Different feeling

Lucken's change after marrying him was very different from the Lucken in front of him now. The Lucken in front of him now was no different from the Lucken he had known before. Very sweet, caring and romantic.

"Do you have a reason Duck? Why are you so cute? You can't have two personalities, can you?" asked Alisha hoping Lucken had a good reason why he could change with two different traits.

"If I had two personalities, which trait would you choose Alisha? Do you prefer cold and arrogant? or do you prefer sweet and caring?" asked Lucken with a look in search of answers to what Alisha was feeling.

Alisha swallowed her saliva then turned her gaze to another direction before looking back at Lucken's face.

"Listen to me Duck, whoever you are. Whether you have two personalities or even a thousand personalities it won't change our relationship Duck. We're still husband and wife, and you're my husband." said Alisha while cupping Lucken's face.