Chapter no.17 Higurashi's Shop

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[ Gold Shop ]

In the bustling gold shop of Konoha, Epstein, a man from Redaku in the west, found himself a long way from home.

He had left his homeland to escape the oppressive corruption and exorbitant taxes levied by the royal family.

Seeking a fresh start, he opened his shop in this less tumultuous village, where the air was free of the heavy scent of greed that pervaded Redaku.

As the door to his shop swung open, Epstein caught his breath at the sight of the woman who entered. She was striking, with long blonde hair that cascaded down her shoulders and a figure that seemed sculpted for elegance—uncommon in the western section of Konoha, especially since this area was the red light district.

She wore a dress that whispered of nobility; its fine fabric and stylish cut were far from the local fashion.

"Great, I've hit the jackpot," Epstein thought, a smile playing on his lips as he anticipated a profitable interaction.

The woman approached the counter gracefully and placed what appeared to be a gold-plated rat's tooth on the surface. Epstein blinked a few times, taken aback by the unusual item, then turned his attention to the woman, who began to communicate through hand signs.

"10k?" she signed, her hands moving with fluid precision.

Epstein raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Madam," he began, his voice steady despite the allure of potential wealth before him, "I've been in this business long enough to know the value of gold. And while the tooth is certainly unique, I can't justify your asking price."

The woman leaned in closer, giving Epstein a good look at her figure. He blinked, thinking he saw a distortion for a moment, but as he took in her appearance, he dismissed it with a gulp. "Must be my mind playing tricks," he thought.

"But consider the rarity, Mr. Epstein. This isn't just any gold tooth; it's a piece of history, a treasure."

Chuckling slightly, Epstein responded, "History, you say? Well, history doesn't pay the bills, my dear. I can go as high as 5,000 Ryo, but that's my final offer."

The woman pouted playfully, her hands expressing her displeasure as fluidly as if she were speaking.

"Oh, Mr. Epstein, you drive a hard bargain," she signed, her eyes smiling.

"But what about 9000 Ryo? For such a unique piece, it's a steal!"

"A steal, you say? More like highway robbery!" Epstein laughed, thoroughly enjoying the banter despite himself. "But I admire your persistence. Let's meet in the middle – 7,500 Ryo."

She tapped her finger to her lips, a theatrical gesture of contemplation, before signing her agreement. "Alright, Mr. Epstein, you've convinced me. 7,500 Ryo it is. But you're breaking my heart here," she signed with a playful wink.

As they finalized the transaction, Epstein watched her gracefully exit his shop, the gold tooth sold for a handsome sum.

But as the door closed behind her, there was a sudden puff of smoke, and in her place stood Naruto, grinning cheekily with the money in hand.

Epstein's jaw dropped in shock as he realized he'd been duped.

Naruto nervously laughed at Epstein.

"Look, the sun!" he exclaimed, pointing towards the window.

As Epstein's gaze followed the direction of his finger, Naruto dashed out of the shop, laughing all the way, with the 7,500 Ryo securely in his grasp.

As he ran through the streets, Naruto couldn't help but feel a rush of exhilaration. "That worked better than I thought!" he thought, amused at his own cunning. "Now, time to buy some gear... and maybe something nice for Hinata."


[ World Quest Alert ]

[ Quest: Find a Shop ]

[ Objective: Use any means necessary to locate a shop that will sell gear to Naruto Uzumaki. ]

[ Reward: 1000 Ryo ]

[ Failure: None. ]

[ Action Required: Confirm acceptance or declination of quest. ]

Naruto groaned as he sat on the bench, scrolling through the system.

"I didn't even think of that," he muttered to himself, frustration mounting.

Most of the stores in Konoha disliked him, and even if he offered double the money, they would probably sell him subpar gear. He couldn't even use transformation jutsu to solve his problem because it wouldn't change his voice.

"Seriously, someone needs to invent a jutsu that can help us mimic voices," he thought aloud.

As he pondered his dilemma, an idea suddenly struck him.

Quickly, he opened the reputation system and began to sort through all the shops in Konoha.

Fifteen minutes later, he was nearly ready to give up and go complain to the Hokage about his predicament, hoping maybe his Jiji could intervene and get him the gear he needed. Just as he was about to close the system in defeat, a shop with a neutral reputation towards him caught his eye.

"Higurashi Shop," Naruto read aloud, a small wave of relief washing over him.

