Chapter no.18 Ichiraku Ramen

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[ Naruto's POV ]

I've never liked being alone.

While some might relish solitude, it's always been an unwelcome part of my life.

Not a constant companion, but rather an occasional visitor—one that I've stopped trying to keep at bay.

Over the past few days, I've grown numb to it.

Normally, I'd do anything to chase away this loneliness—acting the class clown, pulling pranks, even enduring the scolding—anything for a moment's respite from the isolation that surrounds me.

But since this system entered my life, things have changed. I don't know how or why I have it, but it doesn't matter. It's shielded me from my loneliness.

It's given me a new identity tied to the Uzumaki clan, and it's brought me a friendship with Hinata.

Because of this, I've become numb.

Numb to the villagers steering their children away from me as I walk down the street. Numb on the days when I'm completely ignored.

It doesn't bother me anymore.

Let them stare until their eyes bleed, let them hate all they want.

It doesn't touch me anymore.

Their disdain can't break me, strip away my newfound pride, or sever the connections I have with my friends, my mentor, and my loved ones.

All they have is their hate, and I don't care about that.

A small grin replaced the frown on my face as I walked through the relatively empty streets of Konoha, a village that wakes early.

Many here make a living either producing or selling goods.

A perfect example is Ichiraku Ramen. Despite being a small restaurant that seats only about six people, making most take their food to-go, it's been around for decades. Ayame and Mr. Teuchi, who run the place, live above the shop but are mostly found downstairs, serving up bowls of ramen to the early risers and late-night crowds alike.

The morning chill cut through my jacket and trousers, sending a shiver down my spine. Winter was not yet in full swing, so there was no snow, but a white frost covered the grass and fog clung to the windows of the village houses as I walked through the streets.

I entered the shop through the back door, carefully locking it behind me.

Tenuchi had noticed how customers often left whenever I walked in during the busy morning hours.

Since most of the patrons were civilians, he suggested I use the back entrance during those times.

I was grateful for his thoughtfulness; perhaps it was because I had loudly declared that I was going to tell everyone who left last time, or maybe it was simply because Tenuchi wanted to keep the peace. Either way, his intervention made things easier for everyone.

The warmth inside hit my face, a stark contrast to the cold outside, and I quickly shrugged off my jacket, struggling to hang it on the rack behind the door.

A light voice chuckled at my struggle.

"I must be dreaming, the great orange connoisseur is wearing some new clothes for once."

"You like?" I asked with a grin, turning to face her.

"It's an improvement, but why is it dyed like that?" Ayame asked, her soft brown hair framing her warm, chocolate-brown eyes that always seemed to carry a friendly spark.

I looked down at my new jacket and pants, which were a mess. I had botched the chakra dye process by forgetting to add enough vinegar to the powder, which was supposed to turn the powder a certain color and then just leave the clothes in for five minutes. Apparently, you also have to refine the powder hundreds of times to get the brightest color. So, my new clothes ended up looking like... well, diarrhea.

"It's a working process," I told Ayame, who just nodded understandingly.

"Dad's in the middle of making some ramen broth, but we've got last night's leftovers in the fridge if you want them. Unfortunately, there's no miso, but there's tonkotsu and salt. Which one do you want?"

"Tonkotsu," I replied with a smile, to which Ayame shook her head in amusement.

"Come in and help me," she said.

"Really?" I asked, still smiling.

"No cooking, Dad is mad about last time," Ayame warned.

"Okay, so what am I helping you with?" I asked, curious about what she had in mind.

"Dishes," Ayame said as she clasped her hands together and gave me a mischievous smile. I knew all too well that she detested doing dishes and would try everything in her power to get me to wash them. But that wasn't much of a chore for me since I was often bribed by the opportunity to taste her experimental ramen recipes, like the lemon honey pepper ramen.

We moved into the kitchen where Mr Teuchi stood over four boiling pots with a mesh sieve in one hand. Every so often, he would scoop the scum off the top of each pot and empty it into the sink.

I guess he couldn't hear us over the sound of the bubbling pots.

With the morning cold at my back and the kitchen's warmth at my front, I watched as Mr Teuchi tossed a whole onion, about two cloves of garlic, and a ginger stick into each pot. Eventually – when he had placed a lid over each pot – he noticed me.

"Oh!" He wiped his hands on his apron. "Hello there, Naruto. Would you like me to make you a bowl for breakfast?"

"Don't worry, Ayame nee-chan is bringing me a tonkotsu bowl," I reassured Teuchi as he eyed me, suspecting Ayame was avoiding dish duty.

"Dishes?" he probed, and I initially shook my head 'no.'

"Naruto," Teuchi pressed further, and with a sigh, I nodded in acquiescence.

"Hey, if this ninja thing doesn't work out, maybe I'll fire Ayame and hire you," Teuchi joked, only to receive a sharp glare from Ayame as she placed my breakfast bowl in front of me.

I muttered a brief thanks and began eating, my mood dampening at the thought of the school day ahead.

The sting of onion filled my nose, and suddenly Ayame snapped her fingers in front of my face.

