
Meanwhile traversing the sands of mars at a very fast rate was 05 carrying a very loud Jane Cross and behind them was a stampede of very pissed off animity

How did they get into this situation well let go back about half hour ago when 05 arrived on the largest hot zone on mars with Jane

Taking cover behind a boulder 05 set up his sniper while Jane was checking her gear

"Sir I know it's a bit late to ask but I never did ask you your name"

Without even bothering to reply his ai Ard appeared

"Miss Jane there no need to ask you can refer to him as 05 but enough of that can you provide us details on how hard the Animity hit mars"

Understanding that he wouldn't want to share his name she decide not ask "yeah I can it happened so fast even though we knew they where coming and even prepared with the locals of Eden they still somehow breached the defenses of the collision thousands of thousands of warships were destroyed we did managed hold the line for awhile but it wasent enough it was then that the bastard admiral Horatio pulled back the forces stationed on Eden to launch a counter attack but that was bullshit the admiral completely went AWOL with more than half of the fleet "

"This…. are you certain if what you saying is true then are timeframe just got a whole lot lower "ard then went into full detail and accessed the collision network on the last known location of Admiral horatio only to discover nothing all known sightings vanished

"05 I've got bad news the soldiers that where supposed to reinforce our troops outside the planet was with admiral horatio our time frame for this operation has now changed ignore the animity and find the hive mind and kill i-"

Ard was interrupted by an incoming digital package from 187

Opening it came out the ai EV

"05…..Shaw is dead he was ambushed by multiple animity being controlled By a new Queen"

05 stopped setting up his sniper before he crushed its grip and slowly started calming himself"where's the location of the queen EV"

"It's coming your way Shaw shot it with a tracker before he went MIA" as EV pulled up a map where a big red dot was zeroing at his location with at least thousands of animity

As 05 nodded he sent out a message to the rest of his unit stating that 187 went MIA before ordering them to put more effort in finding the hive mind while he went off to kill the Queen

"No way a Queen here that can't be how is that even possible why would they even risk birthing a Queen on mars do they even think we're a threat..."

"Enough whether or not the Animity think where a threat is not our problem But I'll tell you this much they will pay with thousands of their kin's blood and I swear on it"as 05 got up and changed position to where the new queen was coming from

"Jane it time to prove your worth you will draw the attention of the animity that are guarding the queen while I wait for the perfect moment to kill the queen in one blow once am done I am gonna need you to get out of their because once their queen is dead they will automatically start killing anything they see "

"Yes sir quick question if am not being too blunt I thought once we kill the queen we wouldn't have to worry about the animity are they not supposed to you know just be stunned and that it?"

"I can answer that question for you first of all yes normally when your dealing with a hive mind that would be your first and best option kill it so the rest fall but where not dealing with just a hive mind remember a Queen is the collective of at least 3 fully matured hive minds joining together to Evolve to a Queen these Queen are vastly different from their predecessors the obvious notable differences is that when they die they realase a huge toxic gas that basically in layman terms kills us but the animity around it get immensely stronger but that not the worst part they go into a berserk like state and kill everything that not animity also if you were to kill one of them they would explode releasing the same toxic gas to power up there brethren any question?"asked Ard

" yes just two if you want me to draw their attention away from you and after you finish killing the queen doesn't that mean I'll be the one the crazed animity target"said Jane looking towards ard

"Yes"Ard stared blankly at Jane

"Ok thanks for clarifying also how are we supposed to deal with them after the queen dead we can't just leave them be they are a danger to all of us"

"Don't worry about that I'll handle it"05 pulled out a all the grenades and mines he had and went to go plant them

While Jane went into postion the two AI EV and ARD went over the details on how Shaw passed

Thirty minutes passed and soon the queen was in sight she was an abomination a flesh monster with multi eyes around her body she was disgusting

05 then gave the signal Jane quickly shot the animity causing all the bloody bastard to turn to her as they rushed over the Queen momentarily stopped before continuing with out her guards stupid decision considering she was just born

As 05 aimed his shot right into the head of the queen he fired a blue singular plasma beam shot that went through he head killing it instantly like it would be that easy the queen somehow moved just in time but she stil suffered a heavy blow as she roared in pain she looked straight at 05 commanding her animity army to switch targets in doing so this gave Jane the opportunity to unload hell on them wiping out more then half of them before they even reached 05

05 jumped off his cover leaving his sniper while grabbing his shotgun and rushed towards the queen meeting her head on she swiped him with her huge claws only to hit nothing as 05 crouched in time and shot his shotgun upwards completely obliterating her hand as the blood splashed over his covered face he jumped forward and shot his entire clip to her unguarded chest as flesh fell off she howled in agony as she attempted to enter his mind to kill him on the inside only for it to fail he then grabbed a fist full of flesh and yanked it out before striking her ribcage and puncturing her inside as she tried to stop him with her remaining arm nothing stopped him as she grew weak 05 kept on and pulled out her heart before forcing her to eat it

Once Jane saw how horrbly the queen died she rushed off knowing what was going to happen next as a toxic gas exploded from her corpse all the animity that was zeroing on her location were instantly strengthened 05 quickly ran meeting up with Jane he picked her up as she screamed on how fast they where moving he soon jumped over the spot he planted the mines

All the crazed animity that was hot on their tails ran over the mines setting off a chain of explosions once one died it strengthen the rest but what would happen if they all died in succession a bloody massacre would happened and it did once the explosion stopped nothing was left standing

"Target slaughtered"