"Great, now let's find someone who can tell me where this Higurashi Shop is."


Naruto was surprised to find the Higurashi Shop situated on the eastern side of the forest, near the river.

The shop was not at all what he expected. Instead of a typical storefront, it was a large, multi-story watermill house made of stone and timber.

The rustic structure featured a functional water wheel attached to its side, using the flow of the river to operate.

The roof was covered with wooden shingles, and there were several wooden balconies protruding from different levels of the house.

A stone chimney with smoke coming out.

"I am in the right place, right?"

Entering the Higurashi Weapons shop, Naruto was greeted by the sight of a well-worn establishment that boasted of serving Konoha since its very founding. The door behind him closed with a soft thud, followed by the gentle jingle of a bell. The shop appeared empty at first glance, its interior a fascinating array of weapons and armor that captivated Naruto's attention.

"Hello?" Naruto called out, his voice echoing slightly in the quiet shop.

A response came from the back, "Be with you in a second!"

The voice was gruff and no-nonsense.

As Naruto waited, he couldn't help but marvel at the variety of equipment surrounding him.

Swords, kunai, shuriken, and various types of armor filled the shelves and racks. His Observer skill was in overdrive, identifying each item and its potential use.

'This place is like a treasure trove for ninjas,' Naruto thought, impressed.

As Naruto waited, the shopkeeper emerged—a large man with a stern expression that briefly flickered to surprise when he saw Naruto before quickly settling back into neutrality.

"Is this a shop?"

"Indeed," the man replied, his voice deep and resonant.

"But it's so far away from the shopping district," Naruto noted, his curiosity piqued.

"Those who want good quality stuff will make the effort to walk here. If they can't, then they don't deserve my creations," the man explained, a hint of pride in his tone.

"Creations?" Naruto echoed, intrigued.

"I am a blacksmith. You can call me Mr. Higurashi," the man said as he stood behind the counter, wiping his hands on a cloth before extending one in greeting.

Naruto shook it.

"What can I do for you, young man?"

Naruto replied, "I'm here to buy some gear or get my current gear fixed."

The shopkeeper, Mr. Higurashi, raised an eyebrow, taking a critical look at Naruto's attire.

"Take off the jacket and let me see it," he instructed, and Naruto quickly complied.

As Naruto handed over the jacket, Mr. Higurashi noted with some amusement that Naruto had not brought any other clothing to wear, leaving him temporarily jacketless. He began inspecting the jacket thoroughly.

"Can you tell me what's wrong?" Naruto asked, eager to understand the issues.

Mr. Higurashi started pointing out various problems.

"Let's see," he began, his fingers tracing along the material.

"This jacket's leather lining is worn down, which is a big problem. It's supposed to offer you both protection and mobility. But due to its old age and the wear it has seen, it's hardly functional now. You see here," he continued, showing a frayed edge on the sleeve, "and here," indicating a patch where the leather had thinned, "these areas are particularly vulnerable. It compromises the jacket's ability to protect you properly while also restricting movement where the material has stiffened or bunched up."

"Can it be fixed?"

Mr. Higurashi nodded. "Easily, but the sleeves and collar have to go," he declared, examining the jacket further.

"Why?" Naruto inquired, puzzled about the specific changes needed.

Mr. Higurashi explained, "Look, the leather and the lining are old and worn out. To fix it properly, I need to replace them with both leather and chain mail. Because a shinobi isn't going to get enough protection from just leather alone, I suggest a combination of three layers: the first layer is simple cloth, then leather, and finally chain mail. This triple-layer approach is in line with the standard Genin Gear Protocol."

"I am not a Genin?" Naruto asked.

"But you are about to become one. You have traces of chakra around your skin, meaning you just used a transformation jutsu not too long ago. Academy students who are about to graduate; learn such jutsus, and it's the time of the year when graduations begin. So, this jacket would need to be ready for more rigorous use."

"You are smart," Naruto said in awe, impressed by Mr. Higurashi's skills.

"So, just fix the jacket," he instructed, then quickly added, "And the pants."

"Right, both jacket and pants need to be fixed, and I see that you don't have a set of new clothes to wear. Are you planning to buy more?" Mr. Higurashi inquired.

Naruto thought about it for a moment before nodding.

"Let's see if we can get you some decent gear, though. How much money are you looking to spend?"