"Huh?" I wiped the tears from my eyes, caused by the strong onions.

"Who are you and what have you done with Naruto?" Ayame half-joked.

"Well, I was just thinking," I replied, noticing Ayame and Teuchi exchange worried glances. Their concern only made me chuckle.

"What are you thinking about, oh great orange philosopher?" Ayame teased.

I paused, absent-mindedly stretching my tongue to clean my teeth.

"Ayame, you're a girl, right?" I asked innocently, causing Teuchi to suppress a laugh.

"No, I am not," Ayame replied sarcastically.

I nodded seriously, then turned to Teuchi. "Old man, why is Ayame niisan crossdressing as a girl?" I asked, puzzled.

Teuchi couldn't hold back anymore; he burst into laughter. Ayame, feigning annoyance, grabbed a spring onion to playfully hit me on the head. I quickly covered my head with my hands.

"Mercy, mercy!" I screamed, and Ayame stopped, exhaling a deep sigh.

"What did you want to talk about with a woman?" she asked, curiosity piqued.

"What kind of gifts do women like?" I blurted out, seeing Ayame's face light up as she brushed her hair behind her ear.

"Aww, Naruto, I would love a new..." she began, clearly misunderstanding.

"It's not for you," I corrected quickly, watching as her smile froze and then dropped.

"Okay, explain," Ayame said, her tone now all business.

I told her everything about my dilemma with Hinata—I had no clue what to gift her.

"Okay, what gift were you going to initially give?" Ayame asked.

"A dress?" I replied tentatively.

"Too much," Ayame shot back quickly.

"A sword?" I suggested next.

"Does she use swords?" Ayame asked, raising an eyebrow.

I shrugged, unsure.

"How about a bowl of ramen?" Teuchi chimed in, smiling at his own suggestion.

I brightened at the idea, but Ayame was quick to dismiss it.

"No," she said firmly, then turned back to me. "What does she like?"

I shrugged again, at a loss.

Ayame sighed. "Naruto, it's alright not to give her a gift. You've been friends for what, four days?"

"Four days," I confirmed.

"Okay, that... I don't think Hinata would like to get a gift after just four days of being friends. She could get overwhelmed by the gesture," Ayame advised wisely.

I nodded, taking in her advice, when suddenly the chime of the system notification.

[ Alert: World Quest ]

[ Quest Title: Don't Be Late ]

[ Objective: Arrive at the Academy on time. Time limit: 10 minutes. ]

[ Rewards: 10 Experience Points. Enhanced reputation with Class. ]

[ Penalty for Failure: Decrease in reputation with Class. ]

[ Action Required: Acceptance or Declination of Quest ]

"Gotta go," I said quickly, as I finished the last of my bowl, grabbed my jacket, and headed out to the academy.

Ayame watched me leave, then turned to her father with a small smile.

"Really, a bowl of ramen?" she teased.

Teuchi shrugged and replied with a chuckle, "It worked on your mom."


[ Ninja Academy ]

[ Lunch ]

Lunchtime found me alone with Iruka in the classroom, my head thudding against the table in frustration.

"Okay, what's wrong?" Iruka asked, his voice a blend of concern and slight irritation.

"It's Hinata," I mumbled into the table.

"What about her?" Iruka leaned in, trying to understand me better.

"I don't know what to get her," I admitted, finally lifting my head from the table.

Iruka gave a small sigh at my dramatic woes.

"How about you get to know her a little better and then find her a gift?"

"I'll do that, sensei," I replied, feeling a bit relieved by his practical advice.

"Good. Now, is there anything else I can help you with?" Iruka shifted the topic, hoping to move on.

"I can't learn Bunshin," I blurted out, another pressing issue on my mind.

"I'm sure if you put some real effort into it, you could learn. Now, stop causing a scene," Iruka dismissed my concern lightly.

"But sensei," I protested, feeling misunderstood, "I have too much chakra for it."

"There's no such thing as too much chakra, only not enough control," Iruka corrected me gently.

"So, how do I improve my control?" I asked, the frustration clear in my voice.

"I've already taught you this. Try to remember," Iruka replied, a hint of exasperation in his tone.

I frowned, trying hard to recall the lesson. "Was it that stupid leaf thing?"

"Yes, that 'stupid leaf thing' is a very basic chakra control exercise," Iruka confirmed. "I suggest you spend some time working on it if you want to improve your control enough to use Bunshin correctly."

I groaned inwardly, not thrilled about revisiting such a simple exercise, but knowing it was necessary.

[ Alert: Path Quest ]

[ Quest Title: Mastery of Chakra Control ]

[ Objective: Perform the Leaf Chakra Control Exercise. This exercise involves focusing chakra to the soles of your feet to stick a leaf to them without using your hands. Demonstrating mastery in this will be crucial to your development as a shinobi. ]

[ Rewards: ]

  - [ New Skill Unlocked: Chakra Control ]

  - [ Experience Points (Exp): 200 ]

[ Penalty for Failure: Incomplete mastery of Chakra Control, hindering progress in advanced jutsu techniques. ]

[ Action Required: Acceptance or Declination of Quest ]