

"Y-yeah I mean-yes, yes I am!" as she placed the first 2 orders on the porch and as she was getting the rest of the order from her motorbike she heard him calling the others.

"Hey Guys look who's here!"

"Oh no..." Byeol grumbles as she collects the other orders until, she felt someone from behind take the other bag and their voice was only not but a whisper, "Byeol-san..."

She knew that voice all too well and she couldn't help but use this opportunity to look and found out that it was no other than Cadis Etrama di Raizel AKA Rai. He looked just as graceful as this morning, he wore the same uniform making his raven black hair stand out, his bangs barely covering his scarlet blood eyes while scanning the beautiful messy girl in front of him. Once he grabbed the other two bags he says, "Shall we..." as he bends a bit to the side waiting for her reaction, however, Byeol couldn't help but fall in love with him all over again. She stands back a bit accommodating her motorbike a bit while taking the orders she had in her hands and heads in first.

Meanwhile, inside the villa, Kwan (M-21) stared at the scene before him as he noticed Byeol's blushing state still with her helmet on he smirked at her reaction. Takeo however, asked,

"Are you getting a fever, Cho-san?"

"H-Huh!!" Byeol stuttered making Tao snicker as he pats him on the back and says, "Don't worry she is just embarrassed that's all so no need to worry. Anyways let's eat!"

Everyone gathered at the table and as soon as Byeol was about to leave she took her phone out and groaned while shoving it back into her pocket. She turned her heel and left without saying goodbye, "Why are you leaving so soon, Byeol?"

She stopped and turned to see Rai staring at me his gaze was so strong that I took off my helmet and sighed, "I have to go make another delivery for the night but I'm too tired-" he cut her off by saying, "Then stay...can your boss wait?"

She shook her head and put her helmet on and started her motorbike turning to him, "I'll be fine but hey I will be to get a bonus this month around so not so bad, right?"

He nodded but he got close to me and the next second he was kissing me passionately and her breath was taken out of her, Rai continued kissing her until they were both breathless and leaned his forehead against hers, "I love you too, my Tesoro."

Byeol stared at him and smiled back making her scarlet eyes glow in happiness, "I knew you would like the Italian book I recommended! And to answer Te quiero Bastante, mi amor."