Naruto, slightly taken aback by the blunt question, responded, "I only have 5500 ryo." He had already planned out his budget: 1000 ryo for a gift for Hinata and the rest for food and other essentials.

The shopkeeper nodded understandingly. "Alright, with that budget, I can fix the jacket and pants for 5000 ryo. You'll then have 500 ryo left, and a new jacket and pants cost 2000 ryo each."

Naruto's lips pursed as he did the math. "Now what? I kinda need both."

"How about this," Mr. Higurashi proposed, "my regular delivery girl is out on a mission. You can work after school for the next week and I'll give you a jacket and pants as payment."

"That works for me."

Naruto took a moment to study the shopkeeper as he trundled through the narrow aisles.

He was a large man, easily twice Naruto's height.

He had a large gut but his arms were thicker than Naruto was and they were very well muscled.

"Here," said the shopkeeper, handing Naruto a pair of black pants. They looked like standard issue shinobi pant.

[ Item: Charcoal Academy Issue Pants ]

[ Material: Thin, Lightweight, Reinforced with Light Leather Armor. ]

[ Stat Modifiers: DEX +2, AC +3, HP +15 ]

[ Status Effects: +5% Stealth Efficiency. ]

[ Durability: 600/600. ]

[ Description: These pants offer a balanced combination of mobility and protection. The light leather reinforcement provides a significant defense boost while maintaining agility and enhancing stealth capabilities. Ideal for a variety of shinobi missions. ]

"Pick a jacket," said the shopkeeper holding up four different jackets.

[ Item: Black and Crimson Academy Issue Jacket ]

[ Material: Thin, Lightweight, Reinforced with Light Leather Armor. ]

[ Protection Level: Reasonable. ]

[ Stat Modifiers: DEX +2 (Movement Speed and Agility), AC +4, HP +12. ]

[ Durability: 60/60. ]

[ Description: A well-balanced jacket offering defense and agility. The combination of black and crimson colors does not particularly enhance or hinder stealth. Suitable for diverse shinobi missions requiring a blend of strength and speed. ]


[ Item: Black and Navy Academy Issue Jacket ]

[ Material: Thin, Lightweight, Reinforced with Light Leather Armor. ]

[ Stat Modifiers: DEX +4 (Movement Speed and Agility), STR +1, HP +12. ]

[ Durability: 600/600. ]

[ Description: This jacket, in black and navy, provides a reasonable defense while maintaining agility. It does not significantly affect stealth capabilities, making it a versatile choice for various missions. ]


[ Item: Black and White Academy Issue Jacket ]

[ Material: Thin, Lightweight, Reinforced with Light Leather Armor. ]

[ Protection Level: Reasonable. ]

[ Stat Modifiers: DEX +3 (Movement Speed and Agility), STR +2, HP +12. ]

[ Durability: 600/600. ]

[ Description: Offering a balance of protection and mobility, this black with white cuffs jacket is well-suited for a range of shinobi activities. The color scheme has a neutral impact on stealth. ]


[ Item: Black Academy Issue Jacket ]

[ Material: Thin, Lightweight, Reinforced with Light Leather Armor. ]

[ Stat Modifiers: DEX +2 (Movement Speed and Agility), HP +12. ]

[ Status Effects: +5% Stealth Efficiency. ]

[ Durability: 600/600. ]

[ Description: This all-black jacket provides reasonable defense and enhanced agility. The color and design offer a slight boost to stealth, making it a strategic choice for missions requiring discretion. ]


"Aren't these for academy level?" Naruto asked, eyeing the gear Mr. Higurashi had laid out for him.

"Of course, graduation is about 45 days away, and I noticed that you value that orange jumpsuit more. So, you'll probably just use that jumpsuit more than these," Mr. Higurashi explained.

Naruto nodded but couldn't resist adding a joke.

"You just don't want me to get free Genin level gear," he said with a smirk.

Mr. Higurashi lightly tapped Naruto on the head, amused by his suspicion.

"Don't think too much about it."

"Okay, so can I get these clothes in orange?" Naruto asked, his eyes lighting up with excitement.

"Just get a chakra dye," Mr. Higurashi suggested casually.

"Chakra dye?" Naruto echoed, puzzled.

Mr. Higurashi walked over to the counter and pulled out a box of plain-looking rocks.

