Between Ducan and Nena

"Of course, I'm hungry too. How about we go to the cafe where we first met?" said Lucken as he opened the car door for Alisha.

"You still remember Duck?" asked Alisha with a smile.

"I always remember our every moment Alisha? Do you also remember all the important moments in your life?" asked Lucken with a hopeful look hoping Alisha would feel the same way.

"Hem...I remember it too. Come on, let's go." said Alisha briefly, not wanting to talk about the past that would definitely remember her to the male DK that she had never been able to forget.

Lucken nodded his head then slowly drove his car towards the cafe where he first met Alisha. At that time he invited some of his friends to celebrate his birthday. Among them was Alisha who stole his attention. Alisha is so very different, when all her female friends are vying for her only Alisha is avoiding her.

"Alice." called Lucken with bated breath after a moment of silence together.