angry leaf


In the depths of space where life has perished ruins stand of a civilization of past ages a great city lay in place yet The scars of war still lingers never forgetting what transpired their

Suddenly A golden light appeared infront of the ruins as it flew passed the crumbling walls

As it made way it would stop for a moment infront of a destroyed statue before continuing all the way to the center where a once glorious castle stood but now lay ruined

As the golden light flew inside the ruins of the castle it passed by a large portrait where a figure clad in gold armor was shown wielding a great sword

A rumble occurred as the portrait fell alongside the crumbling debris of the walls of the castle

As the golden light stood infront of a broken throne it approached the closer it got the brighter it shoned and finally once it sat on the throne

The golden light shining off it dispersed throughout the city causing a thunderous noise

Revealing a man with long golden hair and unnatural pale skin with amber eyes garbed in cracked golden armor

As it rose his hand in a grabbing motion a loud bell sound was heard as the floor infront of him spread apart and a large golden orb rose that had thousands of moving runes surrounding it

As he stood he smirked before chanting in a distorted language with each word the runes moved faster and shined brightly and when he was done a pillar of pure golden energy rose high encompassing all that was there

As the gold energy pushed against the being he welcomed it as the armor revealed a symbol on his back of a raging bear


"Star traveler shit what is that symbol "willow said as she tapped the back of zero fives with her spear

"Family"zero five said as he and the pilgrims walked the streets of Ashwood but this time a legion of guards were with them

"Hmmm? To think star travelers scum value anything other then destruction it's almost touching almost"

Willow voiced with a teasing tone as she escorted them

This caused a reaction out of seventy as he was about to rush Willow he stopped why you may ask with one look from his captain was all he needed as Willow raised her eyebrow she ignored the strange act of seventy not realizing she was about to be hit by a rampaging juggernaut

"You know I was the first to react when the first star traveler came it gave me quite a shock but it was all for naught"

Willow laughed as she told the story on how she found sixty six

"He didnt even know where I was as he shot those weapons of yours hitting nothing it was only a matter of time before he scurried off in that ship and left "

As they passed the entrance of Ashwood she sighed

"Great look what you done star traveling turds the Forrest is angry now it will take ages to make a new route fucking hell you pieces of shit just caused us months of work"

Willow yelled as the Forrest completely changed

"What happened how is that possible don't worry thirteen I will protect you" cried out 44 as he pushed thirteen behind him

Only for her to snort as she punched him in the gut


Seventy laughed while nine hundred ninety nine looked at zero five

"You said it was mad why"

Zero five asked as he stared at Willow not even questing how can a Forrest be mad

"How in bloody hell should I know Metal fuckhead oh wait I do know it you all of this is your fault star traveler fuck without you here everything was fine the Forrest was silent but now that you're here she mad"

As Willow ranted of zero five thought back was it really there fault as he looked at Willow as she finished her rant

She sighed as she placed her palm on the surface of a tree a gold energy seethed out but only for her to frown

As her eyebrows furrowed she looked at the pilgrims "come on she will offer no help"

As she walked ahead prompting the guards to push the pilgrims