[ Item: Chakra Rock ]

[ Type: Magical Resource ]

[ Description: A unique stone that becomes saturated with chakra after being in close proximity to a specially treated plant. This plant, which has been channeled with chakra continuously for a month, becomes sensitive to chakra natures. The stones, found near the plant's roots, absorb this chakra essence, making them valuable in crafting. ]

"Just grind these stones to a powder and you'll have chakra dye. It sticks to clothing like normal dye, but due to its chakra nature, the dye can change normal clothing from an original color to, in your case, orange," he explained.

As Mr. Higurashi spoke, Naruto absorbed the information, thrilled by the possibility of transforming the emo colors into his beloved bright orange.

However, a question lingered in his mind.

"Aren't you going to say that orange isn't a ninja color?" Naruto asked, recalling the lessons from his teachers and his fellow classmates that always mocked his orange.

"Let me guess, your civilian teachers told you that," Mr. Higurashi deduced, earning a nod from Naruto. "Look, it doesn't matter what color your clothing is. When a ninja needs to hide, they use transformation jutsu. You can just make it so that the light reflecting off your bright clothing is camouflaged to the environment."

Naruto's admiration for Mr. Higurashi grew immensely.

"You are cool," he blurted out, genuinely impressed.

Mr. Higurashi simply sweatdropped at Naruto's enthusiasm.


Naruto grinned at seeing the blue window pop up.

[ Alert: World Quest ]

[ Quest Title: Deliver the Goods ]

[ Objective: Ensure timely delivery of a box to the Hokage tower within 15 minutes. The box contains vital supplies from Higurashi Weapons. ]

[ Rewards: ]

  - [ 10 Experience Points (Exp) ]

  - [ 500 Ryo ]

  - [ Enhanced reputation with Higurashi Weapons. ]

[ Penalty for Failure: ]

  - [ 5 Experience Points (Exp) ]

  - [ 100 Ryo ]

  - [ Decreased reputation with Higurashi Weapons. ]

[ Action Required: Acceptance or Declination of Quest ]

Naruto tapped the 'Acceptance'.

"Great, take this box to the Hokage tower. Be careful, it's heavy. Oh, and make sure the receptionist signs for it."

Naruto picked up the box happily and ran out of the shop with it. As soon as he was out the door the timer popped up and began to count down. "Let's do this," he almost shouted as he took off at his top speed.

Nine minutes later Naruto had arrived at the tower and reported to the tower reception with the box. As soon as he got her to sign the form the timer stopped with 00:05:43 left on the clock.

[ Task Completion Confirmed: Delivery Successfully Completed Ahead of Schedule ]

[ Next Step: Return to Higurashi Weapons to Claim Your Reward. ]

Naruto grinned and strolled out of the tower with a little bounce to his step.

[ Completion Awarded: ]

  - [ Experience Points (Exp): 10 ]

  - [ Currency: 500 Ryo ]

  - [ Reputation Increase: +50 with Higurashi Weapons ]

[ Bonus Award: ]

  - [ Additional Experience Points (Exp): 50 (10 Exp per minute remaining) ]

  - [ Additional Currency: 500 Ryo (100 Ryo per minute remaining) ]

  - [ Additional Reputation Increase: +250 with Higurashi Weapons (50 reputation points per minute remaining) ]

"Good work, come back next tomorrow and I have another delivery for you."


[ Author Note:

1- The Epstein in the first paragraph was just a joke that for some reason my mind found funny, but I actually added a lot more world-building through him if you look closely. In his intro, there is the mention of Redaku, which is not an OC or original fan-made place; it is a canon place in the Naruto universe explained in the Kakashi novels. In canon, however, it is more Japanese-esque, but I thought, let's make it a little more Western just for the sake of the Epstein joke.


2- Originally, many people didn't like that I just had Naruto abandon his orange clothing, so I just changed it to Naruto can just get any material, chakra dye it into orange. Also, I added a canon explanation to wave off the trope of Naruto wearing orange because if you think about it, Kakashi's white hair, Sakura's pink hair, Kisame's fish body, etc., all kind of stand out in a forest. To not throw shade at Naruto for wearing orange, I just connected it with transformation jutsu since, as explained before, it's the control of reflecting and refraction of light, so it doesn't matter if Naruto is wearing a neon red sign saying "I am here," he can hide pretty fine in a forest. Also, I added the quirk that transformation jutsu doesn't mimic voices as to give the jutsu a logical limitation.

Give me your thoughts in the comments.