Alisha's brow furrowed when she saw that Diana was not afraid of Ducan, even sitting quietly on Ducan's lap.

"What's wrong Alisha? why are you looking at Diana like that?" Ducan asked with a full look.

"It's nothing, I just feel surprised Luck. Diana doesn't usually want to be close to someone she just met," said Alisha thinking a little strangely about Diana and Ducan.

"Maybe Diana knows that I'm a good person." Ducan said in a deep voice taking off his jacket and covering Diana who looked cold.

"You can see right? Diana is very comfortable sleeping again in my arms?" said Ducan feeling his heart very calm as he hugged Diana.

"Hem... thank goodness Luck." Alisha said with a strange feeling running her car slowly.

"Alisha." Ducan called after a moment of silence.

"What's wrong Luck?" said Alisha not taking her eyes off the road in front of her.

"Diana's eyes are brown? very beautiful." Ducan said hoping Alisha would comment on his words.

"Hmm... Diana is more likely to inherit her father's genes. From her hair, her eyes, maybe her face too." Alisha said without realizing her words had made Ducan break out in a cold sweat.

"I'm curious about her husband Terry. Do you have a photo?" Ducan asked with a pale look on his face.

Alisha turned to Ducan feeling strange with Ducan's attitude that was more concerned about Terry and Diana's lives.

"What's the matter with you Lucky? why are you so curious about Terry and Diana's life? Why don't you ask Terry yourself? Why should I?" said Alisha feeling confused by Ducan's attitude.

"Why do you look angry Alisha? are you jealous of Terry?" Ducan asked suddenly feeling sick in his heart seeing Alisha look jealous. And that already shows that Alisha loves Lucken.

Alisha swallowed her saliva hearing Ducan's words.

"It's not like that Luck, I just feel weird all of a sudden you're so curious about Terry and Diana's life?" Alisha said while rubbing the nape of her neck.

"If you're not jealous, does that mean you don't love me Alisha?" Ducan asked, provoking Alisha's true feelings for Lucken.

"Of course I love you Luck, if I don't love you how can we get married tomorrow?" said Alisha with a guilty look.

Again, Ducan was silent when he heard Alisha's words, which were like arrows piercing his heart. So all this time Alisha had forgotten hisself and had loved Lucken.

"Hem... of course." Ducan said not saying anything other than holding back the deep pain and wounds.

Ducan closed his eyes trying to calm his heart so he could calm down.

Alisha just held her breath, looking at Ducan with a strange feeling.

Arriving in front of Ducan's house, Alisha stopped her car and looked at Ducan with deep eyes.

"What's the matter with you Lucky? Why are you acting so different tonight? is it because you drank too much?" asked Alisha with an uncertain mind when she saw Diana sleeping soundly in Ducan's lap who was asleep too.

"Very strange, why I see them like a father and daughter. Lucken deserves to be a father. Father for Diana." Alisha said with a sudden feeling of pain.

"Where are you?? I've been looking for you for almost two years but I can't find any trace of you. Tomorrow I will marry a very nice man. Maybe I should forget you from now on." said Alisha in her heart with a look that could not be separated from the faces of Ducan and Diana.

"What is it? why are you looking at me like that?" Ducan asked suddenly opening his eyes.

Alisha blinked her eyes and turned her gaze to Diana.

"I'm looking at Diana, she looks very comfortable in your arms. Very strange. Diana doesn't usually want to be with other people," said Alisha, diverting the conversation about Diana.

"Did Diana never know anyone other than you and Terry?" Ducan asked looking at Alisha's face, which looked very tired.

Alisha nodded her head with a sad smile.

"Maybe when Diana is two years old she will go to school and meet many friends," said Alisha while rubbing Diana's face.

Ducan was silent hearing Alisha's words full of hope.

"You better go home. It's late, sorry Diana." Ducan said as he got out of the car and gently put Diana to sleep.

"Luck!! Your jacket." Alisha said reminding Ducan's jacket that still covered Diana's body.

"Just let the jacket warm Diana. Be careful on the road." Ducan said with a complicated look. It was as if his heart was heavy leaving Alisha and Diana.

"Thanks Luck, you should get some sleep soon. I don't want you to fall asleep when we get married." said Alisha with a smile then started the car leaving Ducan.

While watching Alisha leave, Ducan took a deep breath as he squeezed his hair feeling that life had played a trick on him.

Empty Ducan entered the house and went to the kitchen to calm his heart.

"Have you met your future wife Duc?" suddenly heard Lucken's voice who was already standing in front of him.

Ducan raised his face quite surprised by Lucken's question. But quickly Ducan behaved as usual.

"What do you mean Alisha? how did you know I met Alisha?" Ducan asked while sipping a glass of water.

"I came to Alisha's place to help her. But I see you're already there. Maybe you two have a mate." said Lucken trying to suppress his jealousy.

"I accidentally met her, she called me by your name. So I approached her. I thought she was your close friend, it turns out that she is Alisha your future wife. Does she love you Luck?" Ducan asked to confirm Alisha's feelings for Lucken.

"I can't answer your question. You can ask yourself after you marry Alisha. She loves me or not, you can see it." said Lucken not telling Ducan about Alisha's past.

"I think she loves you. She told me she loves you. You should be the one marrying her, not me. You must love her too right?" said Ducan getting up from his seat looking at Lucken's face with full eyes.