
The behemoth of the Oaken Lord stood towering over the pilgrims as pressure fell down on them

The first to fall was thirteen as she struggled to get up next was 44 then seventy as was forced down to his knees

The only ones left standing were 999 and seventy with calla for whom some reason was not affected

" you speak of cowardice but you do not realize to whom you speak to

Friends and families have fallen trillions of innocent sayers have been lost so we can hold on to this shard of peace Yet you call me a coward


The pressure disappeared as the oaken lord returned to his old throne returning the surrounding to they way it was before

Meanwhile seventy and forty four pulled out thirteen who was submerged underground

"Go...go you are not welcome here"

The oaken lord flicked his hand as the door to throne room swung open as a squad of heavily armed sayer and golems rushed in while leading them was a women that oddly resembled Calla Aspin

As she pointed her weapon a wooden spear that reaked of a unknown smell coated in a charcoal like substance's

"Star traveling scum, it seemed my sister wasent cut out of the same sapp as I was"

Sister ?-zero five thought as he turned his head and saw calla holding the edges of her dress tightly

"I—"whatever leave it to me to always clean up after the incompetent Crown Princess"

As she interrupted calla zero five realized she was the second daughter of the oaken lord

Strange though from calla short figure to her who was standing around the same height as thirteen

Her skin color was the same as calla but her eyes were different instead of golden she had the same eyes of her father but other then that they were basically carbon copies of each other excluding their height of course

They went on to fully argue with each other until


The oaken lord slammed his fist again this time utterly destroying his throne arm rest

"Stop bickering like children foolish daughters of mine

Willow escort them back to which they came don't let them out of your sights till then"

"Yes my lord"

as her group surround the pilgrims they forced them out of the Throne room

Leaving calla and the oaken lord

A sigh came from the oaken lord as the armrest of his throne spread out and pieced together the destroyed parts

"Father they need our help while we hide behind this false sense of peace there out there fighting our enemies!!"

She yelled towards him as her hair lifted and her form was coated in dark green energy

"Where is your pride where is your Honor if mother was st—"

Calla was slammed straight to the ground by a unknown force try as she might she couldn't move as she glared at the oaken lord

"Don't speak of your mother lightly "

As he looked down at his daughter struggling to keep eye contact from the mountain of pressure crushing her

"I've made my decision if those outsiders ever dare step on the soils of Silvanus they shall be buried alongside it

Now get out of my sight I wish to be alone"

Calla Aspin eyes watered as she looked at her father from the once benevolent king turned to a hollow husk of who he once was

How Time have changed




In the middle of the night a bon fire stood surrounded by wooden walls as six and nineteen discussed strategies

"Listen if we put traps here and here we can cover our blindside and if we plant some of our mines right there that should keeps those bastards from attacking us from our asses "

Six nodded it's been two day since the captains and there squad set off and it's been hectic

At first everything was fine but once it became dark it attacked it disguised itself as a bush and waited for the right moment

It was fast but it picked the wrong enemy as it grass like tentacles wrapped around tightly to 222

Thinking it was about to break his arms it was wrong as 222 ripped it apart it screams were unpleasant as it retreated back

We thought it would be gone for good but we were wrong throughout these two days we were relentlessly attacked by all sides by different creatures

As I sighed I turned my head to eleven as she layed atop of the shuttle using her sniper as it constantly fired into the forest 10klicks away from our position

Meanwhile 222 was disecting corpses of the plant based enemy as a pile of wooden and rock corpses waited for their turn

As I stared at him I heard rumors that he was a scientists and a mad one at that and from seeing him work the rumors were right

As 222 Durin was coated in green blood no doubt if we weren't here he would do something unethical

"Six…six are you listening"

As I shifted back I saw 19 staring at me as I zoned out

"Yeah do what you have two 19"

When in doubt you stroll out as I stood up and walked towards the outskirts of our camp

I couldn't help but sigh again this place was beautiful if you ignore the countless corpses spread around the camp and some still waiting to be picked up by 222 and others that lay around the grassy plains

I was tempted even to remove my helmet but as my fingers trailed around the edges of it I stopped after all my rite was done yet