
Inflitrating was the easy part as 40 bypassed the unaware animity he was getting closer to his objective

It was easy almost two easy and there he was the closer he got the more animity there was it was to the point where the corridors leading to the lab was full of animity one wrong move and he might as well be standing on one of there toes

But it was strange really the animity he knew would be wondering around instead of being clustered together

As he arrived he heard it whisperes in a unknown language he held tightly to his rifle and looked inside there it was the artifact was glowing and the animity surrounded it were trying to get close but were stopped by some force field

It was then he entered the whispers grew louder and louder to the point where the room was shaking

And then it stopped the animity that surrounded it fell and only he somehow was infront of the artifact

As if some kind of outside force invaded his mind it was looking through his mermories scavenging through it

When it was over 40 fell to the ground barely able to stand then it happened the artifact glowed a bright golden glow

"Human…I….have…awoken….and…seen your struggles…it seem you and I have a common enemy"

"You what are you"as 40 struggled to comprehend what is happening

"I am what was the past that faced a foe aiming for pure destruction a Golden civilization that conquered the stars it was then in the height of our age we where struck a devastating blow from an emeny as old and forgotten by all you call them the animity we called them the extinction for there only purpose is to wipe out all life"

"Wait you were the one we studied our tech is based on yours tell us how do we win how do we fight back!!"as 40 yelled at being

Silence until it finally spoke "you don't we who where the apex of all life fell after a millennium what does that mean of your kind who study our technology "

His hope shattered as he fell back to the ground "but there is away to push them back"

40 looked at the being "I need a vessel and you fit the requirements hand me you body willingly so I may once again walk the path of life"

"If I give you my body will you honor your word will push them back"


Caleb sighed before nodding "take it but be warned if I am born again and the animity are still killing humanity I will hunt you down and that I promise"

"You have my word Caleb now place your hand out"

Caleb did it without question and then the golden glow disappeared sinking inside his hand as it slowly imbeded it self in him his conscious was slowly blanking out

As he shut his eyes he was gone number 40 faded away while his ai lo was the only one who was there silently seeing his friends pass

It was then 40 body levitated his armor glowed gold as a sharp breath was heard

"The Age of Golden has returned" then he vanished