
It has been a millennium since the Oaken Lord clashed with the Old ones the horrors of war still sear his ancient soul

From the young sappling forced to grow and endure for his people he will never forget the stench they harbor

And now once again assaulted with the horrid smell he slammed his fist against his throne

A loud bang disturbed the once peaceful throne room as the powerful aftermath of the winds pushed against the juggernaut's threatening to make them fall as even Calla Aspen struggled to keep her self from being blown away

In a instant the pilgrims were surrounded as the walls and everything shifted around them to deadly weapons

Was it the moment they stepped in the castle No what about when they entered The kingdom of Ashwood no the moment they landed on silvanus they realized one crucial aspect

How much does one sacrifice to achieve peace

That question appeared in each and everyone of the Juggernauts thousands if not ten thousand times

And now as the pilgrims gaze at the seated figure of the Oaken Lord they understood

"Oaken Lord wai-"SILENCE" cutting off Calla he spoke his tone was old and powerful as he spoke in English?

"Daughter of mine you have broughten outsider into my kingdom who have been sullied by the Old one no less!"

"I can explain Fath-"as he slammed his fist once again

"I need not your explanation foolish daughter of mine you know what must be done for the sake of our people"

Calla nodded as the Oaken lord eyes narrowed onto zero five

"Why have your people ventured into my lands once again didn't you predecessor warn you outsider our shall I refresh thy memory" the oaken lord said in angry tone as he glared at zero five

"Was it you who forced our brother off this planet"

Zero five not backing down as he stared at the giant infront

As the tense atmosphere was enhanced by the silence

"No it was my other daughter but if it was me…."

It was clear as day to zero five that he was extremely hostile towards them this would make things difficult

"Oaken Lord we come in peace we don't have any animosity with you and your kind let not start now"

As he leaned on his throne never breaking contact "you speak of no animosity yet you invade my lands ingnore our warnings don't your people understand we just want to be left alone"

He sounded tired zero five noticed "we apologize but we have come for your help, we're at war with what you people call the Old Ones these monsters have killed billions of our people children have been slaughtered mothers left to grieve over empty coffins

If you have faced these demons you know of our struggles"

Calla listened to zero five as she was born right after the war with her people and the Old ones never truly seeing the horrors only what was left

She noticed her fathers eye change yet still held firm as he clenched his fist

"I understand more then you can ever know but I shall offer no aid to you and your people

I shall not lose one more sayer against those monsters ever again"

The Oaken Lord sympathized with them but the sacrifices it took just to hold onto there peace was immense

"You've given up"

Every root of the Oaken Lord being tensed up as he stood from his throne and made way to zero five

As the weapons opened a path for him he towered over the pilgrims as calla aspen was about to say something just one look from the Oaken Lord silenced her

"What did you say small one"

"Why should I repeat myself to a coward"