"Maybe they are really matched. Now that they meet, I hope Ducan quickly wakes up and finds out that the woman he is helping is Alisha, his future wife." said Lucken sadly as he started his car leaving Ducan and Alisha.

"How's Luck? can you fix it?" Alisha asked approaching Ducan standing beside her while confirming the smell of the woody aroma that she inhaled several times.

"A little more." Ducan said without looking at Alisha who had made his heart uneasy.

"Luck." Alisha called, daring to ask about the woody scent that Lucken was wearing.

"Hem...what's wrong?" Ducan said without paying attention to Alisha but his heart was beating fast when Alisha called Lucken's name in a soft voice.

"Since when have you been wearing woody perfumes?" asked Alisha, staring at Ducan's face.

"Why? does it bother you? I tried the perfume when my friend was selling it." Ducan said thinking very quickly to answer Alisha's question.

"Oh... do you like this smell Luck?" said Alisha never thought that Lucken was the man she loved, her first love in Bali.

Alisha didn't recognize Ducan at all because Ducan's appearance was much different from Lucken.

But what Alisha remembers with certainty is that the eyes of the man she loves are brown not black like Lucken's black eyes.

"Why do you care about perfume? just tell me does it bother you? or remind you of someone?" Ducan asked looking intently into Alisha's eyes, which were very beautiful in the moonlight.

"Not annoying at all! I only like woody scents. Nothing to do with anyone." said Alisha not wanting to be honest because she kept Ducan's feelings as her future husband Lucken.

Ducan was silent, for some reason there was a feeling of pain when Alisha said that she had nothing to do with someone.

"Maybe she's forgotten about me. But what does this woman have to do with Lucken? looks like she's very close to Lucken. Is she Lucken's best friend? Or is this woman a Lucken fan? How tragic your life is Ducan, for years looking for the woman you love, it turns out that she has forgotten you." Duka said in his heart while closing the hood very hard.


Suddenly Alisha was surprised and rubbed her chest. It was unusual for Lucken to do something so rude.

"Lucky, what are you doing?! Am I surprised?!" Said Alisha, who was used to her soft and polite language and attitude.

Duncan frowned, realizing what he had just done. Lucken the perfect type of guy with the perfect attitude, couldn't possibly do what he did.

"Sorry, I didn't do it on purpose. Maybe I was influenced by liquor." Ducan said looking for the right reason.

"Besides, I wonder, since when have you been drinking Luck?" said Alisha with a surprised look.

"Oh, that?!! I think tomorrow I will get married. So I accepted my friends' invitations to have fun before getting married." Ducan said in a deep voice.

"You shouldn't have done that Luck? what if tomorrow you wake up late. We might not get married. Come on, come on... I'll take you home." Alisha said as she opened the car door.

Again Ducan froze in place when Alisha said she would marry Lucken.

"Wait for Alisha!!" Ducan said, daring to call Alisha's name to make sure that it was the woman who would marry him.

"What else is there Lucky? no need to be so surprised. I'm not mad at you. It's just that I remind you, that tomorrow we will get married. So you have to take care of your health." said Alisha looking at Ducan with a surprised look as if Ducan didn't know that she was going to marry him.

"Thank you Alisha." Ducan said while swallowing his saliva not believing that the one Lucken would marry was Alisha, the woman he had been looking for all this time.

Alisha smiled then got into the car followed by Ducan.

When he got into the car, Ducan was quite surprised that there was a little girl who was about one year old sleeping in the back of the car.

Duncan thought hard about how to find out who the little girl was.

"Is that little child Alisha's niece Terry's daughter?" Ducan asked in his heart, looking full at Diana's face who looked like a one year or two year old child.

For some reason, when he saw Diana's face, something caught his attention. Seeing Diana's face, was like seeing his when he was a child.

"She's so beautiful when she sleeps, why are you asking her out? isn't it already late?" Ducan asked without mentioning the girl's name.

"Diana is always beautiful when she sleeps. Not only when sleeping, but always beautiful in every way." said Alisha with a smile.

"What do you think Diana's face looks like? like her mother or father? You know Diana's father right?" Ducan asked with a full look.

Getting Ducan's unusual question made Alisha think hard to answer it.

"I don't really know Diana's father's face. I've only seen it once, you can ask Terry yourself." Alisha said with a complicated look.

"So where does Terry's husband live now? has Terry divorced her husband?" Ducan asked remembering a little story from Lucken.

"They had been separated since Terry was pregnant with Diana. And until now, Diana has never met her father," said Alisha with tears in her eyes.

"Are you crying??!!" Ducan asked when he saw Alisha's eyes filled with tears.

"No, I just feel sorry for Diana." Alisha said feeling sad because every time she saw Diana, she remembered the man she loved DK. But who is DK till now she doesn't know and didn't find anything about DK.

"Aunt Alisha, I'm cold." Diana called suddenly surprising Alisha and Ducan.

Immediately Alisha stopped her car and looked behind her.

"Why, dear? are you cold again?" Alisha asked with a confused look because she didn't bring a jacket or blanket.

"Come here Diana, sit on Uncle Luck's lap." Ducan said with an unblinking gaze when he saw Diana's brown eyes.

Without any fear Diana welcomed Ducan's outstretched hand.

Alisha's brow furrowed when she saw that Diana was not afraid of Ducan, even sitting quietly on Ducan's lap.

"What's wrong Alisha? why are you looking at Diana like that?" Ducan asked with a full look.